Let's Socialize

"Thanks, young master," Alaya replied warmly, expressing her gratitude for his words.

"I wish I could become like you," Lloyd confessed, his tone tinged with a hint of sadness.

"You will, young master. You possess far more talent than me or any other member of the family," Alaya reassured him, offering words of encouragement and belief in his abilities.

{Why are you silent? You can talk to me telepathically...} the fairy voiced, settling on Alaya's right shoulder.

{Didn't you tell me to shut up?} Alaya responded to the fairy through telepathy.

{I did, so you don't speak with your mouth. I never said anything about telepathy,} the fairy clarified, highlighting the distinction.

"Can you tell me what day it is, young master?" Alaya asked.

"Quite a few days must have passed," she added, assuming a significant duration had passed because of awakening.

"Don't worry, only an hour has passed," Lloyd reassured her, surprising her with his response.

"Only an hour?" she echoed, her confusion evident.

"You can check for yourself if you don't believe me. I was bewildered too. I thought something had gone wrong," Lloyd explained, suggesting to verify the time herself.

Alaya couldn't help but feel skeptical at what she had heard. It was difficult for her to fathom that her awakening had been completed in just an hour, considering that it typically took several days for others to achieve the awakening.

"I suggest you rest for now. You appear tired from the awakening," Lloyd advised, concerned for her.

"Thanks, but I'm feeling fine, young master. We can't afford to waste any time from your training if you want to defeat Eadric," Alaya insisted, displaying her determination and emphasizing the importance of the training.

{Who's this kid?} the fairy inquired, intrigued by Lloyd's presence.

{He is the only family member I have. He is my little brother,} Alaya answered, despite not being blood-related.

{But I can tell you are not blood-related to him...} the fairy commented, noting the absence of a blood connection based on their physical appearance.

{You don't always have to be blood-related, don't you think?} Alaya responded.

{I agree with you,} the fairy nodded, understanding the depth of their connection that went beyond mere blood ties.

{Why are you suddenly so interested in him?} Alaya asked, sensing some doubt in the fairy's intentions.

{Don't get any weird thoughts. I'm asking about him because he seems strange,} the fairy clarified, attempting to dispel any misconceptions.

{Strange? What do you mean?} Alaya questioned, her confusion growing.

{Humans and other species may not have it, but we fairies possess something called Nature's Eyes. It allows us to see things that are invisible to normal eyes, such as spirits and their nature,} the fairy explained.

{So, when I look at your brother, his spirit appears unusual to me, as if his body and his spirit aren't resonating with each other,} she added.

{Well, nothing looks odd to me. He appears normal,} Alaya stated, unable to perceive the discrepancy mentioned by the fairy.

{Did you even listen to me? I said only beings with Nature's Eyes can see things like that,} the fairy expressed annoyance.

"Hey, did you doze off?" Lloyd tugged at Alaya's hand back and forth, trying to bring her back to the present.

"Ah!" Alaya snapped out of her telepathic conversation with the fairy.

"Phew! I thought you zoned out for a second," Lloyd remarked.

"I'm sorry, young master," Alaya apologized.

"That's fine! But I'm not going to listen to you. Go rest for now and train me in the afternoon," Lloyd asserted, no longer willing to engage any further in the conversation.

"Okay," Alaya acquiesced, heeding his request.

{You'll get used to simultaneously talking both telepathically and verbally very soon,} the fairy assured her with a smile.

{I know,} Alaya replied.

They arrived at Alaya's room, which, while not as extravagant as Lloyd's, possessed its sense of luxury.

"Okay, now you have only one task, and that's to rest. Don't do anything else!" Lloyd instructed.

Alaya couldn't help but nod, but at the same time, she couldn't suppress her smile and affection for Lloyd's genuine concern. She felt grateful to have someone who cared about her well-being.

"Don't smile!" Lloyd exclaimed upon noticing her smile.

"Okay, I won't," she chuckled, trying to contain her amusement.

With that, he left the room.

"Well, I didn't have to be that strict, but it was necessary since Alaya is the kind of person who doesn't take resting seriously and can easily overwork herself," Lloyd reflected.

"Well, I don't think she took me seriously at all. I bet she was probably thinking, 'Aww, so cute,' and things like that," Lloyd thought.

"Well, what should I do now? I have some free time," he pondered aloud as he strolled through the hallway.

"Let's socialize!" he exclaimed, a spark of excitement in his eyes.

"It's been over a month since I was transmigrated to this world, yet I haven't seen anything beyond the confines of this mansion," he remarked, realizing the need to explore and engage with the world outside.

Though he wasn't naturally inclined to initiate conversations, he recognized the importance of socializing and establishing connections in this world, especially since the protagonist was inevitably targeting him.

"So, now I have a goal. While I won't approach just anyone and strike up a conversation, I'll try to make meaningful connections or gain useful information, or at least that's my hope," he mused.

He understood that he wouldn't stumble upon extraordinary opportunities like the protagonist, but building a network would be beneficial in the long run.

"Alright, let's venture out and get a glimpse of the outside world," he declared with enthusiasm.

He made his way to the main door and stepped outside the mansion.

"Well, Alaya might get worried, so let me text her and inform her that I'm going to explore outside for a while," he decided.

He texted her a quick message. He sent it to her to make sure she won't get worried about him.


Y'all webnovel finally did something good. Y'all won't be seeing those hentai covers anymore.

Hello dear, aren't you feeling lonely? - Jessica, 34

Then click the link to meet me *seductively bites her lower lip* - Jessica, 34

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