Venture - 2

Soon, Naya reopened the portal and returned with her friend, Rie.

"This is Rie, my friend. Rie, she's my contractee, and that's her young master," she introduced with a bland face.

"So, that's what you were talking about," she looked at him attentively.

"I have explained everything to her. Now, you can proceed without worrying. Now, let me sleep," she yawned and laid down on her shoulder.

"Do I have your permission now?" he asked intently, like a puppy hoping for a yes.

And as luck favored him, she nodded and gave him the green light. She granted permission not because she was just a fairy, but because she was a strong one. While not as powerful as Naya, she wasn't far behind. She could easily defend and eliminate any threats that came his way.

"I will be under your care then," Lloyd addressed her in a polite and respectful tone.

She simply nodded with a subtle, unnoticeable smile.

Similar to Naya, she could sense his resonance, but it was already over eighty percent, whereas Naya mentioned it was 70 last time. As she had explained, whenever he becomes stronger, his resonance increases as he fights to take over full control.

"I will head back to my room now that this is settled. Good night," he waved his hand, turning back and heading to his room.

"Good night, young master."


The past few days had swiftly passed, and the awaited moment was now just a sunrise away.

During this time, Alaya made all the necessary preparations for his safe journey. This included informing her mercenary group, which she had established after he was poisoned, to ensure a trouble-free expedition. They adeptly handled any potential issues that came their way while operating as a standard mercenary group. Her group consisted solely of Elith Aura Users, all above 5-star aura. Since its formation, there hadn't been any attacks on the estate.

With the mercenary group, she successfully maintained a steady flow of funds into the estate, crucial for his needs. In preparation for his journey, she attended an auction and acquired several A-class items, indicating a substantial expenditure. These purchases encompassed all the necessities he might require in potentially life-threatening situations.

The preparations had been made days ago, immediately following the decision for him to embark on his solo venture. Utilizing funds from the mercenary group, she made the acquisitions at the auction. Despite her accountant's admonitions regarding the sizable expenditure for personal use, she remained undeterred, confident in repaying it with the profits generated by the group.

"It's time to leave and explore the world!" He was excited, as it would be his first time properly leaving the mansion.

"Wait," Alaya's soft and gentle voice stopped him.

"Take this with you," she tossed a ring towards him.

Despite the unexpected throw, he caught it and promptly wore it on his index finger.

"What's this?" He inspected the ring, turning his hands in every direction to get a good look.

"Dimensional ring. I paid quite a sum to buy this, so don't lose it," she cautioned him, recalling the significant amount she spent on the ring.

"Wait... Dimensional ring! Why did you buy something so expensive?" he exclaimed, aware of their challenging financial conditions.

"Don't worry about the money. Just use it and don't lose it; that would be great," she advised him not to concern himself with their financial situation, emphasizing that his focus should be on leaving the estate to become stronger.

"You should take a look inside it after you head out," she winked, hinting at the surprises he would find within.

With their conversation concluded, he turned to his journey companion and gestured, "Shall we head out now?"

She nodded subtly and gracefully, akin to a noblewoman.

This marked their first interaction since the day they had met, as she had gone to the misty fae to seek permission for him to venture out.

With their mutual agreement, he stepped outside the main door and set forth. The surroundings were white and serene, with snow falling in the region. He continued moving forward, but before leaving completely, he turned back once and waved at Alaya and Naya, who were still at the mansion's main door. Alaya smiled, and so did Naya, as he departed to embark on his journey to become stronger on his own.

'No kidding, I'm kinda nervous leaving this safe point. The journey will be dangerous, even with Rie by my side. This feeling just won't shake off,' he felt the nervousness creeping in as he departed the estate, despite having everything meticulously planned for the next six months.

'How long are you going to wait for?' Rie nudged him, noticing his deep dive into his thoughts.

"Yeah, my bad. I almost forgot," he began to move, leaving the estate behind as he embarked on his journey for fame.

Outside their estate, the temperature dipped below freezing. He wore a black blazer over a crisp white shirt, paired with skinny pants. The blazer featured a pattern created by the snowflakes, adding a touch of elegance to his attire.

"Is it just me, or is the atmosphere too introverted here? Is she going to say a word?" He observed the silence between them, growing bored and annoyed as he walked toward the nearest transportation portal.

Despite his continuous movement, not a single word was exchanged between them. An awkward silence prevailed as both were absorbed in their thoughts, and neither made an effort to break the ice.

"I can't. I would be bored to death like this!" Frustrated by the quietness, he couldn't keep himself silent any longer.

While he was typically the kind of person who could keep himself silent for hours when engrossed in something or occupied, the current situation was different. Everything around was serene and white, the streets were empty, and the shops were closed—it was pretty early in the morning. With no activities to engage in, there was nothing to pass the time, making the silence more noticeable for him and walking wasn't really helping it. The nearest subway at least a hour away by walking which added onto his boredom making him frustrated.


My brain isn't worried and I'm dead tired! So, you might not have enjoyed this chapter. Tell if the quality of the recent chaps has dropped i will improve it. Tell me what should I do make it more interesting.
