Chapter 121: Goten vs Trunks

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Goten swallowed taking a few steps forward. He climbed the steps and stood on the tatami.

The cheers for him didn't take long to sound and the boy scratched his neck smiling like his father.

"Cheer up Goten! You can do it!" Chi-Chi exclaimed.

"I'm so sorry, but Trunks will wim. He has been preparing hard with his father to win" Bulma stated with a smile.

"And Goten with his brother, who is stronger than Vegeta" Chi-Chi closed her eyes smiling and Bulma snorted.

"You must win yes or yes Trunks!" Bulma yelled.

Trunks accessed the platform as he tied the orange obi around his waist. He looked at his rival and smiled, "Hey Goten, I've got something great for you."

"Uh?" Goten looked at him curiously.

"No Super Saiyan, let it be an equal match" the boy proposed, "Is that okay with you?"

"Of course!" Goten nodded vigorously.

"Okay, get ready!" Trunks struck a pose.

The blonde haired host took the microphone from him as the drums beat.

"Ladies and gentlemen, today we will have the great privilege of experiencing an exciting semifinal of the new part of the martial arts tournament"

"On the one hand we have Son Goten, a very cheerful boy and a great fighter, and on the other hand Trunks, a strong young boy with a lot of confidence"

"Whoever wins, let's enjoy the show" said the host tossing his microphone into the air and then a big drum boomed out, "Get started!"

Trunks frowned and extending his arm he flew at high speed towards Goten, "Here!"

Trunks was going to punch him in the face, but Goten jerked his head to the side instead.

'What?' Trunks thought, raising his leg to hit Goten's side, who turned around avoiding the opponent's movement.

Trunks didn't give up, he ended up bending down to sweep the raven boy's legs, but he jumped up and kicked Trunks' chin hard.

Vegeta's son was thrown backwards but before he fell out of the fighting arena he came to his senses, and saw blood coming out of his lip.

'Since when does Goten fight like that?' Trunks wondered without understanding what was happening.

Vegeta was unusual, his son was at a disadvantage. He looked at Goku and he seemed just as surprised. However, Gohan was smiling.

'I see, that bug taught him how to fight properly' Vegeta thought through gritted teeth, "Trunks, don't even think about losing!"

Trunks trembled at Vegeta's words, and looked at Goten, who had a small smile.

"Even though you've improved your fighting style, I'm still stronger than you!" Trunks exclaimed firing an energy blast at Goten.

'Perfect, if he blocks it he'll leave a hole in his defense, and if he dodges he'll drop his guard' Trunks smiled brightly considering each option.

Goten saw that attack approaching, clenched his fists and yelled expelling a huge amount of energy in the form of an aura: "Haaaaaaaaa!"

When Trunks' energy attack made contact with Goten's aura, he was shot, dissipating completely into the blue sky.

Trunks was stunned. He clenched his fists and flew at Goten again, stretching out his leg to attack him with a flying kick.

Goten again slid his head to the side dodging the kick, but Trunks landed and recovered to punch him in the back.

Goten took half a step to the right avoiding him and kicked Trunks's abdomen sending him several meters away.

"No! How is this event possible?" Bulma was terrified. They were humiliating her son.

"Come on son! Keep it up!" Chi-Chi got up.

"Have you noticed that Goten hasn't moved from the tile he was on?" Krillin asked with a surprised face, "He's terrifying"

"Tsk" Vegeta gritted his teeth in annoyance.

"I don't understand, the two are supposed to have somewhat equal powers, why is there such a difference?" Yamcha asked blankly.

"Not everything is power or strength in a battle. If you are unable to read the opponent's movements you are doomed to be defeated"

"What happens to Trunks is that he only looks at Goten's body position, not his Ki. That's why he can never reach him" Goku commented.

'What I don't understand is how Goten has achieved such mastery of Ki' Goku thought, until he looked at Gohan and smiled, "You're amazing son"

Gohan smiled happily. There was no doubt that his brother had an incredible talent, and luckily he was here to polish it to the limit, "Do it Goten"

"I guess it's my turn, huh?" Goten spoke scratching the back of his neck, before becoming more serious.

"Tsk, whatever you want! But you won't beat me!"

Trunks went on guard. He wasn't going to let Goten beat him under any circumstances. He saw that the boy closed his eyes and sighed quietly.

"KA...IO...KEN!" Goten exclaimed releasing a reddish aura and before Trunks could realize it his adversary appeared right in front of him.

The lilac haired boy took a hard blow that sent him over the edge of the platform and Goten came out with a kick to the back.

Trunks's body went up into the air and Goten with the activated Kaiō-ken flew to give him the final blow, and finally win this fight.

"HAAAA!" Trunks yelled thus becoming a Super Saiyan and turned to hit Goten, who was surprised by this action.

Trunks brought both hands together in the shape of an ax to hit Goten's head, but nevertheless the figure of the boy vanished, "Huh?"

"I..." Trunks, scared, turned around little by little, finding himself facing a Kamehameha Kaiō-ken made by Goten, "I WON YOU! HAAAAAAAAA!"

Trunks received that Kamehameha helplessly and his body remained buried in the crater that had caused his inevitable fall.

"Shit!" Vegeta exclaimed in outrage.

"Oooh, you taught him the Kaiō-ken" Goku turned to his eldest son, "Risking, but effective"

"And he didn't cheat because he didn't go Super Saiyan" Krillin smiled, "It's been a great fight. No doubt they both have a great future"

18 was perplexed, two children practically showed powers comparable to hers and 17's. 'Saiyans are very mysterious'

Goten landed slowly, while the announcer checked on Trunks' condition.

"Oh, he's unconscious, so the winner and who qualifies for the finals of the tournament is Son Goten!" the man exclaimed and the boy smiled.

"Yes, I knew my son would win!" Chi-Chi yelled.

"Hey, I'll take him to the infirmary" Goten took the body of his friend and carried her through the corridors to a room where there was a bed.

Goten sat down next to him and wiped the sweat from his face. It was the first time he used Kaiō-ken in a battle, his body felt exhausted.

Suddenly, the room opened and Goten realized that it was Raunch's cousin of his. "Hey dwarf, soon we'll have to fight. Don't fall asleep"

Goten widened his eyes. Barely three minutes had passed since he left the mat, and Raunch had already won? This battle would be impossible for him.