Training Plan - 1

Emerging from her desk, Alaya held a bunch of papers, each containing meticulously crafted plans tailored to Lloyd's growth. These comprehensive training regimens encompassed every aspect of his development, ensuring it didn't waste his talent and fully utilised it.

"It's not there yet," she sighed, her expression clouded with dissatisfaction.

While the plans were well-structured and thoughtfully crafted, they fell short of Alaya's exacting standards. They lacked the spark of perfection she sought, leaving her unsatisfied and determined to refine them further.

"Perhaps a stroll would refresh my mind before we get back into this," Alaya suggested, glancing at her watch.

A quick glance at her watch revealed the hour of midnight. Over two hours had slipped by as she meticulously crafted these training strategies. The intense brainstorming session had left her mind depleted. To regain focus and clarity, she decided to get a refresher by walking in the garden.

"Naya, Do you mind keeping an eye on the house while I take a walk outside?" Alaya requested, gently addressing her drowsy companion.

Despite not having a direct involvement in crafting the training plan, Naya's constant presence and chatter provided a welcome distraction, preventing Alaya from succumbing to boredom and keeping her mind alert. Her companionable chatter served as a soothing background to Alaya's focused work and not fall asleep.

"How about a delicious treat in exchange for watching over Lloyd? What do you say?" Alaya proposed with a tempting smile.

Alaya's offer of a savoury treat produced a sparkle in Naya's eyes. However, she momentarily paused, her finger resting thoughtfully on her chin, as if weighing the proposition against her desire for rest.

"Okay-fine, but I'll have my pick of treats," Naya conceded, her tone laced with a hint of playful defiance.

Naya agreed to keep an eye on the house in exchange for her coveted treat, sealing the deal without a handshake. Despite her being an adult, Naya's demeanour often exhibited a childlike playfulness, except when faced with matters of seriousness you would get to see the side that contemplated with her age.

"Very well, you can choose your treat according to your wish. Now, keep a watchful eye on the house and Lloyd, Naya. Don't forget that and fall asleep," Alaya instructed, her voice laced with both authority and affection.

Stepping outside, Alaya ventured beyond the estate's formal front lawn, leaving behind the expanse of green grassy fields. The rear of the estate revealed a hidden oasis – a captivating garden brimming with an array of exotic flora and rare medicinal herbs. A shimmering swimming pool lay nestled amidst the verdant expanse, offering a refreshing respite from any exertions. The garden's exquisite ambience oozed an irresistible allure, beckoning Alaya to stay there for hours.

The moon, unblemished and radiant, cast its silvery glow upon the estate, its luminescence bathing the garden and pool in an ethereal light. The translucent pool mirrored the moon's brilliance, while the mansion's walls served as a canvas for the moon's artistry. Under the moon's gentle vigil, Alaya's face glowed with an ethereal beauty, her features delicately illuminated by the celestial glow.

"The mental strain of crafting this training plan was immense, a taxing endeavour that demanded my full attention. Yet, it can't be delayed even for a one it has to be done tonight since we are already short on time," Alaya mused as she strolled through the ambience of the garden.

The task of crafting the training plan was indeed arduous, and the looming deadline compounded the mental exhaustion. The pressure to complete the task within the specified timeframe weighed heavily on her mind.

Within the span of two hours, Alaya had meticulously crafted and discarded numerous training plans, her determination fueled by the urgency of the task. In her hands, She held ten pages of plans which were great on their own but they weren't enough for her to be satisfied.

The discarded training plans were not failures but they were one of the best plans for the growth of rookies with enough time. She sought not just a growth plan, but a masterpiece that would propel Lloyd to the pinnacle of his peers within a mere six months. That's why she had to prepare a plan that was best of the best. Since that's what he needed for his growth.

"For now, let's indulge in a moment of being away from the brainstorming. I shall resume my work after completing this walk since I have to be awake all night," Alaya said.

"It's been awfully peaceful since the attempt to assassinate him by poisoning. Although I don't hate it, it's also a bit worrying," she said, expressing a mix of sentiments.

As she walked around the garden, she couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. The prolonged, awfully peaceful time for the duo was a stark contrast to the regular assassination attempts he used to face. For over a month, there had been no odd occurrences or moments, leaving her with a lingering sense of concern.

The peaceful and perfect atmosphere left her with a sense of fear, anticipating that something bad might happen in the near future.

"Let's not dwell on the negative. I hope it just keeps going on peacefully like this," she said, expressing a desire for the current tranquillity to persist.

She made an effort to push away those negative thoughts from her mind. It was natural to have such concerns, given that he was always surrounded by constant danger to his life. The absence of any life-threatening incidents for over a month had triggered these worries in her mind.


"It's pretty boring to be alone," Naya grumbled, floating in the air.

Bored of overseeing the house, she decided to explore around, hoping to ease her boredom.

"It's not fun flying around the house when nothing interesting is happening," she remarked, expressing her desire for some excitement.

Naya glided through the dimly lit corridors and chambers. Methodically, she explored each room, her curiosity leading her to Lloyd's room. As she entered his room, she discovered him slumbering peacefully, his features softened in repose.

"Look at him drooling while sleeping, that's cute," Naya smiled, finding amusement in the endearing sight.

Entering his room, she found him deep in sleep, drooling and sleeping like a log, a result of his complete exhaustion from enduring harsh trials.

"It doesn't make sense that she lives her life solely for his sake and would be ready to die for him. Her loyalty towards him is truly commendable," she remarked.

She described their relationship as a master-server dynamic, but in reality, their connection was much deeper. Realizing that they didn't need a blood bond to be family, their love and feelings formed a true familial bond. She expressed a willingness to gladly sacrifice herself, understanding that any older sibling would do the same for the younger in the face of a threat.


My readers, let's raise a toast on achieving 500 colls. We have achieved half of a thousand and I believe we will achieve 600 by the end of this year if I post chapters regularly. I would have uploaded this chapter yesterday but I missed the timing that's why I couldn't.
