Chapter 122: Never Give Up

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"It's amazing, I didn't think you'd get so powerful" Trunks muttered scratching his head.

"I trained a lot with Gohan during these weeks and he taught me a lot of things!" Goten exclaimed excitedly, "Like that of the Kaio-ken"

"The truth is that it was something unexpected, you taken me by surprise" Trunks laughed nervously, "And now you against Raunch in the final, right?"

"Yeah, it will be really hard" Goten said uneasily.

"Hum? Why do you say that Goten?"

"Uh, she's stronger" Goten lowered his head.

"Don't say that, I'm sure you can win, trust yourself" Trunks clenched his fist raising his arm, "Just look for his weak point"

Goten put his hand to his chin thoughtfully, he remembered those training sessions he shared with Raunch, 'So a weak point'

"Well, there's no time to lose" Trunks got up from the bed, "Don't let her win"

"Yes! I will win!" Goten was motivated by Gohan's three promises. Victory was to be his.

They left the room towards the combat arena. As soon as Goten came out, almost the entire audience stood up to applaud Son.

"You're finally coming out, I thought you never would" Raunch gave a mocking smile as she stood up with her arms crossed.

Goten didn't flinch, he went up with a serious face leaving Raunch stunned, 'It's weird to see him quiet'

"Come on! This tournament is ours, I trust you Goten!" Chi-Chi supported his son from the stands.

"I'm sorry Chi-Chi, my daughter is going to win" the blonde Launch spoke smiling and stood up, "You have to win this match, do you hear me Raunch?!"

Raunch smiled and squeezed her knuckles. Her father watched calmly from above, "Don't trust yourself Raunch! That brat has tricks up his sleeve"

"That's some good advice. Do you hear, Vegeta?" Goku asked in a mocking tone and the saiyan prince glared at him, "Calm down hehe"

"Ladies and gentlemen, the grand final of the children's tournament is about to begin, Son Goten and Raunch will fight for victory!"

"These have been fun fights, but all good things always come to an end. So, without further ado" the drums blared, "Get started!"

"Haaaa!" Raunch transformed into a super saiyan and without warning quickly flew towards Goten, "Let's finish it quick cuz!"

Goten, however, dissipated dodging Raunch's attack, who turned and saw the boy at the other end of the mat, "Don't run from me!"

Raunch tried to run towards it, but in the first step she took she stepped on something that created a huge explosion, which filled the entire area with smoke.

"What happened?!" Krillin looked stunned.

"That was..." Vegeta turned quickly to Gohan.

"I see you still remember our first battle" Gohan smiled remembering the Ki mines he made against Vegeta Ozaru, 'Well done Goten'

"Tsk, and I told him not to trust herself. Goten's brother is none other than Gohan" Raditz thought angrily. He knew his daughter well.

Goten rose a few meters into the sky and clasping his hands met Ki, "Kame...Hame"

"Haaaaaa!" a scream made the smoke screen disappear and Raunch was seen with some scratches on her body, "Now YOU WILL SEE!"

Raunch released her Super Saiyan Ki aura and flew at incredible speed towards Goten, who was punched in the cheek. "Take this!"

Raunch brought her hands together into an ax shape and slammed into Goten's back sending him crashing into the fighting arena. And a large crater was produced.

"Haaaaa!" Raunch further powered him up by ejecting more energy and spread his arms creating Ki blasts, "Weekly Weapons!"

At that moment, several Ki blasts flew towards the crater where Goten was, producing a light show before the audience.

"Wow! Looks like Goten has no way of defending himself against these attacks!" the presenter was somewhat excited.

Raunch smiled, brushing the dust off her hands and rubbed her nose rather proudly.

"Kameee... Hameee... HAAAA!" a powerful beam of light shot up from the ground towards Raunch.

"Saturday Crushhhh!" the girl was quick enough to react and counter the attack with one of her own.

Immediately the two attacks collided producing a powerful impact in the place.

And below, was Goten with his clothes somewhat torn, but transformed into a Super Saiyan and with the golden aura shining around him.

"I will not lose!" Raunch didn't seem willing to give in to her cousin's offensive, and he didn't seem willing to give in either, "Haaa!"

Raunch put up more Ki and Goten followed suit. The result is that both attacks were nullified.

The audience didn't see either of them in the arena until they looked up to see the two exchanging blows, punches, and kicks.

Everything seemed to be very balanced but Raunch's blows were too ferocious for Goten to dodge every one of them.

"Haaaaa!" Raunch landed an uppercut to Goten's chin sending him higher, "Go!"

Raunch fired three Ki spheres that expanded like rings trapping Goten's body, "It's over, you won't be able to free yourself"

Goten pushed the power out of her but it was impossible. Raunch ascended to prepare her final attack.

"Ooh, looks like this is really over" Raditz smirked, "I don't think the brat will break free even with all of Gohan's tricks."

The aforementioned remained silent watching that scene, he noticed that his younger brother was in serious trouble, 'I trust you'

Raunch concentrated all of her energy and brought her palms together in an upright position, creating purple rays on a sphere, "THE...

.... END "Raunch fired her final big attack on a still imprisoned Goten.

'C-come on! Focus, focus!' the poor Goten squeezed his eyes shut as the attack came at him.There was only one second left.

An explosion echoed through the sky, turning purple at Raunch's attack. The girl crossed her arms breathing heavily.

'I don't feel his presence, I hope I didn't overdo it' Raunch thought a bit uneasily.

She had calculated that the energy of the attack would not be powerful enough to kill Goten, although control was not precisely her thing.

"Watch out Raunch!" Raditz yelled in shock.

And when the girl turned around, she saw Goten with two fingers on his forehead, and a white sphere with dark sparkles spinning in his other hand.

"YIN... YANG... BLAST" Goten's sphere impacted Raunch's body creating a new explosion that darkened the entire sky.

"It can't be, Goten used…" Goku was stunned.

"Instant Transmission, I taught him the basics even though I never thought he would use the technique in a situation like this" Gohan replied surprised.

"That's a pain in the ass" Vegeta remembered that he too was the victim of that attack.

The smoke screen from the sky dissipated and immediately it was possible to see how the bodies of both collapsed until they fell on the tatami.

The presenter ran over and crouched down to see if the two were in peak condition. And it seemed that not. They were passed out.

"This seems to be a tie... so!"

"W-wait... I-I'm still here" Goten half awake tried to stand up while the upper part of his orange dogi was totally destroyed.

Even in a pinch situation, Raunch used a Ki blast to protect herself from the Yin Yang Bomb. Truly a persistent girl.

"C-can you stand up?" the presenter hesitated.

"Y-yes" Goten nodded his body shaking.

"O-oh. In that case, the world champion of the first children's martial arts tournament... It's Son Goten!" exclaimed the exalted presenter.

The public rose and began to applaud the boy. Even Bulma also got up. Chi-Chi was crying with happiness from this event.

"I-I…won" Goten smirked before falling to the ground. Not giving up rewarded him with this victory.