The chain of leadership

The coup that Gideon lead was a successful one although Monera was the first person to lead the attack. The others officials that served Monera were killed by the fighters and there was a lot of bloodshed. The king heard about the incident and made a feast in his palace rder to celebrate the freedom of military rule on his land. As expected the party called for urgent meeting to know why Monera was killed and why a coup lead. Gideon gave his speech and everyone in the party accepted it. In his statement he said "Monera lead an attack to our base and we had no option than to attack back and also complete what he had started"

"you should have not done that Mr director" the council secretary said

"we had no choice of we did not kill the rest there will be a bloody war in the country and we can't afford that"

"very well what is your next move"the council chairman asked

" sir we intend to make the government a democratic one so that there will be peace and unity in the among the citizens and leaders "

" and what about the military, what are your plans about it"the council secretary said

"I will like to ask for an exclusive authority over Denmark government expect from the royal house and the king who is the head of state the fighters should be able to convey the voice of the citizens directly to the government "

"why did you want that Mr director "the council chairman said

" or are you planning to lead another coup because that is what I can think of" the council secretary said

"no sir I am not planning another coup and after this meeting I am going to have another meeting with the head of state to finalize this issue, the main reason why I am saying this is to prevent any further coup or bloodshed in the future"

"we will take your reasons in consideration but we will have to let you sign a file to finalize your word and I want you to know that you and your fellows fighters will be placed on a very high sanctions "the council chairman said

Gideon expected that to come to play. The council love to use that word, he knows that he can't get that exclusive authority without sanction coming in.

" we are ready sir" Gideon replied

The chairman signals to the secretary and the secretary passed a file to Gideon. Gideon saw the file and understood it all. The file is a top priority file and he knew that he and his teams will be put in a very nasty position. Without wasting time and getting the go ahead from the chairman he opened the file and read it.

"we sincerely hope that you go along with that is in that file, like you asked for you will be given the exclusive authority you asked for but if you try to misuse it or try to plan anything contrary to the country and the party rule the heavy sanctions will come to play" the chairman said

"and to that I insist that I appoint two of my ministers to join the Denmark parliament " Victor said. He is the leader of Greenland.

"you can have that Victor in fact that will help us a lot" Gideon said

"very well, you have to take that up to your head of state and make sure that he sign it and bring it back on our next meeting meanwhile I want to know that we will never hesitate to carry out the sanctions if you go against the law " the chairman said and the meeting was closed. Gideon know that he had to do all he can to save his fighters and base, getting the head of state approval is not hard but meeting up with the condition both of them will give them. The council placed his fighters on a very nasty spot but they will deal with it. What made the director of the new base and the fighters happy was that he had unrestricted power in the government. Apart from the head of state, the prime Minister and him are on equal position of powers, although the council did not grant him the power to be equal to the prime Minister but he is very sure that the king will, he will never want his country to be in a battle and bloodshed state anymore.

"get me to Copenhagen "the director said to his driver has he rest his head on the seat of the chair. Now, he had to convince the king. The council did not prove hard because of the incident that has been happening in their country. He knew that the king will put him and his team on conditions also but he really need to get Francis down and if following conditions will be the sacrifice then he had to do it. He really had to, Shan told him to see that Francis is taken down and he will see to that.

Francis heard about all that happened in Denmark. He has left Denmark to check on of his ongoing project in Canada. He was amazed when he heard the news. Micheal and Monera are both dead. The political leaders are just bunch of useless people that cannot do anything. He just wanna use them to while away time till when he is ready to carry out his plan. He will never give up on his plan. Never no matter how strong the fighters are or how that determined they are. Sitting in his little office located a block away from the ongoing project, he picked pu his phone and called Shales who answered on the third ring "hello Shales" I said

"hello chairman "

"how are you doing"

"fine sir"

"okay I get a job for you "

"yes sir "

He stopped for a minute and thought about what I want to send Shale my little smart shooter to do. Can he really do it.

"I need you to go to Denmark and spy on the fighters, I want to know every move of theirs"

"will do sir but what about your protection because of I will be leaving then I will not be responsible for your protection here in Canada "

"don't worry about that shale I can handle that myself "

"okay sir make sure you stay safe sir "

"and you to shale I must come back and see you make sure you do all you can to to stay alive"

"yes sir"

"we still have all our supporters in the country so if you run into any shit that you can't save yourself, go to them they will surely help"

"okay sir" and the line was disconnected. Francis let his body relaxed, he closed his eyes and thought about when it is best for him to carry out his plan.

Gideon got to the royal house and was ushered in by the captain of the royal guards. The king was waiting for him in his inner chamber. The chamber he usually use to attend to matters that are really critical.

"Gideon how are you doing today" the king said and offered him a sit

"fine sir the meeting was in our favour your magesty" Gideon said

"that's a good news so why did you say you want to see me so urgent about the matter the king said

" sir I still have to seek your permission and see if you have any condition you are putting us to"

The king looked at Gideon for some few seconds. He is just like Admister Shan. Someone who is ready to fight to the last to make the country a great one. Someone who is ready to create a good and happy nation for him and his royal family. After a bit the king said "I understand your point director and I will only place one condition in the team". Gideon knows that the king is going to place them on a condition but he prayed desperately that whatever the condition it, it should be in their favor.

"you will have to take orders from me before going on a mission or operation"the king said.

" what if we are in a battle situation" Gideon asked. The king did not reply immediately. He just took long stares at the director. "we need to get our point straight sir, what if someone try to attack us should we first contact you before fighting back"

"you are allowed to save yourself if you are in a very nasty and bad situation but after the whole scene you must contact me before doing anything and I will ask you to create a secure line that we can both use to make our communication more faster and efficient "the king said. Gideon understood it all, the creation of the secured line can be done by the new director of the DISI Mikkel Thomson. Where the king is, going to is that he want to be aware of their moves.

" what if anyone go against the rules sir, what if there is a sign of disobedience, what are the punishment". The king stood up walk to where one of cabinet his, inhale deeply and said "all the fighters will pay with their lives including thier director, no one in the administrative will be left to live". Oh Christ, the penalty is just the same as the council. No one is even offering for a trial if any sign of disobedience is, seem in them. This is what they get for fighting for their country with their lifes. Gideon thanked the king for his time and left the palace. Now, there will no be any sign of mis conduct among the team, he will see to it. He love his life and did not want to lose it just because of a mistake of one of the fighters.

Democracy was back to the country and the people enjoyed another tenure of peace and freedom. The political officials began campaigning for post in the parliament inother to restore the former government that was crushed. Richard was voted in to be the prime Minister of the country with some other political peoples to hold post of ministers in the country. Now the country will enjoy a tenure of peace and the fighters will ensure a good governance in the country. One again the people are granted the chain of prime Minister. The power of rule.