The president plan

Hearing the news, was a great disaster for the Cia director, he never knew that was coming how come was the team totally killed, Jared team was the best team organized by him. Supply of all technical tools, and arms was indeed from him. Gideon did not know what to all he did was to call the president and told him the heart breaking news.

Shale was able to detect the Cia agent that was following the chairman and in less than an hour after the chairman send his message via WWAS channel he discovered their base. Jared is not that not as smart has before he thinks letting his guard so down and visible. His palm seems marvelous and the chairman approved it. The attack at the chairman house was just a prank to pull the surveillance team out of their base and give them a don't mess with our chairman showdown. Jared never expected it so he ordered his team to go out and fight who want to kill the chairman. The fight was tought but in tbe Cia everybody know Shale that he is one of the best sharpshooter in the agency. Killing 10 agent was not deal for him and his partners, to make it look real they even stormed tbe hotel that was the base of the agent and kill many people. The chairman and three most influential political officials are flew to New York city for safety and to further their discussion on his plan, with the device on his hand now nobody will be able to catch him forever atleast for some years he thought.

The president went stunned when he heard the news, he knew that intelligence works are either life or death but he never expected this. It was a bombshell and how manage did Francis escaped the attack fd he knew about the surveillance, did the director all special team made a nasty mistake and blow up the all investigation.

'Mr president according to the report I have now the chairman and Micheal Dickson with Monera are in New York now and the device has not been seen but I still have my men looking into it' the director said. He could notice the disappointing tone in his voice, how could this happen he knew his friend is not a wicked person but could he have changed, what is Francis real plan. 'okay director I am calling g a meeting tomorrow and I need you to give me the full report on the meeting understand?'

'yes, sir' the director said. 'what is Francis up to' the president though. He has been hearing bad news about his ftiend but he defend him thinking that the people want to spoil his image. Is wbat the people says about true? What is he planning now.

The chairman got the New York and he went straight to his estate that he built in the city. He has been a very great person that no one put under intelligence. Having so many people in high post he created enough influence for himself that even the two notorious and most influential political officials are following him around like a tail. If the president had not have him on surveillance his, plan would have worked successfully on their country but he still morn for the looking at how they are been killed by his agent Shale. After getting to the building in the estate and been refreshed Monera took boldness to talk to the chairman 'sir what are your plans for making us come here' the chairman smiles and look at him. Life has he know it come with different sacrifice to be the best. He never loved how his friend became the president and want to pull him down and make himself president. The seat of power and influence was all he always dreamed off. Playing the game of chess with his available piece was all that mattered to him. After taking a deep breath he look at Monera and replied 'I want to make you what you ever dream of becoming'. Michael and Monera eyes widen has they could not hold their amazement. Yeah, lookimag at their faces he could tell that they have fallen for his trap. 'how will you do that mr chairman' Michael asked. The chairman stood up and went to be bar took a glass full of read wine and came back to his seat 'it very easy all I need is your amseand what you want to become in the country'. After a long chat with them the chairman was pleased with the way things are going and he really wished he achieved his plan. The two officials bid him good bye and left his places. The chairman bekone on one of his servent to get me on a line with Shale,with that he relaxes and think of his next step.

The press has covered Francis house and the president and other security personnel are trying their best to get any information they can get from the scence. The house was burnt to the fall and 10 people are killed from the hotel located some few block away from the chairman house. Every body was, trying to get an information about what happened and the press and citizen are urging the president to come and give a them a reason. The tension in the country increased when they remember that the chairman was the one handling the project of electricity. Why will this happen? Who is, responsible for this and what about the project. This is the question that was, treading in the country. Agent Johnson who is the leader for the second team arranged by the director was also at the scence in other to get any other report to give in. To his greatest surprise he saw Shale. Shale and Johnson are friends from the agency and they are great shooters also. The only difference is that Shale is no more in the agency while Johnson is still in. Following him screatly he saw when Shale got to warehouse that he once followed the chairman to. Pressing the access code the entered, got to the mini office that was created for him in the warehouse pick up his, phone and called the chairman. With one dial the chairman picked his call. 'what is, going on Shale I called you but you did not pick hope everything is, fine over there' the chairman said. 'yes, sir I just came back from your house the press and other security personnel are present there'.

Johnson was surprised that Shale is working for the chairman. Bei g the best hitman in the agency, 'i hope to see the end of this Shale' he said Inwardly while a rearing hearing what the chairman told Shale.

After the long discussion, Shale went to a little room created for him in the warehouse and change his cloths while preparing to go to the airport. He knew that the Cia director is a good when it comes to handling issues like this but before he knew about it the plan will have been a success for them.

Johnson heard what the chairman said to his hitman 'come along with Dr Bard Lovington'. The doctor his a very good doctor and a specialist in building artifical body parts. He has done so many work for the US defence department and made a prefect grade on it. What is the chairman up to? What will have the doctor do when he get to the chairman hide place. Shale has made no mistake in mentioning the chairman hideout. He need to get that to the director and also not to leave Shale off his track.

The director was worried when he received a text from agent Johnson. When he saw Doctor Brad name in the text his fear leap high what is the chairman up to, what is his agenda for the country, is he planning war or what. Brad is not someone they can play with and the director has ordered another team of agent to keep Brad on watch a d inform him of every movement he takes while te told Johnson to keep the hitman on his track never let him leave his track. With what is in ground he has to tell the president to what his next step is.

At the president house, the president and the dicretor of the agency with the military chief are present. The president was really worried and at the same time angry. He has to cover off the mess that the chairman made and give the people assurance that it will never happen again but he has sent Jennifer to do that. Now he has to tell these people his plan about preventing the country from the bloody war. 'Gideon I have to say this you really fucked up on this investigation I mean you really did' the president said. Gideon was surprised at the president for saying that to him. What the hell did the president mean.'yes Mr president I fucked up but the team also lose their lifes also it is a great pain for their families'. 'I understand Mr dicretor but I believe that the doctor is under surveillance now right' the president replied giving the president a hard face. 'yes Mr president according to my report he is still at home' the director said. Shan did not want to leave anything untouched bringing out this plan will bring a lot of good benefit to him and he pray that it should be accepted. Back to it he as to face it, tell them his plan.

'according to what is happening now we need to create a backup just in case something bad come up'. He pause and look at them. Will they accept his proposal he was praying they do. 'I was thinking that we should organize a team that can help us handle problems.'

'what type of team are you taking about here Mr president' the chief asked.

Now is the time 'I am talking about a team of justice fighters' the president replied. 'we can do that in the agency there is no problem in creating it' Giedon replied.