Chapter 91: The Saiyan's Pride

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*Time ago, in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber*

Nappa fell to his knees panting heavily, the training session had been pretty tough and well, Vegeta didn't help him.

It had been a pretty intense four months, but until now Nappa hadn't known he'd been able to achieve Super Saiyan transformation.

He was frustrated by it, everyone including Raditz had been able to transform. Why couldn't he if he possessed superior potential?

"Looks like Kakarot was right, this Chamber is amazing" Vegeta commented with a small smile, "My power has shot up quite a bit."

"After all, you are the prince of the Saiyan race" Nappa added with a smile and Vegeta looked at him with contemptuous eyes when he heard him.

"Hmpf, I thought that going in here with you would be useful for something productive but I see that you are still the same useless" Vegeta retaliated mercilessly.

Nappa was stunned at those words. "W-what are you saying V-Vegeta?"

"You're turning into a lump just like Raditz was to us, but look at him now" Vegeta took a few steps forward, "He's a Super Saiyan!"

Nappa gritted his teeth. He felt his Saiyan pride being destroyed because the one who always mocked, Raditz, was now more powerful than him.

"My father assigned you to guard me, but look at yourself now. With your microscopic power you are worse than humans" the prince sentenced.

And it was true. Nappa was useless against King Cold, against the metal soldiers, against the androids or Cell. He failed in those battles.

"It's even humiliating, Kakarot's son humiliated you with an attack when we arrived on this planet" Vegeta mocked Nappa smiling.

Nappa still kept his head down listening to every word of the prince, who walked away. "You better get out of this place"

Vegeta turned into a Super Saiyan, he had to overcome Cell's powers to pay him back for the humiliation he received. That was his goal.

"HAAAAA!" Vegeta turned suddenly upon hearing that scream and feeling a spike of power.

A golden aura enveloped Nappa's large body. His mustache was golden just like his eyebrows and his power increased fifty times.

"You've finally transformed! It seems you're finally not so useless" Vegeta commented crossing his arms with a big smile.

"VEGETA" Nappa yelled full of fury and shot towards the Saiyan prince, who smiled getting into a battle pose to stop him.

"Not bad Nappa!" Vegeta spoke with a small smile. It seemed that Nappa could really help him in training.

"Stop teasing me!" Nappa yelled in anger as he began to attack him, but his attacks were useless against Vegeta.


'Hmpf, it's time to see the result of our training Vegeta' Nappa thought looking at the prince. This was his moment, they had to win.

Both had controlled the Super Saiyan state, and even Vegeta went further, managing to control the ascended Super Saiyan perfectly.

Cell looked up meeting Vegeta's upper eyes and returned to expel another mouthful of blood. This was unexpected!

"H-how did you become so powerful?" Cell asked, pulling himself together as he walked away from Vegeta, "I did defeat you a few hours ago!"

"That's the problem, I'm not the same as before" Vegeta smiled and suddenly expelled more power from his being, "I'm Super Vegeta!"

Cell backed away as a blizzard knocked him back. Vegeta's muscles had bulged slightly and his body was glistening.

"Super Vegeta? Don't make me laugh" Cell declared mockingly but Vegeta's smile didn't fade, "You're an idiot! Yin-Yang Blast!"

Cell launched the attack but before the clash Vegeta caught his hand. "With that technique you won't be able to defeat me. I know it"

"Do you know this one?!" Cell shot lasers from his eyes, but Vegeta dodged it by shaking his head.

"Hmpf, it's Frieza's technique" Vegeta smirked, much to Cell's annoyance. "Do you only know how to do other people's techniques? Useless!"

Vegeta threw Cell's body against a rock formation, destroying it in the process. Nappa smiled slightly as he watched this.

"What's wrong Cell? I thought you were the most powerful being in the universe" Vegeta commented sarcastically as he landed on the ground.

Suddenly a bolt of lightning shot towards Vegeta, but the prince deflected it into the sky acknowledging the attack, "You're an insect."

"And you a worm!" Cell appeared behind Vegeta and wrapped his arms around him imprisoning him, "Now you're finished! You were stupid!"

Nappa looked at this with a serious face and Vegeta was ecstatic. "Do you think you'll beat me like this?"

"Do you think you can free yourself?" Cell returned the question and seeing Vegeta's smile he was left with a lot of uncertainty, "Don't be an idiot!"

"What a disappointment Cell, I expected more from you" Vegeta closed his eyes, before expelling more power much to Cell's surprise, "BIG BANG ATTACK!"

Suddenly there was a huge explosion that filled everything with smoke. Seconds later, Cell was covered in bruises. Vegeta sneered.

"Damn Vegeta... Destructo Disk!" Cell exclaimed starting to throw Ki discs at random and the prince dodged them with great calm.

"Don't waste my time Cell!" Vegeta stalked towards the monster, who backed away gritting his teeth in annoyance.

"Spirit Ball!" Cell created a Ki sphere and threw it into the sky. Taking advantage of the fact that Vegeta was distracted, he smiled mischievously. "Kaio-ken!"

Cell flew towards the prince who rose into the sky but then Cell lowered his two fingers causing the ball of energy to descend.

"What?" Vegeta muttered in surprise and suddenly there was an explosion that left Cell smiling confidently, arms crossed.

"You've trusted Vegeta, I'm the most powerful creature in the universe and I'm still not in my perfect form" Cell commented arrogantly.

"Well... I am perfect, lizard" Cell turned around and suddenly Vegeta's punch pierced his stomach, leaving him with a blank stare.

Cell began to descend towards the ground. He fell to his knees vomiting blood, and meanwhile Vegeta soared into the sky, and increased his Ki.

"Get ready Cell! This will be your end!" Vegeta exclaimed extending his arms horizontally and Nappa understood what Vegeta was going to do.

'We came to destroy this planet... but now Vegeta will be in charge of saving it' Nappa thought sarcastically, 'And he's even going to be a father'

Maybe living on Earth wasn't such a bad idea, it could be the new home of the Saiyan race.

Raditz had already settled in. He even had a woman next to him. Kakarot the same and probably Gohan later. But first, Cell had to die.

The planet began to shake as Vegeta powered up on it, surrounded by golden lightning. Cell watched all this in disbelief.

"Y-you plan to destroy this planet with such an amount of power?" Cell asked wide-eyed, and Vegeta flashed him a smile.

"No, I'm only going to destroy you!" Vegeta yelled with his hands out in front, "FINAL FLASH"

A large flash of light flew towards Cell, who watched this totally paralyzed and received Vegeta's powerful ultimate attack squarely.

So powerful was the Final Flash that it burst out of the atmosphere and away from the planet. Where Cell had been, there was nothing left.