Chapter 120: Tournament

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I hope you enjoy!


After a few weeks of school, holidays arrived for an important event.

The World Martial Arts Tournament, to be held over three days in the southern islands. And there the most powerful in the world would meet.

Gohan finished tying the blue obi around his waist. He wore the orange gi on occasion to the tournament. He saw Goten struggling to tie his boots.

"Let's see" Gohan crouched down to help him tie them, "You know you have to win today right?"

"Yep" Goten nodded energetically.

"Very well, if you do it I promise you three things"

"The first is to buy you the toys you want" Goten's eyes sparkled, "The second is to teach you a very good secret technique"

"Woaaah, and what's the third brother?!"

"I'll take you to a very important place for me" Gohan smiled getting up, "That's why you have to win, either against Trunks or against Raunch"

"I will win!" Goten exclaimed determined.

"From what I see they are already prepared" Goku appeared in their room smiling.

"Yeah, we can go now" Gohan said with a nod.

"The money from this tournament will stay in this house no matter what, you three will occupy the podium" Chi-Chi smiled totally happy at that.

"So it will be" Gohan smiled before reaching out and tearing the space open, "Okay, I see there aren't many people. We can cross here."

"Amazing brother!" Goten was amazed.

"I've never seen anything like this, where did you learn it?" Goku felt very curious about it, "How powerful are you son?"

"I didn't really learn it, I created the ability by fusing Instant Transmission with Portal Creation" Gohan replied smirking.

"Hey, you'll talk about all that another time, you have to go for the registration" Chi-Chi put her hands on her waist.

They both nodded with a drop of sweat, after them they all entered the portal, which closed right after. At last they had reached Papaya Island.

"What memories this place brings me" Goku declared looking around with nostalgia, reliving his previous martial tournaments.

"And me! This is where we got married sixteen years ago" Chi-Chi blushed and Goku scratched his head, "They've rebuilt it pretty nicely"

"Yes, especially after the damage I caused" Piccolo's voice sounded behind them.

"Let's hope it doesn't happen again" Goku replied with a smile remembering the battle.

After a few steps, they approached the registration table. And they saw that there were Vegeta, Bulma and Trunks talking with an instructor.

"Why not? It's unfair!" Trunks exclaimed.

"What's going on?" Gohan asked curiously.

"Now there's a children's section, children can't participate with adults and Trunks doesn't like it" Bulma answered with her arms folded.

"Think that way you'll know if you're more powerful than my brother or Raunch" Gohan winked at Trunks. He had convinced him.

"Well, that's not a bad idea, I'm going to sign up!" the boy went straight to sign up and Goten followed him.

"What are you doing standing there, Vegeta? Aren't you going with them to sign up for the children's section?" Gohan asked with a mocking tone towards the Saiyan.

"Insect" Vegeta gritted his teeth in annoyance.

"I think we'll have to fight without transforming, I doubt the tatami will resist that much power" Goku proposed raising a finger.

"And that way they'll also avoid being recognized by the public. You know, because of the Cell tournament and all that" Bulma added, and Gohan nodded.

"Tsk, whatever. I'll win" Vegeta walked off.

"Always so delusional Vegeta" the saiyan prince turned his gaze and saw Raditz leaning on a pillar, "You don't have a chance hehehe"

"This time we'll see who's the most powerful" Nappa intervened rubbing his beard, and Vegeta just gave a mocking laugh looking at them both.

They all stepped forward. Gohan started to follow them but suddenly he felt the sleeve of his blue shirt being pulled. He saw that he was 18.

"So you finally came" commented the boy.

"Well yes, who do you take me for? We have a pending bet, right?" 18 smiled defiantly.

"You should have brought your luggage. Then there's a cruise ship waiting here" Gohan showed the same defiant expression with a smile.

"How arrogant" 18 left him behind and left.

"I prefer to call it confidence" Gohan added.

Non-participants went to the stands. Those who did were gathered in a place where several force machines were located.

And just like in the series they measured the strength of the participants and see who advanced. 18, Nappa and Vegeta overreacted.

Once this was done, everyone went to the upper part of the stadium, since the children's section of the martial arts tournament was about to begin.

"Who do you think will win this?" Krillin asked looking at the participants in the combat arena.

"Goten of course. Wait Krillin, who is she?" Goku asked pointing to the girl next to his best friend, "Y-you are"

"Goku! Long time no see!" the girl ran and stood in front of the warrior, "Don't you remember me? I'm Suno!" the young woman exclaimed.

"It's you!" Goku exclaimed smiling.

"Uhh, do you know each other?" asked Krillin stunned.

"Yes, Goku saved the village from the red patrol many years ago. He was living in our house and he rescued Android 8" Suno stated happily.

"Hey, how is him?" Goku asked.

"He's fine, although unfortunately he couldn't come" Suno answered, "I'll send you regards, I'm sure he'll be very happy hehe"

"Great! And how do you two know each other?" Goku curiously sighted his friend Krillin.

"While I was going on patrol, my motorcycle broke down because of the snow, and well, Suno was there and took me to a mechanic"

"Well, now we're a couple" Krillin scratched his head blushing and Gohan widened his eyes.

'This isn't a canon event, but I'm happy for Krillin' Gohan thought with a smile.

"I'm very happy for you friend" Goku stuck out his thumb and Krillin did the same. Vegeta sighed in annoyance. Yamcha questioned his poor life.

The children's tournament began with children's fights, worth the redundancy. Children would cry when they were hit.

All but Goten, Raunch and Trunks were normal and ordinary. None had anything special. So, the semifinals arrived.

And the first was... Goten against Trunks!