Traning Plan - 2

"Not that their relationship concerns me in any way, but I just found it amusing," she said, distancing herself from any personal involvement in their dynamic.

She found amusement in their strong bond, where the depth was such that she would willingly sacrifice herself for his sake, even though there was nothing directly for her in it.

"Well, that's not all. The truly amusing thing here isn't just their bond, but this guy sleeping peacefully – he's an interesting fellow in my eyes," she said, finding fascination in the peaceful demeanour of the sleeping Lloyd.

"He's an odd one, and it's the first time for me to see something like this too. Look at the essence of his soul; it doesn't fully resonate with himself," she added, observing a peculiar aspect of his being.

Indeed, she found something more intriguing. As she looked into his essence, she noticed that his soul wasn't resonating with himself but that he wanted the all.

"The odd thing isn't just that this guy's soul isn't resonating, but how much it is resonating – more than half of his essence is resonating, and half of it ain't. This equilibrium is the reason he is living comfortably," she said, highlighting the peculiar imbalance in his soul resonance.

Peering into his essence using Nature's eyes to confirm any threat, she discovered a strange phenomenon that even surprised a high-ranking fairy like herself.

Peeking deeper into his spirit's essence revealed an even stranger occurrence. She discovered that only half of it wasn't resonating, while the other half resonated normally, as if spirits were forced to be crushed and then mixed into one. It was a truly peculiar phenomenon, unprecedented in her knowledge.

"Well, diving into his essence, I can say he is not a threat since I can see it's a human spirit and not a demon's. He doesn't seem to have any ill intentions, as far as I've observed," she said, assuring the nature of his spirit.

Using Nature's eyes, she could effortlessly discern whether a spirit belonged to a human, beastman, or a demon in a split second, unless dealing with someone much more powerful than the user of Nature's eyes. In Lloyd's case, she wasn't concerned about him hiding his essence – she could delve so deep into him that it felt like an autopsy of his spirit. If he were stronger than her, there would be some form of barrier hindering such a profound examination.

"If he wasn't asleep, I would have liked to interrogate him and find out more about him, but sadly, I can't do so since my contractor would very literally tear me and chop me into pieces," she said, acknowledging the limitations she wasn't allowed to cross.

She desired to engage in conversation and interrogate him to satisfy her curiosity about her contractor's dear and adored young master. However, she was well aware that attempting anything would only lead to getting her in trouble, and also she didn't want to anger Alaya, whom she liked.

"Looks like I have an idea of what I need as a treat now," she said with a mischievous smile, hinting at her plans.

Even though she was unsure about what kind of delicacy she would ask for as a reward for her work, it seemed like she had made a firm decision on what she needed now.

"Talk of the devil," she said, sensing Alaya's presence as she entered the mansion.

After learning that Alaya was back, Naya returned to Alaya's room and found her stretching her arms up in the air.

"Welcome back, lady," Naya sarcastically greeted her formally.

"Thanks for looking over the house, servant," Alaya said, expressing her gratitude.

Surprised by her, Alaya followed her lead and tried to matched her vibe.

"Anyways, do you want your reward right now or later? Because I won't get up from this chair until tomorrow morning. So might as well give you your deserved reward before I shift my focus back to brainstorming," Alaya asked, offering Naya the choice of when to receive her reward.

"That's fine, I will get it in the morning," Naya said mischievously, grinning ear to ear.

"As you wish," she said, complying and getting down on the chair. She also ignored her grin.

After that, Alaya picked up the pen in her hand and resumed writing on the pages of the notebook. Her room was already covered with a numerous amount of discarded papers on the floor, spreading throughout the space. It could be said, without a second thought, that more were on the way to cover up the floor with crumpled paper balls.

"It would have been so easy if it wasn't for the limited time we have," she said, expressing frustration and irritation at the near-impossible time limit.

"Well... Lamenting would get me nowhere. Let's get on with the work," she said, determined to focus on the task at hand.

She could lament and get frustrated over the time limit all she wanted, but it didn't change the fact that she had to complete it tonight. Alaya forced herself to focus on the task rather than wasting time with these useless thoughts.

'Let me ease her mind,' Naya thought, considering to bring some comfort or assistance to Alaya.

Noticing Alaya's frustration, which was evident on her face, Naya cast a spell with a flick of her wrist. The spell worked to calm Alaya and helped her focus on her work, simultaneously removing any stress she had.

'What's this? My fatigue is gone, and I feel relaxed and calm, unlike before,' Alaya thought, noticing the sudden shift in her state.

The effects worked immediately on Alaya, making her feel relaxed and more productive.

"Thanks, looks like you're not all useless," she thanked her, injecting a hint of teasing into her words.

"What do you mean by useless!" Naya flushed at her teasing remark, reacting to the playful banter.

Instead of replying, she smiled and got back to her work, leaving her to interpret the meaning behind her words.

With her newfound calmness, it became evident that Alaya's mind had cleared and sharpened, making it easier for her to formulate a plan.

"Well, this one is good, but it's focusing on all of his aspects except one, which is his aura utilisation," she said, hinting at a particular aspect that needed attention in the plan.

Now, after discarding several more plans, she was getting closer to her goal. Each new plan that emerged was an improvement, even if the progress was incremental.


As the season changes so does the human health and what I meant by this is that I'm sick. Anyway, another chapter for you all don't worry I'm trying to improve hope you see the improvements in the future chapters. I should have actually skipped these chapters coz they are boring asf and kinda feel like fillers.
