Chapter 129: Bardock

Buu Saga is FINISHED on my patreon.

So, DB Super Arcs will be published there.

You've more than 12 chapters published there for read. Go check please... 142 will be chapter published there today...


I hope you enjoy!


"Kakarot?" Videl asked confused.

"Seeing your expression I doubt you know him" Bardock made a big face, "Let's go Gine"

Gine, the beautiful woman who was behind him, squeezed her chest dejectedly and they both left the tunnel heading towards the combat mat.

"Frieza!" Bardock exclaimed clenching his teeth upon seeing the terrible tyrant of the Saiyan race.

Frieza, who was fighting Goten, turned to look and his eyes widened in surprise.

"You are... Bardock!" Frieza exclaimed in astonishment.

"Dad? Why do you look so weird?" Goten scratched his head in confusion and Gine looked at the little boy.

"Kakarot!" the woman exclaimed emotionally.

"Since the monkey family is here, I will wipe out everyone and this planet!" Frieza declared starting to create a supernova.

Then, a blast of energy flew towards him destroying him completely. Raunch shook her hands off in annoyance, "You took quite a while shorty"

"It's unfair! He was my enemy" Goten complained.

"Little... are you related to Kakarot?" Bardock asked looking at Goten.

"Did you say Kakarot? That's what Vegeta calls Uncle Goku" Raunch replied, leaving the saiyan stupefied by those words.

"Vegeta? Prince Vegeta?" he asked him.

"Yes, he is my father" Trunks answered curiously.

"Wait, did you say you're Bardock?" Blue haired Launch asked coming closer.

"Yes, that's right" the warrior answered, intrigued.

"Oh wow! Raditz told me that's the name of his father" Launch replied smiling, "My pleasure Mr. Bardock, I'm Launch Raditz's wife"

"W-wife? Is my son Raditz married?!" Gine was mute, she never thought she would hear that. That her son Raditz had a wife.

"That means you're my grandmother!" Raunch exclaimed happily and jumped into Gine's arms.

"And mine!" Goten also hugged Gine.

The poor woman was crying. Bardock walked over and stroked the boys' hair, "You really are a copy of Kakarot!"

"If you don't mind asking, what are you doing here? They were supposed to have died when Frieza destroyed Planet Vegeta" Bulma inquired.

"Yes. We arrived in the other world and King Yemma declared that Gine would go to heaven. Despite being a Saiyan, she never killed anyone in her life"

"And I thought that I would go to hell, but Yemma saw that there was no evil in me and all my crimes and murders were done by Frieza's orders"

"And he said that I also did everything possible to save my children. Yemma offered me the opportunity to go with Gine to live in paradise"

"And there we were until suddenly we appeared here, on this planet. As soon as I found out, we started looking for Kakarot"

Bardock finished telling the story. They all noticed the areola on his head, and understood that it was true. It was amazing.

"Where is Kakarot?" Gine asked.

"He left with Vegeta and the others. I'm sure to solve the problem that caused all this weird situation" Master Roshi answered.

"That means we're going to go back to the other world before I can see them," Gine whispered.

"In any case, I would really like to know how everything got to this point" Bardock commented smiling. He wanted to know that story.

Then Master Roshi told him about Goku's adventures when he was little and everything else: the arrival of Raditz, the Saiyans, etc.

Far from that place, on a desert place, both Goku and Majin Vegeta had a fierce fight with each other in Super Saiyan Two.

"Calm down Vegeta! Haven't you sensed Majin Buu's Ki?" Goku asked with a frown, "We have to help the others!"

"I don't care about the rest! I just want to fight you!" Vegeta exclaimed expelling more aura.

"Why are you in such a hurry?!" Goku asked.

"Vulgar low-class insects, how dare you humiliate the prince of the saiyans!?"

"Against Frieza you took me off the battlefield like I was garbage, against Cell you made me look inept, you'll pay me back!"

"Because of you I went from being a conquering prince to a useless family man, do you know how humiliating that is?"

"But not anymore, that's over!" Vegeta yelled.

"Don't tell me that... you allowed yourself to be controlled by Babidi just because of that?" Goku said disappointed.

"Yes, the result was as expected... but the method was most disgusting!" the saiyan exclaimed expelling a large amount of aura.

"Vegeta, let's save this battle for another time" Goku tried to reason with him, "Majin Buu's Ki isn't normal, it's unlimited!"

"No! I'm not going to wait!" Vegeta positioned himself.

Vegeta lashed out at Goku, who crossed his arms receiving the attack that dragged him about forty feet until he hit a rock.

"Seriously fight Kakarot!" Vegeta exclaimed.

Goku then clenched his fists tightly expelling energy from his body. Vegeta smirked, but one thing made him wonder.

"DAMN IT VEGETA!" Goku yelled creating a huge explosion of light that made the prince recoil in confusion, the entire planet trembled.

Goku's hair stretched out to reach his back and his eyebrows disappeared. His golden aura released flashes of light and electricity.

This was Super Saiyan 3!

"H-how?" Vegeta was stunned and before he could understand anything, a blow sent him against a mountain, leaving him totally unconscious.


Raditz was in a cold drop of sweat. It was all so sudden that in a moment half of them turned chocolate, "Kaioshin, go away"

"Kibito, let's back off" Shin declared nervously.

"Majin Buu, finish them off!" Babidi ordered him.

Super Buu looked Raditz up and down with a grimace, "That guy doesn't seem strong enough."

"I recommend you don't underestimate me misshapen piece of gum!" Raditz commented smiling.

"What did you call me?!" Super Buu got angry expelling smoke from the pores of his body.

"Misshapen piece... of gum!" Raditz fired a blast of energy at the monster, but Buu deflected it, sending it crashing into a rock, "Damn!"

The warrior flew at the monster and reappearing behind Super Buu kicked him in the neck, but nothing happened.

"That's all?" Super Buu smiled gloomily and with the antenna of his head he wrapped Raditz's leg and pushed him against the ground.

Not once, not twice, not three, not four, he pushed Raditz's body against the ground multiple times causing Raditz to spit up blood.

"Keep it up Buu!" Babidi encouraged the monster.

He grabbed the Saiyan's leg with his hand and threw him against a rock. He opened his mouth and expelled a burst of energy, which hit her completely.

Seeing this, Kibito approached very quickly and putting a hand on the very injured Raditz, he restored his strength and his Ki completely.

"T-thank you" Raditz got up and looked squarely at Super Buu, "He's much stronger than expected"

"I warned you, but I never thought he would become much more powerful" Shin stated with a frown, "If we all join forces"

"No, I'll do it alone" Raditz clenched his fists.

Shin looked at him confused, but backed away with Kibito.

"Hey pink shit, this isn't over yet!" Raditz yelled expelling his Super Saiyan aura as his eyes glowed.

"What?!" Super Buu got angry but something stopped him.

"GAAAAAAHH" the roar of an Ozaru came through and Raditz's golden aura turned into a more greenish yellow.

This was as if he... used Ikari mode!

Shin steadied himself on a rock, admiring in bewilderment at Raditz's colossal power.

His hair was still golden, and so were his eyes before turquoise. Raditz had coupled Super Saiyan with Ozaru power!