Chapter 93: Goodbye...

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The prince of the Saiyans flew to where the others were, not understanding what they were doing there. "What the hell are bugs doing?!"

"We're saving you, as soon as we felt Cell's Ki increasing we knew something bad had happened" Yamcha declared full of seriousness.

"From what I see it was like that, it seems that Nappa was also absorbed" Tien declared just as severe while he scanned that area.

"Hmpf, that lizard absorbed Nappa's life energy and became more powerful" Vegeta added and it dawned on him at that moment, "Come out!"

Vegeta exclaimed charging an energy blaster to finish off Cell and saw that the bioandroid was no longer there, but floating a few meters from them.

"Good idea Vegeta, but you were slow" Cell crossed his arms and stood on a hill, "It seems that more garbage came to visit me hoho"

Cell noticed that 18 wasn't with them but that wasn't a problem since he could easily find her at any time.

Krillin was terrified, the great power that Cell emanated made his blood run cold. Yamcha was sweating nervously, and Tien was restless.

"Idiots, if they had finished him off he wouldn't have regenerated" Vegeta scolded them through gritted teeth, and Krillin widened his eyes in surprise.

"It's true! He has Namekian cells" Yamcha clenched his fists, they had wasted the opportunity to beat Cell, "Damn"

"Pair of stupid, did you bring Senzu beans?" Vegeta turned fiercely towards Krillin, who wasted no time nodding.

Krillin extended a seed to him and Vegeta immediately swallowed it. He felt how his being was revitalized, and he smiled looking at his enemy.

"Don't intrude insects, Cell is mine" the prince raised his Ki and they all backed down.

16 frowned as he looked at Vegeta, he knew the Saiyan prince didn't stand a chance; Cell's power was bigger.

"Ready for round two, Vegeta?!" Cell asked bringing two fingers to his forehead and Vegeta widened his eyes, "Special Beam Cannon!"

Cell launched the beam of light towards Vegeta, who rose to the sky dodging the attack, but the monster flew towards the Saiyan quickly.

Vegeta began throwing energy blasts at him and Cell protected himself by crossing his arms. The prince took advantage of this lowering of the monster's guard.

Vegeta tried to punch him in the face and Cell created a fake image. Vegeta looked everywhere. He saw four copies of Cell surrounding him.

"Don't be naive, don't you know that this technique splits Ki into four parts?" Vegeta asked crossing his arms with a slight smile.

"Do you think I'm not aware of it?!" Cell smiled and Vegeta arched one of his eyebrows, not understanding his words, "Kaio ken!"

Vegeta gritted his teeth; the four Cell doubled their power preparing a Kamehameha, a Destructo Disk, a Special Beam Cannon, and a Tri Beam.

"That monster... why the hell is it so strong?" Yamcha murmured feeling the enormous power that Cell displayed, "We have to help"

"Wait" 16 intervened preventing any movement, "Not yet, let Vegeta fight"

Krillin looked at him curiously and turned to the sky. All the Cells were finishing charging their attacks, and Vegeta was surrounded by everyone.

"HAAAAA!" the four Cells yelled throwing their powers at him and Vegeta descended to the ground, causing the Makankosappo to fail in his attempt.

The Kamehameha began to follow him. Vegeta realized that the Tri Beam was coming behind him, to hit him from both angles, and defeat him.

Vegeta created a false image and the two attacks collided with each other.

'How is it possible?!' Vegeta wondered surprised to see that Cell was on top of him with both hands outstretched towards the saiyan.

"I have you!" Cell exclaimed creating a sphere around the Saiyan prince immobilizing him completely, "You didn't know this technique, did you?"

"Damn insect" Vegeta whispered trying to move but it was impossible, it's as if Cell controlled his muscles, 'Telepathic power?'

"It's amazing, despite the difference in powers you've been able to fight at my level" Cell raised his arm slightly, "But it's over Vegeta"

Cell quickly lowered his arm and the sphere crashed to the ground destroying a large rock. The spawn did not take long to raise his arm.

The sphere ascended and inside was Vegeta panting with injuries on his body, and that made Cell smile. "How about that Vegeta?"

"I-I think you're still an insect" Vegeta replied cheekily and the monster frowned, and threw him back to the ground.

Although this time Cell threw it with all his might, Vegeta's body was buried in the ground before the eyes of all the warriors.

"We're in serious trouble" Yamcha commented looking at her friends when he saw that Vegeta had fallen, "N-there's no other choice"

"Yes" Krillin swallowed hard and looked at Tien. The three of them nodded and went down until they were at Cell's level, 'I-it's much more terrifying up close'

"Do you really think you have any chance of beating me, you trash?" Cell asked with a laugh, "If Vegeta can't make it, can you?"

"And why not?!" Yamcha exclaimed euphorically activating the Kaio-ken increasing twenty times.

"We will do the impossible to defeat you Cell!" Tien did the same and his power increased twenty times. The monk was not far behind and imitated them.

"Do you want to die so much? It's okay, I won't stop you" Cell spread his arms just like Frieza did, "You can attack whenever you want"

The first was Krillin, who raised his arm creating a Ki destroying disc, "Destructo Disk x 10" he yelled launching that attack towards Cell.

Cell prepared to counter him but suddenly ten Destructo Disk appeared in front of him without him noticing, "Oh, not a bad bug!"

The monster began to dodge those Destructo Disk with ease and was stunned when a yellow Ki sphere appeared behind it.

'Is that Yamcha's Spirit Ball?' Cell thought recognizing the attack and saw that Yamcha was guiding him with his right hand, 'Not bad'

He kept dodging the Ki discs next to Yamcha's sphere as best he could, a Destructo Disk came right up to his face, and nearly ripped his head off.

'They are weak but their tactics would cause problems for any being' Cell thought, before smiling, 'Unfortunately, I'm not just anyone'

Cell expelled the energy from him destroying each attack, until suddenly he felt the presence of Tienshinhan above him, "W-what the hell?"

"NEO TRI BEAM X20!" Tien cried out with both hands in a triangle shape and a beam of energy surrounded Cell causing a huge explosion.

The man gasped heavily as he descended next to his friends. This technique consumed a lot of life energy from the user.

"Are you okay Tien?!" Krillin ran up to his friend, who was kneeling on the floor, breathing heavily.

"Y-yes but that monster is still alive" Tien looked up seeing how Cell got up with some scratches on his body, "That damn"

"You're not bad for being trash, but it's impossible to beat me with powers as pathetic as yours" Cell said with a smile.

"Wh-what shall we do? I doubt Gohan will be back anytime soon and both Goku and Raditz are still in the room" Yamcha sweated nervously.

Tien clenched his fists without finding any solution. Cell prepared to attack them but suddenly he felt his whole body immobilized from him.

"H-how?" Cell asked without understanding anything until he turned his head and understood everything, "What the hell do you think you're doing unconscious?!"

"Android 16!" Krillin exclaimed quite surprised since he never noticed the android's movement, 'What is he planning?'

"Stay there! I'll take Cell with me!" 16 shouted leaving Cell surprised, "Thanks to the bomb I have inside I'll make him explode"

"Y-you won't be able to damnit" Cell tried to free himself but he was having a hard time, "Why? Dr Gero didn't make you for this!"

"My mission is to protect this planet from your threat Cell, I can't allow you to stay alive" 16 commented seriously, and turned around.

"Tell Gohan thank you very much for showing me how valuable this beautiful world, the animals and plants, was"

"And for having given a new purpose to my being... I know that he will be the strongest warrior, but may he never forget to protect this planet"

16 rose into the sky clutching Cell and flew away through the skies while his body glowed. Shortly after, a powerful explosion occurred.

"16..." Krillin closed his eyes sadly. Today the world had seen a simple android leave whose only wish was to live peacefully

Goodbye... Android 16...