Chapter 8: Consequence

"Kame... hame...." Gohan gathered all of his Ki into a sphere while Raditz still hadn't recovered from the previous attack, "HAAAAA"

Raditz directly received the attack; At that very moment a layer of smoke rose and covered the site, blinding everyone present.

Goku coughed slightly from the smoke but he still couldn't get out of the bewilderment he was in right now, Gohan defeated the Saiyan!

'This is incredible... I knew Gohan was strong but I didn't imagine he was that strong' Goku reasoned, looking at the figure of his little son.

Gohan was panting heavily after the effort he had made. His Ki was depleted after throwing that Kamehameha at Raditz.

'He shouldn't be able to stand up, I reckon that with that attack my power level was higher than his' thought the boy smiling tiredly.

Piccolo was just as surprised as Goku. His Makankōsappō barely managed to hit Raditz's shoulder, but this dwarf simply defeated him!

'That brat has a lot of latent potential, if he's trained properly...' Piccolo thought and noticed that the smoke had finally cleared.

Everyone could see Raditz, but his armor was totally destroyed and his body full of wounds, the saiyan couldn't even stand.

"Can't be!" Piccolo shouted upset.

Gohan was dumbfounded. Despite his attack, Raditz was still alive. He knew the saiyans were tough but this was on another level.

'This is bad, I'm out of energy and I doubt that dad is feeling any better, although there is still Piccolo' the younger pondered the options.

"Y-you thought th-that you were going to defeat me with th-that?" Raditz asked with a smile, "Now you'll see what a Saiyan is capable of!"

The Saiyan flexed his arm and in the palm of his hand began to accumulate energy until it formed a ball of energy that disconcerted everyone.

But Gohan recognized the technique.

"Shit, it's a power ball! If you throw that into the sky it'll turn into an Ozaru!" Gohan exclaimed in his mind remembering that technique from the series.

It consisted of creating a sphere of energy that imitated the presence of the full moon by launching it into the atmosphere, mixing oxygen and more gases.

Thus, the Saiyans absorbed the Zeno of the Bruits rays that said sphere emitted and thanks to that they became Ozaru, that's what Raditz intended!

'If he does, his fighting power will rise to at least 10,000, enough to destroy a planet! I must stop him now!' Gohan reasoned.

Just as Gohan was about to launch himself at Raditz, the warrior lowered his arms and his body began to tremble without him being able to help it.

And Gohan knew what it meant.

"It seems that I did defeat you..." the boy commented smiling, 'How stupid, how can you think of using a power ball with its vital energy almost at zero?'

Vegeta in the manga was able to do it since he had energy to spare for it. But Raditz being so injured couldn't bear to do the technique.

The saiyan fell to the ground completely lifeless and Goku sighed in relief. He put all his will to get up and walk towards his son Gohan.

"You did very well son, I'm proud of you" Goku said with a weak smile and Gohan turned quickly upon hearing such words from his father.

"Don't try too hard daddy!" the boy helped him to support himself and immediately realized something, 'Dad is alive, that means that... ugh'

He had changed history. With the defeat of Raditz he prevented the death of his father, and with that he had just modified the events of the manga.

It was ineluctable that something like this would happen at some point. The whole story changed when he decided that his father would train him, then everything changed...

"I created another time ring... a new timeline, although it's not such a drastic change" Gohan thought trying to see the positive side.

If his father hadn't passed away he could go train with Kaiō-sama anyway. Otherwise, he would ask Bulma to make a gravity pod using Raditz's spaceship as a base. He had a thousand options.

After pondering that, he felt much more relaxed. He walked towards Raditz with his father, and the saiyan was still alive despite everything.

"Y-you think that everything is over? Haha, in a year my two friends will come to conquer t-this planet" Raditz warned them.

Goku and Piccolo were stunned again. If they could barely manage with Raditz, they couldn't imagine what would happen to the other two Saiyans.

"Dad and I are also Saiyans. Within a year we will become stronger and defeat them" replied the confident boy.

"I-I'd like to s-see that hahahaha" Raditz laughed before releasing a mouthful of blood from his injuries, "Enjoy your lives while you can"

They were his last words. Raditz exhaled his last breath of life and died, before the gaze of his younger brother and his little nephew.

'Raditz could have gone further...he is a Saiyan after all. What a waste' Gohan inquired looking at him with some pity.

The older Son was peering at the body of his brother for a few moments, and finally turned to his son, crouching down to his height.

"Gohan... that thing you did was fantastic. If we train your powers for a year..." Goku spoke but Gohan suddenly stopped his words.

"It won't do much for us to train like this against the opponents that come" Gohan indicated denying, "They are more terrible than Raditz"

"I know Gohan, but I can't think of anything else we can do... apart from going to train with Kami-sama of course" the older man proposed looking at him.

Gohan nodded at that, if they went to Kami-sama, the guardian would most likely send his father to train with Kaiō-sama.

"That's what we'll do dad, according to my calculations the weakest Saiyan would have around 7500 power units..." the little boy commented.

Goku was stunned but before he could say anything else, Bulma's ship landed there and his friends got off it.


Meanwhile, two men were listening to the conversation on the other side of the galaxy. These two were Saiyan warriors.

The most robust and blue armored Saiyan was Nappa, and the other more dwarfed in white armor was the prince of the Saiyan race, Vegeta.

"I didn't think that Raditz could be defeated... and even less by Kakarrot's son" Nappa stated, quite stunned by what he had just heard.

The scouter, in addition to measuring the level of power, functioned as a communicator, that's why they heard all the talk through Raditz's tracker.

"So that kid has a fighting power of over 1200 units, who would say that he would be a prodigy in a low class caste" Vegeta commented smiling arrogantly.

Though to him, it was still an insect compared to his power level. But he was really amazed at Gohan's power.

"Not bad for a simple child haha, is it okay for us to pay him a little visit?" asked the bald man with a smile on his face.

"I heard that the earth is a pretty beautiful planet, if we leave now it will only take a year to get there" said the prince laughing.

"Perfect!" Nappa got up from the rock where he was sitting and walked towards where his spaceship was and the prince imitated said action.

"There is another man who was fighting Raditz and his power was around 1300 units. And Kakarot himself reached 924 power" Vegeta spoke up.

"And so they say they can defeat us hahaha, I can't wait to get there" Nappa mocked as he clenched his knuckles with enormous brutality.

For them, such levels of power were negligible. If his intention was to defeat them, they would have to far exceed his current powers.

Once the two warriors entered their respective capsules, they headed to Earth to meet the little boy who defeated Raditz.