Chapter 9: Kami's watchtower


Krillin yelled running towards his friend, who was leaning on Gohan due to the countless wounds that were present on his body.

"K-Krillin you came" commented Goku smiling and he realized that besides him there were Bulma and Master Roshi, "And y-you also came"

"I see that it was a difficult battle, I'm glad that you and Piccolo were able to defeat that monster" declared the old master Roshi.

"It wasn't like that Master Roshi, actually the one who defeated him was Gohan" Goku replied stroking the little boy's hair and they all opened their eyes.


"Yes, just as you heard, Gohan unleashed all his power and defeated him" added Goku, since after all his son deserved all the credits.

"Even if my dad and Mr. Piccolo hadn't weakened him earlier, I wouldn't have had a chance to win" said the boy.

He didn't care much about the credits, right now he was too busy thinking about how he would become more powerful in a year...

"Your son is incredible, if you take him to train with Kami-sama..." Krillin commented and Goku's face became more serious upon hearing such words.

"Speaking of which, I have to tell you something" declared Goku and when his friends saw him so serious they knew that he wasn't joking.

He told them that within a year two saiyans would arrive, and as if that weren't enough they were much more powerful than Raditz. This left them speechless.

"W-well, if we warn Yamcha, Tenshinhan and the others maybe we can beat them..." Bulma suggested smiling uneasily and Krillin nodded.

"If we all train with Kami-sama we will become as strong as Goku!" Krillin exclaimed confidently and Gohan eyed him thoughtfully.

'Training there his powers will only exceed 2000 units, and at this point none of them could withstand the increased gravity' Gohan inquired.

If his father was able to achieve it from the beginning, it was because of his physiological characteristics as a Saiyan, but all of them were human...

'I wanted Bulma to build a gravity machine for them to train…but I'd better let it all run its course' the boy mused.

The little boy turned and saw Bulma bending down with some fear to grab the scouter that was in the Saiyan's left eye.

"Gohan and I will go to Kami-sama's watchtower tomorrow, I guess they'll find us there in a while" Goku indicated smiling.

"That's right, when we get everyone together we'll go upstairs to train with Kami-sama" Krillin answered with a smile full of enthusiasm, "Hey, where is Piccolo?"

"Huh?" Goku turned around noticing that the green man had disappeared, "But he was here recently. He probably already went to train"

"We should do the same dad, there's no time to waste" Gohan advised his father knowing very well that every minute was valuable.

"You're right Gohan" Goku said nodding and looked at his friends, "We're going home now, tomorrow we'll go to train"

"Okay, we'll see each other in a couple of months" Krillin bumped his fist with his friend's, who immediately called his flying cloud.

"See you soon friends!" Goku once exclaimed as he climbed onto the flying nimbus with his son, and both were lost in the vast sky.

"Did you hear Bulma? We don't have time to waste!" Krillin exclaimed looking at the blue-haired girl, "We should go find Yamcha quickly"

Bulma crossed her arms and frowned at the mention of Yamucha. If it were up to her, they wouldn't go looking for the desert bandit...


Father and son reached Mount Paoz in a matter of a few minutes. Goku smiled nervously as he noticed that his clothes weren't in the best condition.

"Don't worry, I'm sure mom will understand" Gohan tried to calm his father, who nodded and then the door opened...

"You're finally back!" Chi-Chi said sighing but immediately she noticed her husband's state, "Goku! What happened? Come on in quickly!"

Chi-Chi stepped aside for her husband to enter and led him to the sofa. After a few seconds, she came back with sanitary supplies.

'Always so attentive' reasoned the minor with a smile and took the opportunity to rest, although his Ki reserves had already returned to normal.

Goku explained to his wife everything that had happened since her arrival at Kame House until the battle against Raditz, who was his brother.

"So you come from another planet…" Chi-Chi muttered digesting the news, "That doesn't change anything! You're still my husband and Gohan's father despite everything" she added cheerfully.

When Chi-Chi heard that her little boy was kidnapped by Raditz she went into an uncontrollable rage. Poor Goku trembled in fear.

"Who does that man think he is to kidnap my son?!" she demanded clenching her fists, "You beat the crap out of him, didn't you Goku?!"

"Yeah mom, dad gave him a good beating and he came to rescue me" Gohan answered with a smile and the older Son blinked at himself.

'I'm sorry dad, but if I say that I defeated Raditz, mom will think that I'm not interested in studies and she'll be sad' reasoned the boy.

"That's my Goku!" Chi-Chi happily hugged the raven with a smile and Gohan gave her a thumbs up, "Now I'll go make you guys something delicious!"

"Wait Chi-Chi!" Goku stopped his wife and his face turned stern, "I haven't finished telling you everything yet, there is something more important..."

And then Goku told him about the threat that would come to the planet in a year. A much more terrifying threat than Raditz.

"For that reason it's necessary that Gohan and I train for a year, otherwise I won't be able to protect anyone" finished the man.

"That sounds terrible…" Chi-Chi muttered with her hand on her chin, "I get it, I'll accept Gohan accompanying you but on one condition"

"I know, as soon as all this is over I'll start studying" Gohan went ahead of his mother with a smile, "And in fact I would like to ask you to buy me mechanics and electronics books hehe"

He honestly wasn't asking for them to please her, he needed them to understand various things about this world. But that later.

"Consider it done Gohan!" Chi-Chi nodded with her eyes sparkling like never before, "Now go take a bath! You will enjoy a great banquet"

They both looked at each other with a smile and high five satisfied with what they had heard. They would certainly enjoy a fantastic and great night.


As expected, the night was great. They ate, drank and laughed a lot remembering anecdotes and other things.

But like all good things, that too is over. They went to sleep and the night passed faster than it used to often...

"Are you ready Gohan?" Goku inquired seeing his son, right now they were about to go to Kami-sama's watchtower to train.

"Yes dad, we can go" Gohan replied squeezing his knuckles. Last night he outlined a plan for his training throughout the year.

"Please train carefully" Chi-Chi implored them clasping her hands together, "Take care of your son Goku… he is still a child after all"

"Of course, I promise you that it will be Chi-Chi" Goku spoke smiling and his son pinched his pants calling his attention, "What's wrong Gohan?"

"Aren't you going to kiss mom? She is your wife after all" Gohan asked smiling and the older one looked at him with a face full of confusion.

"A kiss? And what is that Gohan?"

"Well, all you have to do is join your lips with mom's, you'll see how she'll like it" explained the minor with a smile.

"Okay" Son shrugged his shoulders without really understanding what he meant and took a few steps towards his wife, "Hey Chi-Chi"

"What…" the woman couldn't finish when her lips were sealed by Goku's, who pulled away from her after a couple of seconds.

Chi-Chi stepped back blushing and put her hands to her cheeks. Goku took the opportunity to call the flying nimbus and climb on it.

"See you soon Chi-Chi!" Goku exclaimed raising his hand with a big smile and the little boy imitated the gesture of his father saying goodbye to the woman.

"G-goodbye G-Goku" Chi-Chi replied without leaving her bewilderment, 'Goku has kissed me on the lips!' the beautiful woman internally screeched.

That was totally unexpected!

'Well, I did my duty as a son' Gohan thought with a smile, that kiss would help a lot in the relationship between his parents. That's why he induced it.


The trip was quite calm, Gohan did nothing but sleep clinging to his father; They wouldn't see each other again for a year...

After a few hours flying, an endless tower appeared on the horizon and soon Gohan recognized it excitedly: it was Karin's tower.

They began to ascend with the flying nimbus as Kami's watchtower was just above Korin's tower, high in the sky.

"Hello master!" the eldest exclaimed upon seeing the white cat with the staff, "It's nice to see you again but I have to go upstairs to train!"

"In that case here are several seeds!" Master Korin held out a bag to him and Goku caught it with a beaming smile on his face.

"Thank you! I'll be back very soon!" Son smiled seeing his master for the last time and continued climbing until he was able to glimpse the watchtower.

The ascent continued and as soon as they reached the height of the watchtower they got down from the nimbus. Goku got quite nostalgic looking at the place.

"It's a pretty peaceful and quiet place, luckily I don't have vertigo" thought Gohan smiling and suddenly he felt two energies approaching.

"I was waiting for you Goku"

Hearing this, the older man turned to see a green-skinned old man wearing a toga and holding a staff. He was next to a dark-skinned being.

"So it's you guys! It's been a long time Kami-sama and Mister Popo" declared Goku with a smile, "Look, this is my son Gohan"

"It's nice to meet you..." Gohan bowed slightly to them and Kami smiled seeing the show of respect the little boy expressed.

"I see that you have educated him well" Kami spoke looking at the man, who scratched the back of his neck smiling, "Well, let's not waste time"

"I imagine you already know what our situation is, don't you Kami-sama?" Goku asked him sternly and the Namekian nodded.

"Not even training for hundreds of years here would you be able to face those two saiyan" Kami commented leaving the boy dumbfounded.

"How strong are they?" asked Goku puzzled, right now he was lost, confused. He didn't know what to do.

"That's right, but don't worry, there is someone who will be able to train you and within a year you will become stronger than them" added Kami smiling.

"Really?! And who is that person who is going to train me?" Goku asked recovering his enthusiasm and Gohan smiled when he saw his father.

"Kaiō-sama, the king of the other world" replied Kami looking at him, "Tell me Goku, are you willing to be trained by him? It won't be easy to do it"

"Of course Kami-sama! I have to become strong as soon as possible" Goku replied without hesitation and the guardian smiled at such an answer.

"Okay, put your hand on my shoulder and we'll go right away" Kami told him and Goku nodded, but he couldn't leave leaving his little boy behind.

"Wouldn't you like to come with me to see this Kaiō-sama?" asked Goku crouching down to the height of the minor Son, "This is the opportunity to..."

"It's your opportunity dad... I'll stay here training" Gohan answered, "When you come back you'll see how powerful and strong I've become"

"I have no doubt about that son, here are two seeds for your training" Goku commented with a cheerful smile, "See you soon Gohan"

"Goodbye dad" the minor said goodbye to his father, who left once he put his hand on Kami-sama's shoulder, "Well, almost nothing changed"

The story was still at the same point as in the manga. His father left to train, Krillin was recruiting the others... but there were changes.

"Dad has several Senzu seeds so it will take him less time to complete snake's road, that's great" Gohan mused smiling optimistically.

Also, he wasn't on the desert island like in the manga. But in his plans the option of training with Piccolo was marked. It would be very good.

"It's much more advantageous to train with another person, that way I'll know better what things I have to correct in my way of fighting" Gohan inquired thoughtfully.

He sat on the floor and began to meditate as he had done since he could remember, while Mr Popo watched him intently without flinching.