Chapter 100: Cell Games (1)

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CHAPTER 103 ON PATREON. Please go check.


Cell was with his arms crossed on the combat arena that he had made for the occasion. The day of the tournament that everyone was waiting for, had arrived.

Today the universe would know who was the most powerful being in the cosmos, which of course he was. There was no creature capable of defeating him.

Since he had defeated the most powerful Saiyans, the strongest Namekian and also the androids. Now could they defeat him? No.

Behind some rocks, there were two people hiding. One with a camera and the other with a microphone, were reporters for a TV channel.

"There is half an hour left until the start of the tournament and still no one has come to challenge the mighty Cell" commented Jimmy the reporter.

"Hey, do you think we should be here?" Lionel the cameraman asked rather uncertainly and Jimmy glared at him.

"Without a doubt! This is a world-class exclusive and shouldn't be missed" Jimmy answered spitting poor Lionel.

Cell simply ignored them. And besides, it would be nice if the whole world saw it so they could find out about the nightmare they would live after this tournament.

'They're getting closer, I feel a lot of energies' Cell thought, outlining a smile, 'And among them Gohan's, without a doubt this tournament will be exciting'

"Lizard!" Cell turned in surprise when he heard the voice of Vegeta, who came confidently with his usual Saiyan warrior armor.

He had been training hard throughout these three days. And although he found it hard to admit it, his progress was not that great.

'I didn't feel the energy from him' Cell thought curious at that, "Ready to lose again, Vegeta?"

"You would rather insect, remember that the one who was closest to destroying you was me" Vegeta pointed out, crossing his arms with a smile.

"Don't be a clown, history only remembers the winner, not the one who was about to do it, dear Vegeta" Cell snapped in a mocking tone.

Vegeta simply frowned and looked up at the sky. Cell did as well, looking forward to everyone's arrival to begin.

And high up in the blue sky, the Z warriors were flying, ready to participate in the Cell tournament. Goku was in the lead showing himself happy.

"Looks like Vegeta went ahead, how impatient" Raditz muttered after sensing the energy of his former Saiyan partner.

"I'm sure he's increased his powers" Tien declared and Goku turned around, "I just hope Cell didn't train, that would be the end"

"I doubt that, Cell is too proud not to trust himself and train" Gohan intervened coming out of his silence and everyone nodded in support of that.

He was wearing Piccolo's costume as a tribute to his friend and because today he was going to avenge him. In the next battle, he could already take his father's orange gi.

"Anyone with such crazy abilities would trust himself, right?" Yamcha declared and he was partly right. Cell had very unique techniques.

"It's not that bad, really" Gohan brushed it off and they all looked at him, "Once you know how to neutralize his techniques of course"

'I wonder how he will neutralize Cell's time freeze' Tien thought, looking at the boy intrigued, it would be a battle of the titans against Cell.

They continued chatting with each other, until a few minutes later they saw the combat arena and began landing towards the place.

Cell watched with a satisfying smile as everyone stood in front of the tatami. His gaze landed on Gohan, who looked at him in that instant.

For Cell, Gohan represented the greatest threat. And for Gohan, this was his chance to get revenge for the previous lost battle.

"More people just arrived, are they coming to challenge Cell?" Jimmy wondered and turned to Lionel, "You have to get closer to the combat arena!"

The poor boy sighed and they cautiously walked towards another rock, which was closer to the tatami and closer to the Z fighters, and to Cell himself.

"It's a pleasure to have you all here, welcome to the Cell games" the monster commented, spreading his hands happily.

"One moment!" a voice from heaven disconcerted everyone and looking up they saw a big man at the door of a helicopter.

"It seems that someone else is coming, focus on him" Jimmy pointed out, adjusting his glasses, "That man looks familiar to me, is he also coming to fight?"

"Aaaah!" yelled the man jumping from that height and did twenty-four somersaults until he landed on one knee, "Here's the great Mister Satan!"

"Mr. Satan? The world martial arts champion?" Lionel wondered recognizing the man and Jimmy's eyes widened in surprise.

"Ladies and gentlemen, a great martial arts champion, Mister Satan, has arrived at the last minute to save the world!" declared the reporter.

Mr Satan noticed the cameras and posed showing his champion belt. On the other side of the screen, everyone was shouting elated.

The King of the World paid more attention to the warriors than to Mister Satan. One in particular caught his attention, that strange hair sounded like something to him.

'He is that boy who saved us from Piccolo, now I feel safer. He will win' the king thought sighing while watching television.

On the other hand, Chi-Chi, Bulma and the others were at Master Roshi's house watching the tournament. They were surprised to see Mister Satan.

"What a doddle, if he's a wimp" Chi-Chi grumbled crossing his arms and Bulma nodded in agreement, "Cell get him out of there."

"C-calm down, the poor man still doesn't know who's in front of him" Master Roshi intervened looking nervously at the two wild women.

'It will be a close battle, but I'm pretty sure we'll win' Master Roshi inquired looking at his students, 'Cheer up guys'

"Sounds like a tournament to you?" Yamcha asked looking at Tien in disbelief, who shook his head and Goku did the same, "Hey, get out of there"

Mr Satan turned to look at Yamcha with a raised eyebrow, "Boy, this is not the time to ask for autographs. Wait until I finish Cell and I'll go"

Yamcha stunned with a drop of sweat, and Gohan stepped closer. "Let him fight, I doubt Cell would even bother killing him"

Gohan was laughing, Mr. Satan was a great character and he had the best luck in the world. He now had him in front of him, and he was fun.

"Hey Cell! You made a mistake threatening humanity, now you will see the consequences!" said Mr Satan pointing at him and then lowered his thumb.

"The great Mr Satan is cornering Cell, and then he's taking off his big champion belt" Jimmy enthused.

Mr Satan put the belt aside and began to warm up. He pretended to cut a piece of paper, and looked at Cell with a cheerful and victorious smile.

But nevertheless Cell was focused looking at Gohan, until the counter reached zero starting the most important tournament.

"The time has come! The tournament begins that will decide the future of our planet, which is in the hands of Mr. Satan!" Jimmy exclaimed.

"Cell! Now you will see the power of a world champion! Aaah!" Mr Satan jumped at Cell, who blinked, sending Satan crashing into a rock.

Jimmy and Lionel were speechless and so was the audience behind the cameras. His savior, Mr Satan, was eliminated from the Cell Games.