Local Competition - 4

He was outside the grand arena, reading the extensive list of matches that were scheduled to take place today. The list was pinned on a large bulletin board, and he scanned it carefully, looking for his name among the many contestants. After a few moments of searching, he found his name in the fifth row. His match was scheduled to take place in the afternoon, in the prestigious main arena.

"That's surprising," he thought to himself, a hint of slight astonishment in his voice. "I thought my first match would be set in some random place inside the city, but it's actually in the main arena." He added.

His opponent was someone named Noah. The list didn't include a last name or any affiliation, which was unusual. Lloyd assumed Noah to be an independent practitioner like himself, possibly a lone warrior seeking to make a name in the tournament.

As he approached the entrance, two huge, bulky guards stepped forward, blocking his path. "Show your pass," one of them demanded in a deep, authoritative voice. They were checking each participant's registration token to ensure that only legitimate contenders could enter.

"Here it is..." Lloyd said, handing over the coin-shaped token he had received during registration. The token was unique, with his registration number and biometrics intricately inscribed on its surface.

The guards examined the token closely, ensuring its authenticity. After a moment, they nodded in approval, returned the coin to Lloyd, and allowed him to pass. He entered the warrior quarters, feeling a mix of anticipation and nervousness.

Inside, the quarters were bustling with activity. Warriors of all kinds were preparing for their matches. He saw mages practicing their spells, swordsmen sharpening their blades, and spearmen going through their routines. The atmosphere was charged with energy and determination. 

Lloyd made his way to the changing room, where he put on the armor provided by the association. The rules were strict about equipment: combatants were not allowed to use their own weapons or armor. This regulation was in place to ensure fairness, as those with wealth and resources could otherwise afford better gear, giving them an unfair advantage over commoners who might not have the same access to high-quality equipment.

Combatants were going in and out of the quarters. Some returned with happy faces, their joy evident after winning their matches. Others came back with sad and disappointed looks, their spirits dampened by defeat.

All kinds of emotions could be seen inside the quarters. There were those who, despite winning, felt frustrated with their performance, while there were others who remained hopeful and optimistic even after losing their matches. The quarters were a melting pot of human emotions, each competitor dealing with their triumphs and setbacks in their own unique ways.

"[Participant H-55 Lloyd Hatzok, please make your way to the arena!]" The voice of the announcer echoed throughout the entire quarters, cutting through the din of conversation and activity.

Lloyd picked up his sword, feeling its familiar weight in his hand, and began to make his way to the arena. "It's time for my debut!" he said to himself, feeling a mixture of excitement.

Both Noah and Lloyd emerged through the entrance, and as they did, the crowd erupted into enthusiastic applause. The spectators cheered the newcomers, eager to witness another great match. The arena was filled with people excitedly anticipating the upcoming bout.

"Go show us what you've got, boys!" someone in the crowd shouted, their voice filled with encouragement.

"I'll bet 200 ete on that blonde!" one person called out, pointing towards Lloyd.

"I bet 300 ete on that scruffy-looking fella," another person roared from the arena, referring to Noah.

"I bet 100..."

"I bet 50..."

"I bet 500..."

With that, people began to place bets on their chosen contestants. The whole crowd erupted with excitement, the air buzzing with anticipation and the sound of bets being placed. It seemed like everyone wanted a piece of the action, each person convinced their chosen fighter would come out on top.

"On one side of the arena is Lloyd Hatzok, who looks determined to win this match, and on the other side is Noah, whose appearance could disturb even the most seasoned veterans!" the commentator announced with fervor, his voice echoing through the massive stadium.

"Lloyd Hatzok? Who is that? I don't remember anyone named Lloyd in the Hatzok family," one guy muttered in confusion as the commentator introduced them.

"Lloyd? There's no one with that name in the family currently," another person added, equally perplexed.

"Who is Lloyd?" the crowd murmured, puzzled and whispering among themselves. They wondered who this Lloyd from the Hatzok family was, trying to recall if they had ever heard of him. Then, a girl in the crowd spoke up with a spark of realization, "Wait... wasn't that the name of the son of the previous patriarch of the Hatzok family? Lloyd, too?"

"Wait, didn't he get banished from the family after his parents betrayed them?" someone else chimed in, recalling fragments of a story that had once been the talk of the country.

"He was hailed as the most blessed kid in the family due to his unfathomable talent," another person added, piecing together more of the forgotten story.

Suddenly, everyone started to remember. The name that had almost ceased to exist in their memories was coming back, along with the details of his past. The whispers grew louder as people began connecting the dots.

"Right! The guy who saved the girl from that famous guild was named Lloyd too!" a voice shouted from the crowd, adding another layer to the unfolding narrative.

Out of nowhere, a voice yelled in Lloyd's direction, "Hey, are you the one banished from the Hatzok family?"

Lloyd nodded in acknowledgment.

"Debut step one completed," Lloyd thought to himself, a sense of satisfaction settling over him.

At the same moment Lloyd nodded, the crowd went insane, their excitement reaching a fever pitch. The realization of Lloyd's identity sent waves of shock and intrigue through the arena. The air buzzed with a mix of curiosity, admiration, and anticipation. People began talking animatedly, their voices blending into a cacophony of excitement.

"He's back! Can you believe it?"

"I thought we'd never see him again!"

"What's he doing here? Is he trying to make a comeback?"

The arena was filled with loud noises, almost like roaring, as the realization of Lloyd's identity sank in. Spectators who had once forgotten his name were now eager to see what he would do next. The story of his banishment and his sudden return added a dramatic twist to the match, making it more than just a fight.

"Take your stances," the referee commanded, his voice calm yet authoritative.

Both Noah and Lloyd took their stances, preparing for the match ahead. They were of similar build, each with a strong, athletic frame, but their combat power and appearances set them apart. Noah had a messy, disheveled look, with black hair scattered all over the place like a mad scientist. A distinctive stitch line ran diagonally across his right cheek, giving him a rugged, battle-hardened appearance. His eyes, sharp and calculating, contrasted sharply with his chaotic hair.

Lloyd, on the other hand, had a more composed and tidy appearance. His blonde hair was neatly trimmed, and he had a calm, focused expression. His armor, provided by the association, fit him well.

Lloyd felt his heart pounding in his chest, the adrenaline surging through his veins even he wasn't nervous at all. 

He glanced at Noah, who was 3 star aurar while he himself was close to 5 star so the gap between their combat power was more than triple if he wanted he could defeat and throw him across the arena with single stike.

The tension in the arena was palpable, as everyone waited to see who would emerge victorious. The crowd's energy was infectious, filling the air with a charged excitement that was almost tangible.

The referee raised his hand, signalling the start of the match. "Begin!" he shouted.


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Give me your feedback on the chapters since it's been a while since I got back to writing. I want to if you are enjoying the novel or not. I hope these long chaps are not boring. 

I will most likely be pushing out 2 chaps from tomorrow instead of 1 long chap I was going to post today but it's nighttime right now.