Chapter 31: Travel plans

"So Namek, huh?" Bulma asked without the same enthusiasm as them, "Do you have any idea where that place is?"

And suddenly they all looked at each other, with the illusion they had omitted such an important detail like that. But of course, all was not lost.

"I can help you with that"

A voice sounded in everyone's mind and when Goku heard it, his lips curved upwards outlining a smile already knowing who he was.

"It's you King Kai! I see, so you were hearing everything" Goku shouted smiling and the others were surprised, "Well, could you help us?"

"Of course, but first let me tell you that you all fought quite well, especially you Son Gohan" King Kai congratulated little Son.

"Thank you very much King Kai... although I could have done better" declared Gohan somewhat excited to hear Kai's voice.

"Don't worry about that, with you and Goku that Saiyan named Vegeta had no options" added King Kai smiling, "Well, let's see"

Silence fell instantly as the Northern Kai searched his guidebook for the address of that Namek planet.

"Got it! Planet Namek is located at points 9045-XY" King Kai explained making Bulma widen her eyes at such words.

"D-Did you say it's at points 9045-XY?" Bulma said and turned to Master Roshi, "Drive for me…I have to do the math!"

Master Roshi took the controls of the ship while Bulma was in the back running vital algorithms to go to Namek.

And then, King Kai explained to them the tragedy that Namek experienced, but that there were still at least a hundred inhabitants alive on the planet.

"That's great! This means we can revive our friends!" Tienshinhan exclaimed raising his fists happily and Krillin nodded.

"You take everything very lightly!" Bulma cut short the happy moment, "I already know where Namek is, but what will we travel with?"

"On a ship of course" Krillin said.

"Of course, but with the most advanced ship it would take more than four thousand years according to my calculations" answered the woman with a smile.


The ship fell silent at those words, that had been a low blow. Gohan wanted to hit his forehead at that moment.

"Have you already forgotten what I asked you for three months Bulma?" Gohan asked looking at him and the rest were very intrigued, what was that about?

"What the..." Bulma was going to say but then her mind lit up like a lightning bolt, "Of course! That machine you asked me to build for you!"

"What machine?" Chi-Chi asked curiously.

"Well, Gohan came to ask me to make a gravity machine using the Saiyan's ship as a base... did you see the future?!" Bulma asked.

"Of course not, I just wanted something to train with" Gohan answered scratching the back of his neck, "It's great to know that it will be very useful"

"I don't understand anything" Goku said blinking.

Seeing that everyone was confused, Gohan explained that when he was in Kami's watchtower he trained with tenfold gravity.

And he asked Bulma to use Raditz's ship as a base to reproduce the gravitational effect of the hyperbolic time chamber. That was the story.

"So that's what you used my ship for" Raditz spoke with a slight smile, "If I had known I wouldn't have locked you in there, you're a very cunning brat"

"That's great Gohan! Now I see why you became so strong, when I went in the hyperbolic time chamber I could barely last a month" Goku spoke smiling.

"We also trained in there, it was very difficult to resist!" exclaimed Krillin exasperated and they laughed at such a comment, "But it's true!"

"Hahaha I know that, on King Kai's planet the gravity is also increased ten times, the machine will be of great help to us!" Goku added.

"My dad finished making it a few days ago, we could leave for Namek today!" Bulma said more animatedly than she was moments ago.

"I'm surprised you're so inept!" Raditz chimed in with a smirk, "Do you think Vegeta and Nappa won't go there too?"

Krillin tensed as he remembered that Vegeta was also aware of the Namekian Dragon Balls. Tienshinhan just listened helplessly.

"So what? We'll beat them again!" Krillin declared clenching his fists and Raditz let out a loud laugh at such words.

"Saiyans get stronger after recovering from a death battle, both of them will get more powerful" commented Raditz.

Krillin began to tremble imagining that and turned to Gohan, noticing that the little boy nodded in agreement with his uncle Raditz.

But actually, those two didn't bother him. With the training he would do, Vegeta and Nappa shouldn't be a problem for him.

The Ginyu forces didn't distress him either, except for Captain Ginyu. The one who really worried him was Frieza, the evil emperor.

Right now he was light years away from him, he would be nothing more than an ant in front of the tyrant of the frost demons. That didn't leave him calm.

He had a month to build up his strength, at the very least he had to train enough for his base power to at least surpass Ginyu's power.

"Uncle Raditz is right, leaving so fast is not in our best interest" Gohan stated, "Besides, we don't have the master Korin's beans right now."

"That's right. The next ration of beans will take a month" Master Korin asserted and Goku lowered his eyes a little disappointed when he heard that.

"You saw the future again!" Bulma pointed at Gohan flustered, "You asked me to make those beans knowing we'd be in this situation, right?"

"It's impossible that I would have known that, I just asked you to have reservations..." the boy answered with a nervous smile.

"What did Gohan ask of you?" Krillin was curious.

"That I created Senzu beans, but artificial ones" Bulma answered leaving them dumbfounded, "And yes, I found a way to do it, although it wasn't easy. In two or three weeks I will have them ready"

"That's amazing Bulma! Then we can have beans whenever we want" Goku exclaimed happily, "And how did you come up with that Gohan?"

"It's hard to get the beans so if there was a way to replicate them and have them at any time that would be nice" Gohan said.

"My son is a genius!" Chichi yelled hugging him.

"I must admit that he is ingenious, although I doubt that they have the same efficacy as my beans" said Master Karin stroking his whiskers.

"Perfect, we already have Gohan's ship" Bulma returned to the main topic, "We will wait a month for the master Korin's beans to be ready and we will go to Namek"

"No, I'll be the one to go to Namek in three weeks, I'll take the artificial beans with me" Gohan commented with a stern face.

They all looked at him in astonishment.

"What are you saying?! Do you intend to go to that place alone?" Krillin asked not believing what he had heard and the little boy nodded.

"It is my duty to resurrect Piccolo" Gohan said clenching his fists, "Besides, with my current strength I have nothing to fear in that place"

"I-I know that... but it's crazy! We also want to go to resurrect the others" Krillin complained seeing him, he was opposed to staying.

"And if you die? Kami-sama told me that you died once, we wouldn't be able to resurrect you" the minor Son refuted and Krillin was speechless.

Everyone except Raditz knew that Krillin passed away years ago. According to dragon ball's rules, one who died more than once could not be resurrected.

"Chiaotzu wouldn't leave you Tienshinhan... and Namek would be dangerous for him" added Gohan looking at them, "He already died before, like Krillin"

"So... is there any way we can help?" Tienshinhan felt more powerless after hearing what the boy said.

"You will stay training, I will go to Namek in three weeks and when the Senzu beans will be ready, dad and uncle Raditz will come" explained the minor.

"How? Do you have another ship they can travel with?" Bulma asked crossing her arms just below her breast area.

"The ship that Kakarot came to Earth with, I guess you could do the same thing you did with my ship, right?" Raditz asked looking at her.

"Y-yes... of course, in a month the ship could be ready" replied Bulma intimidated by Raditz's eyes, who closed her eyes sighing.

"The brat will travel in three weeks, and a week later Kakarot and I will go, understood?" Goku's brother concluded.

While Goku wasn't too happy about the idea of ​​traveling with Raditz, it would be ideal to continue training under the increased gravity.

"Sounds good to me, after all you are the strongest among us" Master Roshi spoke and old Karin nodded in agreement.

Gohan noticed that Krillin and Tenshinhan weren't too happy about not going on the trip, even though they knew quite well that it was for the best.

But he did it for various reasons.

One, they would delay their training on the journey. Gohan wanted to progress fast under the increased gravity, they wouldn't be able to keep up with him.

Second, he wanted to prevent an eventual death. No matter how strong they became, Frieza was the enemy... Krillin died in the manga.

Although that unleashed Goku's fury, and thanks to that Frieza was defeated, he wanted to spare Krillin a bad moment... and Tenshinhan of course.

Third, the known history changed. Nothing guaranteed that while they were on Namek, Earth wouldn't be under attack.

And so he wanted backup, and that was where Krillin and Tenshinhan came in. Also, he had a plan in mind to make them more powerful.

Fourth, he wanted to go alone just because that way he would move better, without being aware of anyone else. He had something very important to look for in Namek.

That planet was always mysterious, and more its inhabitants. So he would take advantage of his stay there to learn some basic and vital things.

"So you're going to another planet, huh?" Chi-Chi muttered with stiff eyes and Gohan felt a terrible chill run down his spine upon hearing that.

"I-I have to do it mom, I'm sorry we can't spend more time together but…" Gohan said and suddenly his mother gave him a hug.

"I'm so proud of you... you put up a great fight Gohan" Chi-Chi ruffled his hair smiling, "Do what you think is right, I'll be rooting for you"

The most consistent thing would have been for Chi-Chi, angry, to refuse. But after hearing everything Gohan had done, should she do it?

Her son helped create a ship, artificial seeds, saved the world, etc... how could she be angry having such a wonderful child?

"Thank you mom, I won't let you down" Gohan replied very happy to hear those words, "Nor any of you, I promise for my life"

After hearing that promise, Krillin felt much better, and he showed her his thumb. Tienshinhan was also much more motivated now.

Not only them, the group was more animated. Even Raditz was a bit anxious about what would happen on Namek in a month.

"But you still haven't told us how and why you brought him back to life" Krillin muttered, pointing discreetly at Raditz, but the Saiyan saw him.

"Yes, and I also want to know how you were able to transform into a giant ape without losing your mind" Master Roshi added intrigued.

The little boy scratched his cheek at such a horde of questions, the good thing is that they all had a common denominator, and this one was Raditz.

"Well, you'll see this..." Gohan began to recount what had happened, starting from the moment Kami summoned the dragon god of the seven dragon balls.