The unexpected

The special team arranged by the Cia director consist of seven armed agent and three computer specialist. Jared Huron the head of the special team is in the four star hotel room located some blocks away from Copper Francis mansion. During the tough days of the investigation the teams have through a lot of things running from suspicious moments and the killing of three great mafia leaders that are present in the country been sent to kill the chairman. Before Jared took over the investigation he was reluctant to take it but after the director has sweet talked him he had a change of heart and decided to enjoy the great asseces and opportunity that opened for him during the investigation. Nothing and no where in the country resist anything or any information from him and he loved it. Now Jared was thinking on the next move of the chairman. Seeing the chairman drove in not quite long his send armed agent has done a close following and he told Jared that the chairman went to the head office and do some meeting with some specific set of directors and some political officials in the company. That has got Jared thinking. What is the chairman up to, why will he meet the political officials. He knew from the little background that the director has given him that Francis is the friend of the president do what could he been planning and why will the president want his friend under surveillance. What the protection reason enough or did the president suspect his friend. During the days the Shan has gotten into power Francis have been trying to buy some political officials to himself and the funniest and craziest thing is that he his buying the wicked and bad eggs among the political peoples. This has really got Jared worried. Senator Micheal Dickson and his peers are the one that the chairman is moving with. What can be his motive?. After a long thought about this the team leader decided to go meet the director and let him know about his recent observations. Talking the telephone he radios the near by armed agent Martin Leo, 'Martin i want to get to the office to see the director make sure no never let the chairman off the hook'. 'I understand sir' Martin's replied with is walkie takile device.

The Cia headquarters has been one of the best place to view. The place is so amazing and very cool. Flowers are planted at the front entrance and many security cameras and machines are built in order to avoid any accidents. The Cia director was present and was really worried when the team leader incharge of the Fard investigation told him he has something to say. Jared has been one of the best agent in the intelligence field and that is why he choosed. After doing many dangerous investigation and coming out successful he is been known all around the agency. The director have been hearing day to day update about Francis movement in form of messages but the urgency in Jared voice was what made the director arrange for face to face meeting. A few minutes later Jared was ushered to the director office. 'good evening sir' Jared said while and awaiting the director answer. 'yes good evening Jared have your seat sorry for keeping you waiting' the directior replied. The director studied Jared face and expression then he noticed that Jared seems disturbed and scared. 'so what did you want to tell me Jared I was thinking when you made the report sound that urgent that it must be some sort of red flag report'. To everyone in the agency the director has been a very friendly and easygoing person, smartness and intelligent is also one of the great attributes he also had and Jared love him for that. 'yes sir I am seeing a red flag coming' hraed has been fighting the urge to tell tbe dicretor, prephaps the dicretor may also have create another team also to monitor the chairman, the director is never know to fail any operation or let any thing on his watch go arry he is a very prefect person when it come to professional intelligence. 'yes, go on' the dicretor said. 'yes sir the chairman has been seeing some dangerous and famous political officials sir'. The director was not suprised at that discovery. Of course the director was not that foolish to trust just one team going in for a very important mission, he has also assigned another 5 technical team do the same thing that Jared is doing by he has to sound at least pretend to make a suprise face. 'ohh Jared is that true when was that and I want to know everything about it Jared' the director said with a calm and shocking face. 'yes sir at yesterday 9:40 pm the the senetor and some other political officials are seen trooping in atleast 7 of them are seen on our planted cctv camera that we plant at the entrance of the his house. Micheal Dickson, Monera, Charles Lee and many others sir'. The director was told by the other team that the chairman organize a party for the political officials and 20 accepted the invitation but he has a bad feeling about that also. Why will Francis call a party and will not invite his friend Mr president to the party that was the suspicious part of it. What is Francis up to. 'okay Jared I ned you to type and send me the full report and make sure you keep a good eye on the chairman'. 'okay sir will do' Jared said.

Francis has been thinking on why the president will put him on a surveillance. Did he know about his plans he need to do something fast before his plan blows off.

The car stop at the comapy warehouse. After the breif discussion with Shale, he has suggest that they meet at the warehouse. The warehouse is one of the safe place that Francis can trust due to the soviet surveillance materiald installed in the place. 'sir should I give him a call to let him know that you are here' Joe said. Unknown to Joe, Francis has been studying the black Toyota jeep that has been following them since he left from his house and also since he left the president house he relaxed and let Shale do his job has he sit in his car. Shale has been a screat agent for the agency but after screwed up a couple of investigation he was sent of from the agency. Angry at himself he was down and wanted to kill himself before the chairman saw him and hired him as his agent. He has done so many work for the chairman and those work are never clean works. Killing of opposition business owners and thoes that trample on his pride. Most of this dirty work make the chairman gain more power in the country. Shale noticed a to men actually they are agent dressed in black and they hid at one of the drum at the entrance. The Cia agent, he thought. What are they here for, has one of the chairman recent killing been discovered but no matter what he has to cover the chairman because he is the one that provide food on his table and make him somebody somehow.

'you have a call chairman' Joe said. He picked it and look at the chairman we told him to bring the phone 'yes Shale can we meet today or what' he said. 'am afraid sir we cannot meet today you are under surveillance sir' he replied. It was dawn on him that he the mighty chairman was under surveillance. He know instantly that the president ordered it but for what, why will he do that, he remembered that when he was almost killed by the three great mafia boss in the country he was saved by some people who wore mask and told him nothing but just drop him at his house and zoom off. Did the president did it for his protection or what he could not get the picture of what the president is up to 'okay Shale no worries I will text you using the WWAS channel' the chairman replied. 'okay sir' and the call ended. 'Clark take me home and Joe, anyone one who ask for my attention please tell them that I am sick'. 'okay boss' Joe replied and the car zoomed off from the warehouse.

At the Cia director house a call enter and he picked 'yes this is Gideon speaking' he said with a sleeping tone. 'sir we have a problem with the Frad investigation'

The tbe director has always know that situation like this usually come up that is why he use to haveore backup In such investigation process. 'spilt it out' he said sharply. 'the chairman house was attacked sir' the caller said. Jaw tighten and the chairman swore 'what happened next is the chairman and the device safe' the chairman replied. 'no sir they are both taken I mean disappeared sir'. The chairman was mad at himself had he left something unchecked, who could have ordered this or be involved in this 'okay call the resident police and make sure you keep your eyes open I will make backup for you now' the chairman said and the cut the line.

A straight call to the Jared team and his fear arosed when he heard the fucking bad news. The team is gone everyone is down. Dead.