Chapter 92: K.O.

Want to read more about this story? Go to my patreon and read until chapter 94. The story will be two or three chapters ahead there.


Please it's Valentine's Day 🙏🥺


"Yeah! Vegeta got it!" Krillin jumped for joy when he stopped feeling Cell's energy and Yamcha sighed in relief as he fell to the ground.

"I never imagined that Vegeta would save the Earth. It sounds ironic" Tien admitted surprised.

"Vegeta isn't as bad as he seems, grumpy as he is," Bulma chimed in with a smirk and Yamcha looked at her with a raised eyebrow.

"Hmpf, now there's no need for Goku and the others to go out and fight, this is finally over" Yamcha smiled happily, full of relief.

18 was stunned, had Vegeta's arrogance really destroyed Cell? It was surprising up to a point. She had underestimated him.

'What happened to 17?' she wondered herself with some concern. Now she didn't know what to do, should she kill Goku and fulfill Dr. Gero's goal?

But that was impossible, her power was far from Goku's and any other Saiyan at the moment. Now 18 she had no choice.

And she wasn't sure that she wasn't going to be destroyed too, because deep down they were still enemies. They teamed up to kill Cell.

'Gohan...' she thought of the only person who offered her friendship, but at the moment she wasn't there. The situation for 18 was desperate.

"Now we should resurrect Piccolo, remember that he was absorbed by Cell" Krillin commented. The others nodded at that.

"Now Gohan and Goku can be home" Chi-Chi appeared with his father, "Even though he is very strong he is still my only son"

Bulma got it. Gohan had spent three years away from home and he wasn't even ten years old. For a mother, he was quite heartbreaking.

"Don't worry hehe, now that it's all over you can have him home as long as you want" Krillin said showing him his thumb.

"Yes, I hope so..." the beautiful woman murmured hopefully. She just wanted everything to go well.


Vegeta began to slowly descend as he lowered his power and breathed heavily.

He had concentrated a large amount of Ki in that Final Flash, and just as he expected, Cell was totally destroyed without leaving a trace.

"Well done Vegeta, that lizard was nothing more than a pretentious wimp!" Nappa exclaimed rather proudly with his arms crossed.

"We are Saiyans Nappa, there is no being above us" Vegeta closed his eyes smiling, "Hmpf, Cell wasn't up to me!"

"That was clear Vegeta! You are the prince of the Saiyans" added Nappa, "And now what is the purpose, Vegeta? Are we going to leave Earth?"

"No, I want to stay on this planet for a while" replied the prince turning around, "Besides, Kakarot and his son owe us one!"

"That's how it is!" Nappa nodded, bumping his fists, he still hadn't forgotten the beating Gohan gave him years ago, "Well, we have to continue training"

Vegeta remembered that Gohan went to train, also with Kakarot and Raditz. So yes, the best option was to train and overcome his power.

Vegeta took off and Nappa followed him. But he suddenly felt how his sword was pierced.

"AAAAAAAAH!" Nappa screamed in pain as he was dragged away. Vegeta turned around in surprise and his eyes widened in fear.

A sting went through the back of his battle partner Nappa and it seemed that he was sucking him, it was none other than Cell!

"Hello Vegeta" Cell smirked.

"Damn... LET NAPPA GO!" Vegeta yelled angrily flying towards Cell and suddenly Cell closed his mouth and everything froze.

Cell began to suck Nappa's life energy until his body disappeared, leaving only the Saiyan armor.

Cell stopped freezing time and Prince Vegeta stopped when he saw that Nappa's body had disappeared, "Wh-what happened?!"

"Incredible, I never thought that bald man would have so much power" Cell said looking at his arms and let his golden aura explode, "Vegeta is incredible!"

"Damn absorbed Nappa!" Vegeta exclaimed clenching his fists, "What? He destroyed you with that attack! This is not possible!"

"That's right, but you didn't destroy the right Cell" the monster commented smiling, "I thought you'd outsmart Vegeta, what a disappointment!"

"What do you mean by that, bug?!"

"You see I felt your power somewhere on this planet. I knew that you had become stronger, and that perhaps you far exceeded my powers"

"I couldn't tolerate you defeating me before I absorbed 18, so I devised a plan for you to trust, only then would you lower your guard!"

"When you threw me against those rocks I created a clone to fight you, that's the one that destroyed your attack... and I was hiding"

"I waited for the exact moment to absorb Nappa's life energy, doing that would make me stronger than you. And it went well" Cell told his plan.

Vegeta clenched his fists, he felt stupid because Cell practically played with them. Also, at this point Nappa was dead.

"DAMN CELL" Vegeta yelled, angrier than ever and flew towards the monster full of rage, "You'll pay me this damn beast!"

Vegeta reached out with his fist to punch Cell's face, who took the prince's hand and squeezed it hard. The saiyan let out a small growl.

Vegeta extended his other fist and Cell grabbed it, both of them raising his power in a duel where his golden auras contended, "You're a bug!"

"Don't be silly Vegeta! You're not up to it!" Cell exclaimed giving Vegeta a nod and a knee to the abdomen, "Give up trash!"

Vegeta spat out blood and Cell grabbed his hair. "How does it feel to be humiliated like this?"

Vegeta opened one of his eyes and fired a Ki beam that hit Cell. The monster fell to the ground as Vegeta tried to get up.

"BIG BANG ATTACK" Vegeta fired off his attack taking advantage of Cell being off guard.

The place lit up as Vegeta broke into a smile. Which was erased when Cell appeared a few meters above him with a huge smile.

"Yin Yang Blast x10!" Cell yelled launching the attack at point blank range and Vegeta received him with crossed arms unable to even dodge.

His suit was quite worn. He had several wounds all over his body. Cell smirked as he landed, "What's up Vegeta? Is that all?"

"Don't be naive Cell, this is far from over" Vegeta replied getting into a fighting stance.

Vegeta prepared to attack his current opponent but Cell was suddenly cut in half, leaving both of them stunned by it.

The Saiyan prince looked up in puzzlement. He was surprised to see that Krillin and the Z fighters were on a hill ready to fight.


Vegeta SS 2nd grade: 1400 million

Nappa Super Saiyan: 750,000,000

Semi-perfect Cell: 1250 million.

Cell after absorbing Nappa: 2000 million.