Chapter 24 Sea Glass City

Entering the City, Mo Xiaowen couldn't help but be amazed. "Never been here before?" Old Ox asked, patting the boy on the back.

"No, I've even lived here for some time, but it still amazes me." Mo Xiaowen replied as he looked around. Ancient buildings lined the streets, and the people bustled from one place to another. Growing up in Black Feather Mo Xiaowen was used to a much more reserved populace.

The pair then took Black Flash to a nearby stable, before heading to the mission destination. "So what exactly is the mission?" Mo Xiaowen asked curiously. While this didn't necessarily concern him since he had to ride the horse, he was still curious about the details.

"Ah you'll see, we'll be arriving there soon." Old Ox answered somewhat cryptically. About 20 minutes later the two finally reached the destination. It was a barren plot of land with half built tower in the centre, a bunch of people were moving back and forth and placing various materials.

To put it simply, it was a construction site. "Old Ox, I am glad you could make it!" One of the workers called out happily.

"Of course I could, who can stop this Old Ox!" He replied thumping his chest grandly. Mo Xiaowen could barely hold back his laughter after hearing this. Who needed to stop Old Ox? He'd fall asleep before even arriving.

The worker seemed to know about this issue as well and couldn't help but chuckle slightly. "Well you know what we need you for. More Infused Quartz has arrived, get moving." After saying this the worker went back to his job.

"What do I do?" Mo Xiaowen asked Old Ox, he'd gladly help with the mission but since it was Old Ox's he'd follow his arrangements.

"Eh, honestly there's nothing for you to do here. I'll give you 10 Silver in advance enjoy your time in the City, just be back here in about 3 hours." Old Ox said before handing Mo Xiaowen a pouch.

Hearing this the boy simply accepted the pouch and left the construction site. There was no point staying around if there was no work for him to do. He then headed towards Merchant's Street.

As the name implied, this place was where most of the money in Sea Glass City traded hands. From small food stalls, to big Merchant Houses, all could be found on Merchant's Street. Because of this it naturally attracted Mo Xiaowen at this moment.

'I am sick of Fish Soup there better be something good here.' He hoped before entering Merchant's Street. To describe the street as busy would be an understatement, from end to end it was lined with people. So much so that it was almost hard to move around.

Immediately Mo Xiaowen headed to first stall he saw. 'Apples, I haven't had those in a while.' With that thought he immediately headed to the stall. In comparison with most others it wasn't as crowded, but the apples had attracted his eye.

Approaching the stall, the boy began to scan the apples before picking up one he liked. "How much?" Mo Xiaowen asked the old man behind the stall.

"One silver." The old man replied with a smile. Mo Xiaowen then retrieved a silver before handing it to the old man. 'A bit expensive, but apples aren't exactly common around here.' He thought continuing to look around Merchant's Street.

"Are you going to get up?" The old man at the Apple Stall said nudging the boy hiding underneath it.

"Ya, ya, sorry Grandpa Tang." The boy replied, before getting up off the ground. This boy was Chen Zemin. 'Whew, luckily he didn't notice me or I'd be in big trouble.' Chen Zemin sighed gazing at Mo Xiaowen's departing figure. It seemed as though wherever he went Mo Xiaowen followed, almost like a vengeful ghost.

"It doesn't matter, just get back to selling apples. We go to the village when we've sold out." Grandpa Tang declared, just as another customer approached.

Munching on the apple, Mo Xiaowen continued strolling around Merchant's Street. After buying the apple not much else interested him. 'Hmmm so boring.' He thought to himself. But in reality he was just poor.

Everything that caught his eye ended up being way out of his price range which cause Mo Xiaowen to feel some despair. Because of this he simply convinced himself that nothing was worth his attention.

"Treasure Palace.....well I can at least browse through what they have." Mo Xiaowen said to himself before entering the building. It was a grand structure and the biggest building in the entirety of Merchant's Street.

They had everything from premium wares, to various materials. He was hoping to find something that could expedite his Body Tempering Realm cultivation. 'Then again if there was something like that, the Sect would've given it by now.' He thought before heading towards the Body Tempering Realm section.

The selection was actually quite diverse, from various techniques, to weights, and even Body Tempering Pills. 'Damn, 10 Gold for one pill?' Mo Xiaowen was shocked at the high price, that was equivalent to 1000 Silver.

"Wow, I am surprised they sell Body Tearing Grass, and for 20 Silver at that." Mo Xiaowen muttered to himself. If only he could sell his Body Tearing Grass at 20 Silver a piece, he'd be swimming in money.

'Wait, who says I can't sell my Body Tearing Grass?' Mo Xiaowen realised, he then found the nearest sales assistant.

"Excuse me, if I want to sell goods to the Treasure Palace, can I? And if so where?" He inquired as politely as he could.

"Oh? I don't know the specifics, but we have a shop where we accept sales about a kilometer east from here." The sales assistant replied with all that she knew.

"Thank you very much!" The boy then left Treasure Palace before darting east. 'If I can sell them my Body Tearing Grass, won't I be rich!? I'll never have to eat fish soup again!'