Traning Plan - 4

With this, it was done. She had finished preparing the plans, and the potion preparation was completed, thanks to having Naya for that task.

She meticulously documented the arts, techniques, footwork, and everything necessary to be taught to him, ensuring a comprehensive approach to make him stronger. She had noted the plans for it.

"What are we waiting for? Let's begin day one," she said, gesturing with her hand to signal Naya to wake him up.

"Hey, you can do this yourself. You don't need me for every little thing now," Naya remarked playfully with her hands on her waist.

"Didn't you say that you will help me in anything? Turning back on your words now?" she teased, reminding Naya of her commitment.

"I did, but not for... fine, I will go," Naya conceded, choosing not to argue further.

With her little wings, she flapped her way to Lloyd's room. Upon arrival, she gently nudged his head with her small hands, saying, "Wakie Wakie, it's time for training."

"Wh-who are you?" Lloyd mumbled, still half-asleep, seeing a tiny, blurred figure in front of him.

"I should be the one asking you that," Naya responded in a serious tone.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Lloyd groaned, still half in the grasp of sleepiness.

"I am the fairy that you were asking to meet. You forgot? But luckily I didn't because I remembered it. You should be glad," Naya said, correcting herself and attempting to divert his attention from the earlier statement.

She attempted to steer him away from the previous conversation, not wanting to bring it up at this inappropriate moment.

"Ohh, I see. Nice to meet you, Ms. Fairy," he greeted, getting up and noticing the darkness outside the window.

"Skip the formalities, Alaya is calling you into her room," Naya said, getting straight to the point.

"Right now, why? Isn't it nighttime outside?" he asked, puzzled by the unexpected summons.

He asked her why because he wasn't aware of why he was being called in the middle of the night; he didn't realize it was already over 4:00 am.

"First of all, it's 4 am right now, and secondly, you'll find out there. Now just hurry and get to her room," Naya instructed.

"Sure," he replied, complying with the instruction to head to Alaya's room.

After washing his face to shake off sleepiness, he followed her to Alaya's room.

'She sure worked hard tonight,' he thought, observing the room filled with discarded paper balls that covered the floor from corner to corner.

"Good morning, young master," Alaya greeted, bowing low to pay her respects.

"Good morning, and seriously, why do you still bow when I have already asked you not to? I will take it as an act of disobedience and disrespect if you do it next time," he said, expressing his annoyance laced with slight humour.

"I will keep that in mind," Alaya responded with a playful grin, appreciating the lighthearted banter.

"I hope that's the case, but why did you call me this early in the morning? Something happened?" he inquired, concerned about the early summons.

"Yes, I called you here to tell you to get ready and meet me at 5:30 in the training grounds. Well, I will start training you now," Alaya informed him.

"Really? That's great! I will be ready in just 15 minutes if you want," he said, genuinely excited about the prospect of training.

After hearing her announcement, he couldn't help but be filled with excitement. The prospect of proper training and the promise of becoming much stronger in the upcoming six months fueled his anticipation.

"You don't have to hurry that much; just do your things and meet me on the grounds at 5:30 am," Alaya said, offering a gentle reminder to temper his eagerness.

"Yes, I know," he nodded and went back to his room to get ready.


After an hour, they were both on the training grounds, arriving half an hour earlier than the time set by Alaya.

"You're early, just like before," she remarked, noting the obvious excitement blooming on his face.

"Of course, it's been quite a while since I last properly picked up a sword to train," he said, excitement evident in his voice.

"I'm one step closer to the strength I need to get into the main family," he thought, a determined gleam in his eyes.

He knew that winning in the Grand Selection Ceremony would enable him to rejoin the main family, granting him access to resources that could help him become stronger and eventually defeat Daven. That's why he was enthusiastic about training—to ensure his life because surpassing everyone was the only solution. Since training was the only solution he might as well enjoy the progress.

"I shall take your excitement as a sign to get straight into training," she said, acknowledging his eagerness to begin.

He turned his eyes to his right, watching a desk and chair emerge from the ground.

"Take your seat. The first two hours of your training time will be given to education since you need it," she said, emphasizing the importance of the foundational knowledge.

'For real? Seriously? She is going to teach me theoretical stuff like they did back in my world?' he thought, a hint of scepticism crossing his mind.

He couldn't believe that she was going to teach him theoretical stuff instead of jumping into actual training. He had anticipated diving straight into fighting and sword-swinging, given the limited time they had.

'Hold up... Wait a minute. Let's observe it. Although I know almost everything about this world from the novel, it won't hurt to learn a little,' he thought, deciding to approach the educational aspect with an open mind.

Although his mood soured at the thought of learning about this world, despite already knowing everything from the novel, he decided to give it a try. After all, who knows if he might learn something useful from her perspective.

'Let's wait and see. If I don't find anything useful, then I will just tell her to skip this part,' he decided, keeping an open mind about the education component of his training.

With a nod, he took his seat and started to observe the lecture.

Given his theoretical knowledge, he could be considered a genius, having learned every important and complex detail from the novel. His confidence was high that he wouldn't be learning anything new or useful.


Education is boring. Let's go full monkeys.

Training begins in the next chapter. Also, I hope you guys are actually surprised that I'm writing chapters regularly. You should start calling it a miracle at this point. Now, let's see each other in the next chapter.
