Chapter 32: Raditz (1)

"My first wish will be that you bring back my father Son Goku as long as he feels ready to come back" declared the little boy smiling.

Gohan was certain that this wish would be granted; Kami could cross over from this world to the other, therefore Shenron could bring Goku.

'That's smart, so Goku would save himself from crossing the path of the snake for his return' thought Kami, more and more curious about this little boy.

"That... is a possible wish" Shenron's eyes shone for a moment, "What is the second wish?" asked the dragon staring at him.

Gohan put his hand to his chin, thinking what he could ask for. It would have to be something useful that would be of help in the future, near or far...

'Asking for that would be quite ironic, but I'm sure it will be a good thing' Gohan thought announcing his second wish to the dragon.

"My second wish is that you resurrect the saiyan Raditz, but that he not revive for another six months" declared the boy leaving both Piccolo and the guardian Kami dumbfounded by this.

The little boy wasn't sure if Shenron would follow through. Raditz had died three months ago, he hoped his soul hadn't transmigrated.

"That... is difficult, but I will try to fulfill it" Shenron declared with his red eyes shining, "Well... the second wish has already been granted"

"Are you crazy kid?! Why ask for something like that?" Piccolo demanded angrily at the boy. Kami was also extremely puzzled.

'For what reason has he asked for something so risky? I suppose he has something in mind' Kami decided to put his vote of confidence in the small Son.

"Please trust me" Gohan told them with a condescending look, "That would be all Shenron, you can back off! Thank you very much!"

"So, until next time" the voice of the great dragon sounded for the last time before he left and next to him the spheres rose to the sky.

"We need more allies, I guarantee Raditz will be on our side" Gohan uttered as he turned to the two Namekians.

Piccolo was going to recriminate him. That wish was too risky and he didn't see the need, but then the Z fighters arrived...


Those six months that Gohan mentioned passed in peace while he helped in the exhaustive training of the Z warriors.

When he felt that the time had come for Raditz to revive, he left the watchtower. But before that he stopped at Kame House.

He asked Bulma to make a gravity machine in addition to the artificial beans.

"Perfect!" Gohan exclaimed and started to get up off the ground, "If you see my mother, tell her not to worry, I'm fine. Thanks for everything!"

After saying goodbye to them, he flew away at high speed. He had something important to do before the battle against the saiyans.

'Well, I think the battle took place in this place' Gohan thought, landing in a meadow where there was a big crater, "What memories this place brings me..."

This was where he lived his first battle, and where he defeated his first enemy, whom he ironically resurrected with the dragon balls.

He took a couple of steps until he stood in front of Raditz's body. He crouched down waiting for the time to finally come.

And then, the saiyan's body began to show signs of life. He slowly moved until suddenly he woke up from his slumber.

"W-what the hell? Have I revived?" Raditz patted his body and stared at his hands in disbelief, "HAHA! I knew Nappa and Vegeta would do it!"

He was very happy, not only for the fact of reviving but because deep down it was really useful for his fellow Saiyans. That gave him life.

"Sorry to disappoint you, but it was me who brought you back to life" Gohan's voice echoed in his ears and he quickly turned around, looking at the younger.

When his eyes came into contact with Gohan's silhouette, his whole body trembled with rage, that stupid boy had dared to kill him!

"You! It was you who finished me off!" Raditz clenched his fists and wasted no time filling his hand with purple energy, "Saturday Crush!"

His attack hit the little one squarely and he raised a layer of smoke. Raditz smiled proudly at this, he had finally gotten revenge on that child.

"Wow... you have a rather peculiar way of thanking uncle Raditz" the Saiyan was startled when he heard his nephew's voice behind the smoke.

Gohan was unharmed, there was no scratch on his figure. With his power... he should have been able to hurt her at least! But it was not like that.

"N-no, it can't be...!" Raditz took several steps back, sorry he didn't have his tracker with him right now, "NOOOOOO! Damn!"

Overcome by a feeling of desperation, Raditz began to fire random Ki blasts at the minor. Although none could touch him...

Gohan lost his patience and after appearing in front of the warrior he kneed him in the belly. That great blow brought him to his knees.

"Let's see if you finally listen to me!" Gohan exclaimed sternly, "I've gotten so much stronger, there's no point in you continuing to fight me."

Raditz, despite the hurt he felt, looked up and met Gohan's fierce eyes. In truth, he felt that he was right.

Did this mean that it wasn't Vegeta and Nappa who had resurrected him? He sighed internally, he was never useful to those two.

"W-what do you want child? Why did you bring me to life?" Raditz inquired, slowly getting up with his hand on his abdomen.

"Right now it's about three months until your friends arrive, and we could use your help" Gohan explained with a smile.

"Haha, why should I help some simple earthlings? Besides, compared to those two my power is negligible" Raditz replied looking at him.

"And wouldn't you be interested in becoming more powerful? You're also a saiyan after all, aren't you?" asked the younger with his arms crossed.

"I'm not a high class one, it's impossible for me to become as strong as Nappa or Vegeta, don't talk nonsense" Raditz replied with extreme crudeness.

"Not with that mentality, although we earthlings are weaker we have better methods to become stronger" said the boy smiling.

"Oh yeah? Hahahaha don't make me laugh! As strong as you've become you're light years ahead of Nappa and Vegeta" Raditz scoffed with laughter.

Gohan decided not to say anything else, as words had no place. So he took a few steps back and raised his fighting power.

"W-what the hell?" Raditz was stunned as the ground began to shake from the little boy's power as an aura of Ki surrounded him.

"If I had to quantify my power, I'd say it's over 7,000 units right now!" indicated the little boy smiling.

"W-what?! Don't be a bratty braggart! There's no way you're nearly as powerful as Nappa!" Raditz exclaimed, clenching his fists.

"Wouldn't you like to increase your power? With me, even the one you call Vegeta wouldn't be your match! What about uncle Raditz?" offered the little one.

Raditz was confused. Betray his companions, his race, for more power? Would this brat really make him more powerful...?

'Be more powerful than Vegeta' Raditz said in his mind. It sounded tempting to look over his shoulder at those two. They always despised him.

"And if I don't accept your proposal, dwarf? What will you do?" Raditz asked crossing his arms with a smile. He was curious about it.

"I have your ship so you will not be able to escape from this planet, your help would be appreciated but you are not essential" he replied bluntly.

Gohan was looking at him with his arm outstretched with a Ki blast aimed at him. He had no doubt that Raditz would accept. But if not, then he would be unnecessary!

"Haha! I like you dwarf, you really are a saiyan" Raditz said crossing his arms, "Okay boy, whatever you want. I accept your proposal"

The little boy smiled at that. He knew that Saiyans always bowed down to someone more powerful than themselves, Raditz is no exception.