Talk about weapons

She began her lecture, dressed in a knee-length office skirt, a shirt, and a black coat over it. Her attire seemed more like a cliche office outfit than something related to a casual teacher outfit.

"First off, I would like to start with the topic of Dungeons. What are they? Why are they here? What's their use? and What's their purpose? Every student has questions like that, and they should have these because that's what makes teaching fun," she playfully began her lecture.

It was the first time she was teaching anyone, so she tried to keep it playful and enjoyable to ensure Lloyd wouldn't get bored or fall asleep. She didn't want to ruin her first class.

'I didn't expect myself to be nervous while teaching; it's kinda stressing, honestly,' she thought, feeling a hint of unexpected nervousness.

She initially expected teaching to be easy, but as she got into it, she felt nervous. She didn't want her students to lose focus and miss important details. It made her realize that teaching was no easy job.

"There are mainly three types of dungeons: Respawning, One-time, and Flooding," she explained with a joyous smile.

As she began talking about the subject, the details appeared on a digital board. She interacted with the digital board to enhance the teaching experience.

"As you can see, their names suggest their types. The Respawning dungeon always respawns after being cleared. One-time is the opposite; once they are cleared, they are gone. Flooding dungeons are always flooding, but after they are cleared, they don't start flooding the area with monsters for a month," she explained, delving further into detail.

"There have been many incidents where the flooding occurred much earlier and also opposite when the flooding hasn't occurred for months." She added.

She interacted with a 3-D holographic display, presenting holographic images of different dungeons as examples.

'It's just like chemistry. Pretty FUCKING boring unless it's done practically!' He added.

Right now, he was praying to the Gods of this world to make the time pass quickly because he would fall asleep due to boredom.

Although the material she was teaching was interesting, it became a personal challenge for him not to close his eyes. He was putting in his best effort, not wanting to disrespect Alaya, whom he respected and cared for deeply. He didn't want to hurt her and make it look like she was bad at her job when she was being excellent.

"There are seven levels of dungeons: S, A, B, C, D, E, and finally F," she said, continuing with the lesson.

She continued to explain, and he persisted in the challenge of not falling asleep.

After fifteen minutes, the seemingly hellish lecture for him was done. Alaya managed to cover the entire chapter on dungeons, completing the explanation in 1 hour and 45 minutes.

"Now, let's talk about this thing: MiG-cube," she said, as a rectangular object with geometric patterns appeared, resembling a futuristic cube.

"MiG-cube is an acronym for Mana-imbued Grenade cube," she explained, rotating its holographic image for a better view.

"MiG-cube is one of the most advanced and destructive mana grenades available. It's highly effective and also deadly; anyone within a 100-meter radius of it will be obliterated," she explained, emphasizing its potency.

It was one of the favourite choices of weapons for the military in the case of a monster flood. Due to being cheap to produce and highly destructive, it was employed to eliminate hordes of lower mid to low-ranking monsters.

'Welp, it's interesting. Even though it was mentioned that modern weaponry is available, there wasn't much information about it in the novel,' he thought, noting the additional details Alaya was providing.

Entering the chapter of modern weaponry with magic caught his interest, especially since there wasn't much information about it in the novel. He was fascinated to learn how the combination of modern weaponry with magic would operate.

"This is the Arsenal Kavoch 47 or Ak47 made for the purpose of using mana bullets. It utilizes 7.64mm mana bullets made by Crying Silver. It is a mana-based assault rifle..." she explained, providing details about the magical enhancements to traditional weaponry.

'I was dead wrong about this. It's not boring at all,' he realized, correcting his earlier statement about the class being boring.

"And here's a tank based on mana. It has a protective shield around it, protecting it from demons and monsters. It has three rotary barrels to shoot out the mana bombs. You can inject its barrel with mana to make..." She explained about Panz-57.

'Damn, I want to drive this over the goblins and other annoying monsters now. It's just fun making a monster burger or Baigun ka Bharta with this thing,' he thought with a wicked grin.

He envisioned wicked and inhumane scenes in his mind. Images of him rummaging through the monsters, creating a monster patty by crushing them with the tank's weight, compressing them into processed ham, and forming an unholy meat obelisk played out in his imagination.

*Tingrr* *tingrr*

With the alarm indicating that two hours were over, it was time to move on to the next session. She quickly changed her attire, switching from the maid outfit to her usual attire—a white shirt tucked into black pants with a sword sheathed on her waist. It didn't even take her a minute to change, thanks to a button that quickly transformed her outfit.

"I wouldn't use it ever again. This quick button to change clothes is a heck of a ton costly. It cost me around 10 golds to buy this thing, and I can only use it thrice," she mentioned, expressing her dissatisfaction with the expensive but limited-use feature.

'Damn, that was something. Is this thing magic or an artifact because it looks damn useful in situations,' Lloyd thought, appreciating the unique product used by Alaya.

He entertained the idea of learning this skill, or if it was an artifact, he was willing to buy it once he had the money for it. 


Uploading in a hurry because this app is shit. Will explain later.