Chapter 130: Super Ikari

Buu Saga is FINISHED on my patreon.

So, DB Super Arcs will be published there.

You've more than 12 chapters published there for read. Go check please... 143 will be chapter published there today...


I hope you enjoy!


Raditz smiled full of energy, he felt as great as ever. His power grew without limit.

'I thought it would be crazy to mix these two shapes, but the result is amazing!' Raditz gave a colossal laugh that echoed loudly.

Babidi stepped back and looked at Super Buu. The monster had a smile, "That's better"

"Better? No, it's perfect" Raditz released a large blast of energy that impacted on Buu.

After a few seconds, the body of the monster full of scratches and wounds was seen. Raditz smirked very proudly, "That was for Nappa"

"Damn" Buu growled and the wounds on his body slowly faded away.

"Regeneration? Nothing new" Raditz scoffed.

Buu stomped to the ground, and his leg came out in front of Raditz, kicking him in the chin, sending him flying into the clouds.

But Buu quickly reached out and grabbed Raditz's neck, pulling him to him.

"You were just a talker" Buu created an energy sphere ready for the ultimate attack.

"Who, you? Sure!" Raditz blew the energy out of him, breaking free of Buu's grip and kicking the monster's chin hard, "Trash"

"You!" Buu was going to speak, but Raditz covered his mouth with a Ki ball that exploded in his being.

Buu was singed, and Raditz somersaulted, hitting the monster's chin in the process. He stepped back and concentrated energy.

"The..." his hands were vertical, creating a sphere of purple lightning, "END"

The incredible attack hit Super Buu squarely creating a huge explosion in the area. Shin covered himself from the violent air, with a big smile.

"This is amazing Kibito!" Shin exclaimed.

Babidi was stunned. He looked behind the smoke and smiled, "Don't be naive Shin!"

The Kaioshin lost his smile when he saw that Super Buu was still in the same place, uninjured.

"Hey that was a great warm up" Super Buu massaged his neck clenching the knuckles of his hands calmly, "Shall we start now?"

"A h-warm-up?" Shin paled.

"Damn pink shit" Raditz expelled more energy grinning wildly, "Let's get started!"

Raditz flew towards Buu and turning on himself he kicked the monster's neck, who received that attack with pleasure and had no effect.

"Tsk" Raditz ducked trying to sweep Super Buu's legs, who kicked the warrior's chin and grabbed him by the hairs on his head.

"Trash" Buu nodded at him making him bleed.

"Trash your mother!" Raditz headed back, knocking Buu back, and began throwing out energy blasts just like Vegeta did.

'Saiyan instinct runs through my blood. I feel my power grow without limits!' Raditz put a hand to his head, 'My body won't resist'

Within the column of smoke that Raditz's attacks had created, an arm stretched out through the Saiyan warrior's abdomen.

"Shit I-I didn't see that coming" Raditz spat blood with a smile while Buu smiled shaking the dust from his body.

"You're very weak" Super Buu stretched out his hand creating a ball of energy, "You didn't last at all"

"Wh-weird, your mother told me otherwise last night" Raditz sneered, lowering his head, "Launch would kill me if he heard such a joke hehe"

"I'll kill you" Super Buu's sphere grew bigger until he threw it towards Raditz. The warrior was looking down, Lifeless.

But suddenly, that sphere was kicked into the planet's atmosphere. Raditz widened his eyes in surprise, it was his brother!

"K-Kakarot, that hair?" Raditz was stunned.

"I'll explain later, take this Senzu bean" Goku crouched down giving the seed to his brother, who quickly ate it.

"Buu is stronger than I thought" Raditz clenched his knuckles, "Where is Vegeta?"

"I left him behind" Raditz understood that and smiled, "It's time to do it like old times huh"

"Yeah, just you and me" Raditz blew the energy out of him drawing Super Buu's attention, "Brother"

"Another trash" Super Buu sighed bored.

"Raditz, this power consumes a lot of Ki. We'll have to do it fast if we want to win" Goku warned his older brother.

"Okay, here we go!" Raditz yelled flying towards Buu at high speed, and Goku followed in turn.

Between the two of them they set up a combination of attacks against Buu, but it seemed like the physical attacks didn't do anything to the monster.

His regeneration saved him from every hit, unlike them draining energy from him at the same speed. It was very counterproductive.

"Raditz!" Goku looked at his brother.

"Perfect!" Raditz yelled reaching out with both arms towards where Buu was in the skies.

"KAME... HAME..."


"That will not happen!" Super Buu created one with his right arm and threw it at both Saiyans.



The duo of brothers launched their attacks towards Super Buu, causing a clash of energies.

No one seemed to back down. Super Buu added much more energy making the entire galaxy shake due to the unmatched amount of Ki.

"I WILL NOT LOSE!" Buu yelled with veins on his face.

"NEITHER WE" the saiyan yelled endlessly expelling the energy from his body.

"That's right, like true Saiyans!" a voice sounded behind both of them and Raditz turned around, perplexed to acknowledge him, "I see they're still the same"

"F-Father" Raditz was puzzled.

"Father?" Goku looked closely at the man, he was totally identical to him except for a scar.

"Kakarot, my son" Bardock smiled and looked at Buu, "We'll talk later, we have to finish off that being"

"Yes" Raditz smiled excitedly. He didn't understand anything, but having his father here with him had motivated him and given him a lot of strength, "HAAAAA"

"HAAAAA!" Goku expelled all power from him.

"Take this!" Bardock threw the energy sphere at him. Despite the vast difference in power, he wanted to contribute something to this battle.

With renewed strength, the brothers released more energy, beating Buu's attack, who couldn't stand it and received it.

The explosion that caused such an event illuminated the entire planet, filling the sky with an ephemeral darkness that emerged over the white clouds.

Goku fell to the ground exhausted, returning to his base state and Bardock approached him, "You have become a mighty Saiyan warrior"

"Thank you very much... dad" Goku felt something indescribable in his being, even though he didn't know Bardock or remember him. But he was his father.

"I'm also here" Raditz exhausted complained.

"Yeah, I'm proud of you Raditz" Bardock commented and Goku gave a small laugh.

"How did you come back to life? I guess mother came back too, right?" Raditz asked.

"Yes, and she's very anxious to see you both" Bardock replied and bent down to help his youngest son up and on her feet.

Raditz got up smiling, but soon a mass wrapped his entire arm, spreading through his entire body instantly, without mercy.

"Raditz!" Goku ran to help him, to no avail.

Super Buu was absorbing him!