Chapter 101: Cell Games (2)

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But it wasn't the case for everyone, because Bulma, Chi-Chi, and the blonde Launch were happy. Master Roshi knew that everything started here.

"Okay, now the tournament really starts" Cell became more serious and squeezed his knuckles, "Who will be the first to participate? Vegeta or Goku?"

"Me" Gohan stepped forward into the combat arena, in front of Cell's intrigued look, "Let's just end this tournament. Shall we?"

'The brat seems like he wants to go all-in from the start' Vegeta thought curiously.

"I wasn't thinking of having you in front of me so soon, they say that the best is saved for last" Cell commented with a smile full of confidence.

"Yes, your end is near" Gohan returned the smile with the same tone without being intimidated.

"What makes you think it won't end like last time?" Cell asked haughtily.

"You mean when I sent you to space? Well now I'm not sending you to space but to hell" Gohan pointed out, "I'll fucking destroy you"

"It's impossible to destroy perfection" Cell added getting into a fighting stance.

Gohan got into a fighting stance. This didn't go unnoticed by the cameramen or Jimmy, who said, "I-is that kid going to fight Cell?"

The entire audience was mute upon hearing this news. First the defeat of Mr. Satan and now this, many wanted to die in the face of the crisis.

"My boy is finally going to fight, come on Gohan, beat that monster!" Chi-Chi yelled supporting her son along with Launch, Puar, Bulma and Oolong.

"If Gohan has come out first, it's because they want to end Cell once and for all" Master Roshi pointed out in turn, 'It will be a great fight'

"Get ready!" Cell yelled flying towards Gohan at high speed and charged at him extending his fist, but Gohan crossed his arms and stopped him.

But due to that impact Gohan was dragged to the edge of the platform. Cell prepared to sweep him off his feet and throw him out.

However, Gohan jumped up and kicked Cell's chin sending him over the edge. He flew to finish him off but his fist landed on the ground.

"You failed child" Cell whispered appearing behind him and prepared to elbow him and send him out of the arena. Gohan swallowed watching the attack.

But suddenly Gohan disappeared from the place. Cell turned and saw the Saiyan at the other end of the arena, 'Did he use Instant Transmission?!'

"Now you see me" Gohan murmured smiling and using teleportation he appeared on the back of the fearsome Cell, "And now you don't see me"

Gohan kicked Cell's back sending him back to the edge of the arena but Cell recovered, and was instantly airborne.

Cell raised his arms and created two energy discs, as Gohan and the others looked on since they knew that attack, "Destructo Disc!"

Cell threw the Ki Discs, which were immediately launched at Gohan, who used spirit cloning to confuse the terrible monster.

'This is weird, all those copies have Gohan's Ki' Cell thought without recognizing the technique as the Ki disks chased copies.

Because he was concentrating on this, he didn't notice that the original Gohan appeared in front of him and caught him off guard at the most appropriate moment.

"This Cell... he because of Krillin!" Gohan exclaimed, punching Cell in the cheek and the bio-android was thrown to the ground.

Cell's thing had been disrespectful to Krillin's memory, using his techniques when he was his executioner. That's why Gohan got angry now.

Cell nearly crashed on the mat, but he recovered and saw Gohan charging at him at high speed, "Shinning Friday!"

The beast launched a sphere of energy towards Gohan and Gohan crossed his arms as he was coming fast enough to slow himself down.

Cell took advantage of this moment and surrounded Gohan by creating four copies of himself and placing himself in each corner of the mat.

"It's over, it's your end!" the four copies said as Gohan watched this. One started the Kame, one the Tri Beam, Destructo Disc and Saturday crush.

"Kaio-ken!" the four yelled increasing the power of their attacks and Gohan looked at this in surprise, it was a very smart move.

"This is impossible! It seems there are now four Cells!" Jimmy exclaimed in disbelief for it and at the same time terrified, "Can that boy win?"

"AAAH!" the four Cells yelled launching their powerful attacks towards Gohan, who rose into the air and the attacks collided with each other exploding.

"I got you hehe!" Cell appeared in front of him preventing him from leaving and when Gohan turned around, another Cell appeared behind him!

"Dammit" Gohan muttered as he got trapped in a psychic sphere created by the two Cells. One of them ended up dissipating.

"I knew you wouldn't go head-on against attacks, you're very predictable" Cell declared smiling, "Uh, it seems the fight is over. Too bad"

Cell didn't resort to more words, he made him fall quickly towards some rocks in the distance. The monster landed in peace, it felt like a winner.

Cell was going to claim victory for him in this fight but suddenly he detected the energy behind him, right in one of the four places in the arena.

"Your mental power doesn't affect me Cell, I think you'll have to find another solution" Gohan stated with a calm smile and Cell was stern.

"You seem to have improved, but that won't make any difference" Cell crossed his arms and smiled at him, "I haven't really fought yet"

"Do you think I do?" Gohan asked sarcastically, "Attack me with everything you've got!"

Cell created two Ki spheres and together he threw them towards Gohan, who again jumped away into the sky, and Cell smiled in agreement.

"Very predictable insect, Teishi Jikan!" Cell yelled and suddenly everything froze. They were all unable to move because of that ability.

When he turned to where Gohan was, he didn't see anyone. It is as if he had disappeared.

"Th-this isn't impossible! H-how come he disappeared?" Cell was speechless at what happened, so he thawed all the time.

"AAAAH!" when Cell turned around he was punched in the stomach hard enough to throw him out of the fighting arena.

Cell had lost his own tournament. Had Gohan saved the fate of the galaxy?