
"Um... I find myself compelled to venture forth and immerse in the realms of experience, especially with the Grand Selection Ceremony on the horizon, anticipated in just over half a year. My fervent aspiration is to not only explore the uncharted territories but also to fortify my own capabilities, envisioning active participation in external tournaments with the intention of reclaiming a notable standing and making a name for myself once again," he articulated, the cadence of his speech punctuated by sporadic hesitations.

His candidness remained unwavering as he expounded on his motivations, aligning seamlessly with the overarching plan. The crux of his strategy involved navigating the external world, appropriating and leveraging specific objects meticulously crafted to propel the protagonist's nascent growth during the early stages following regression.

Once he finished devouring Daven's belongings, his strategy unfolded – diving into eligible tournaments, aiming to rekindle fame and shed the 'The abandoned rat' label bestowed upon him by the main family's IT department, embracing the persona of a 'sleeping dragon.'

"It's not just about fame; I crave experience and strength too. Over the next six months, I'm seizing it all, crafting a shield against any covert moves from the main family, like attempting assassinations," he succinctly encapsulated his rationale in a single breath.

Alaya could tell some of his ideas made sense, while others seemed off. The thought of preventing assassinations by becoming famous sounded good, but in reality, it might backfire. Getting famous could make them more eager to take him out, as nobody would easily figure out who was really pulling the strings behind any attempted assassination.

"Well... Do you have to travel alone?" Her face expressed concern, evident in the wrinkles on her forehead.

"Yes," Without the slightest hesitation, he affirmed his decision, as it aligned with his preference.

Upon hearing his response, she sank back into her chair and began to ponder.

"I can let him venture on his own... But he won't be safe at all. There are still many enemies pursuing him, fueled by personal grudges."

"However, if he isn't wrong about the need for strength and experience—no matter how strong and experienced I may be—it won't be sufficient for him to gain battle experience. Every person possesses a unique strength and signature in their sword fight that I can't replicate."

Conflicting thoughts swirled in her mind; some were overly negative, causing her face to downturn, while others were excessively positive, tempting her to allow him to venture alone. Unfortunately, the negative thoughts prevailed in the end.

"No... I can't allow you," she denied his proposal with a stern, oppressive tone, not wanting to discuss it further.

He anticipated this response, but he had another proposal prepared in advance. Though he wasn't too confident in this one either, he had to give it a try.

"I've been in this world for a while now, and Naya contracted Alaya over half a year ago. I've observed Naya's obsession with Alaya's well-being, just as Alaya is concerned for mine. If I ask Naya to come with me, she'll likely reject it. That way, I can leave without anyone following me. Even if they send someone along, it's not a significant issue as long as it's not Alaya."

He had come up with this plan, fully aware that his initial plan would fail no matter what. For him, this was the best and only option he had.

"I know, don't be overly worried... If you can't let me venture on my own, how about letting me borrow Naya?" His proposal left Alaya stumped, and Naya was completely dumbfounded as her jaw dropped.

Although Alaya was initially taken aback by his unexpected proposal, she realized it was the best deal for both parties. Consequently, she wholeheartedly agreed to his proposition.

"That's something I can agree upon. Having someone like Naya as your companion would easily protect you from any looming threat on your journey." Her worry lessened, as the proposal seemed like a win-win.

In the end, Lloyd was the one benefiting the most in both situations, as he no longer had to worry about his safety and potential assassination attempts.

Naya gave her an incredulous look, surprised at how easily she was being "rented off" to Lloyd without the slightest hesitation in her words.

So, Naya broke out of her silence, placing her hands on their faces and stopping them from uttering a single word.

"I'm getting sold off, and not once am I asked how I feel?" Naya gave a curt reply to both of them.

"I can't go," Naya spoke her mind.

"Even if I want to leave her side for a while, I can't due to the contract. Even if she asks me or orders me to leave with you, I can't, as my contract doesn't allow me to leave my contractee's side," Naya clarified, making it clear that her inability to join Lloyd wasn't due to anger.

"Oh, well, that's the reason. Here, my stupid self thought this childish being got angry for once," Lloyd let out a sigh of relief.

"Can't you do something about this?" Alaya wasted no time and asked Naya if she had any solutions in mind.

"I can contact my friend to look over, Lloyd," she suggested, tapping her chin.

"That would be great," Lloyd eagerly responded.

"Of course, it would be great. Consider this a blessing and thank me forever for this," she boasted, puffing out her chest.

"We are grateful to you. So please contact her," Lloyd requested, rubbing her with sugar.

She opened a portal to the misty fae and to Rie's place. Placing the portal outside her house, she entered inside it.

"I would have taken you two too, but the misty fae doesn't allow outsiders to enter without a permit from the elders. So you can wait and do your stuff, and I will be back by the morning," she said from the other side of the portal before closing it, as maintaining a teleportation gate for too long consumed a significant amount of mana.


Watch my 9mm go bang lalala bang lalala bang! I'm contracted now but not going premium anytime soon so don't worry and goodnight.
