Lloyd's First Win

At the referee's signal, both fighters released themselves from their stances like mad bulls that had just seen red. Their bodies, sprang into action as they rushed towards each other. 

*Clink* *Screech*

Their swords collided with a violent force, generating a harsh, metallic screech that echoed through the arena. Sparks flew as the tempered steel met its equal, the blades biting into each other violently. The energy of their clash was visible as the crowd roared seeing them fight. 

Noah, gritting his teeth, tried to overpower Lloyd, attempting to penetrate his defense with sheer brute force. However, Lloyd remained unfazed, his stance unyielding. Despite Noah's relentless attacks, Lloyd didn't feel any pressure. He could maintain this stance all day if he wanted to, and his calm expression conveyed his confidence.

I have all my force behind my sword; why can't I move him back an inch?

As their swords locked, Noah had already put all his strength behind his blade, every muscle straining. He was also using his aura to strengthen himself from the start. Considering they were on the same level, he should have been able to push Lloyd back at least a little. This frustrating realization ran through his mind as their swords clashed repeatedly in the same spot, the sound of metal on metal echoing in his ears.

"You are full of openings," Lloyd said, his voice calm and almost condescending.

Seeing a huge opening in Noah's defense, Lloyd seized the opportunity with precision. He reversed his grip and pushed his sword through the gap between Noah's arms. With a swift and fluid motion, he also closed in the gap and grabbed the blade of his own sword. Using both hands, he pulled his sword with an almost effortless strength, snapping Noah's sword out of his grip.

*Clink* *Thump*

"What!" Noah exclaimed, his voice a mixture of shock and disbelief.

"Holy shit... What the fuck happened?" a spectator shouted, echoing the confusion of the crowd.

Noah's sword fell to the ground with a resounding thud. Lloyd had disarmed him in an instant. It happened so quickly that not only the audience but even Noah himself was dumbfounded as he watched his sword fall to the floor.


He was momentarily stuck in place, his mind racing to comprehend what had just transpired. Before he could react, Lloyd dashed behind him with lightning speed, kneeing him to the ground. Noah fell to his knees, and Lloyd placed his sword over Noah's neck in a final, dominant gesture of victory.

No one could process what had happened since it all occurred in a matter of seconds—from the disarming to the submission on the ground. The crowd erupted in a mixture of cheers and gasps, their excitement filling the air as they witnessed the amazing debut of Lloyd.

Everyone's jaw hung low as they looked at the scene, completely speechless until the referee spoke up, "The winner is Lloyd Hatzok!"

Instantly, the spectators went bonkers!

"YeAHHH BuDdy! That's what I was talking about!" one fan shouted, his voice filled with excitement.

"Completely outstanding, completely unpredictable just like a tsunami! Putting Noah completely off his game and making him submit—the winner of this match is Lloydddd!!" the commentator yelled into the mic, his enthusiasm echoing through the arena.

"THAT'S THE REAL SHIT! LET'S GOOOOO!" another fan screamed, jumping up and down.

"Showed the brat his place!" a grizzled spectator bellowed, his voice full of admiration.

Praises and cheers poured in from all over the place, the energy of the crowd electric.

Among the thousands of cheering people, Lloyd's eyes found a certain someone in the VIP booth. She was holding a big sign that read 'Beat them, Lloyd!' in bold, enthusiastic letters. The one holding it was a young lady, her elegance unmistakable. Her thick, long, shiny black hair waved left and right as she jumped up with happiness after Lloyd's victory. If one didn't know better, they might easily mistake her for a princess of some kingdom.

"She really came. I thought she was kidding when she said that," Lloyd muttered to himself, taken aback for a moment. He couldn't believe his eyes—Lise was in the VIP booth, holding up a sign like some fangirl. Her presence here, cheering him on so passionately, filled him with warmth.

As Lloyd stood there, savouring his victory and the adulation of the spectators, he couldn't help but smile. 

"Being a winner is a hell of a drug!" He muttered to himself. 

The arena buzzed with excitement, the noise of the crowd blending into a symphony of victory. Lloyd raised his sword high, acknowledging the cheers and applause. 

The commentator's voice continued to echo through the arena, praising Lloyd's skill, "What an incredible match! Lloyd Hatzok has proven himself..."

The cheers and applause continued...

"Hey man, it was a nice fight," Lloyd said, extending his hand to Noah.

Even though he had won, Lloyd felt a twinge of guilt. He had faked his rank, and the ease with which he defeated Noah made him worry about demoralizing his opponent. He wanted to cheer Noah up, sensing that the loss might have been hard to take.

"Thanks," Noah nodded, accepting the handshake.

Despite his defeat, Noah seemed calm and collected. There was no hint of demoralization in his demeanor. In fact, his eyes sparkled with excitement, as if he were already looking forward to future matches.

After a firm handshake and a respectful bow to show sportsmanship, the two fighters parted ways and left the arena.

In the changing room, Lloyd cleaned himself up, retrieved his belongings, and reflected on the fight. Surprisingly, it had been easier than he initially thought. He had expected at least a bit of trouble, but it had been an absolute breeze.

He glanced at his phone and saw numerous messages from Lise, Alaya, and surprisingly, the twins too. He opened the chats and read through them.

[Eadric: Congrats on winning! Looking forward to our duel next! *muscleflexing.gif*]

[Elith: Congratulations, Brother *heart*]

[Alaya: Call me when you are free.]

[Lise: Heyy… Best of luck! Lise: Congrats *celebration.gif*]

He wasn't expecting anyone to watch his debut, so he was pleasantly surprised that Alaya and even the twins had watched the match from home. Smiling, he replied to their messages, thanking them for their support, and then headed out of the arena.

"Excuse us, but are you Mr. Lloyd?" 

As he stepped outside, two men in black suits approached him, asking if he was Lloyd.

"Yes, but may I know who you are first?" he replied cautiously.

The men in black showed their badges and introduced themselves respectfully. "We are executives from the Laxan Guild. The guild master has invited you to meet them."

Lloyd scrutinized their badges carefully, comparing them with his beneficiary card. The badges had unique signatures that couldn't be easily copied. Despite this, he remained cautious and said, "Do you mind if I make a call to someone first?"

"That's alright, sir. Please go ahead," one of the men said.

Without further delay, Lloyd called Lise. Before the first ring finished, her soothing voice came through the earpiece.

"Heyy! Congra—"

"Thanks! Thanks! But I called to ask you something…"

"Oh, go ahead."

"Did your father send someone to fetch me?"

"Ah, they're there already? That's great—oh, I'm sorry. Yes, Dad did send Joan and Bard to invite you…"

With their names and descriptions matching Lise's words, Lloyd felt reassured. "Thanks for confirming. Let's talk more when I get there."

He ended the call and turned to the men. "Sorry for the wait. Let's go."


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Idk how good the fight scene is it's my first time writing a fight lol.