The fight of the dead 1

Shales could not believe his eyes and ears when he saw that everything in the country went back to normal. Although some elected officials are in the side of chairman but he could not still believe his eyes. Now what is he going to do. The chairman had told him to spy the whole government and the fighters. What special power did the fighters have to save the country from the chairman hands. He got himself a post in the fighters base as a military man. The training given to the military men in the base is very tough and Shale considered it that it has to be so that the soldiers will be able to protect the base in terms of troubles. The base carry alot of responsibility that requires hard training.

It is just barely six months of Richard reign and the citizens are very happy with the way the government is. The electricity issue that Admister Shan was processing was continued by Richard. He suggested a hydro electic power supply and the parliament approved it. The contract was given to the Avon company who are specialized in creating stuff like that. No one suggested the Frabos company and no one has talked about the punishment that should be given to the leader for not taking care of the country project. When Richard try to raise up the issue the parliament declined and he did not raise the issue up again. Frabos company keeps dominating the country economic system and the minister of finance Storm Rasmussen said that in few months to come, no other company product will be the best as Frabos and the country will be fully dependent on Frabos product. Richard never prayed for that to happen, no matter what he will try his best to stop that even if it requires risking his life, Francis must be brought down and he will see to it.

Francis, knew that he can't fight Denmark anymore due to the information that Shale supplied him. The base had been in a very alert mood and the secret agencies that are in Denmark are watching everywhere waiting for him to come to the country, with the country in a good state and everyone in readiness Francis knew that he would be caught. He need to first cause an uproar in the country making them lose focus on him then he would strike, this is just the plain logic he believes would work,having known that he knew only one person that can do this, the most feared witch doctor that lives at India. Her name is Ridhi Mehra. She is a very great witch that people all over India and even all over the world fear her. She is ruthless and powerful. Picking up his phone, he dialed Joe and told him of his plans to leave the country they are and go to India. He need to see the witch. Now is the time to use magical and witchcraft power. Denmark will not allow expect this.

Gideon had tried his best to stabilize the situation on the country and ensure proper democracy in the government. Richard government was a good one that favors the public a lot. The issue of electricity was ironed out but not totally atleast for now they would be using hydroelectric power and that can last for a long time till they will be able to find a trustful person that can help them out with a great solution to it. Gideon had men and secret agents watching both Francis investment and the airport. The rail and road transport is also watched by Gideon men. The prime minister had approved the checking of cars at each parameters and this enable Gideon to be able to switch men all around the system thereby giving him more access to monitor Francis. He is not in the country for now but that did no give Gideon rest. What baffles him is that Francis held so much power in Denmark political world. Even when the country was swept clean by the coup there are still some people that pledge their loyalty to Francis, the chairman of Frabos companies. The man is a real devil and it will take a lot of strategic planning to take him down. Admister Shan had been the one that allowed that scumbag to have such and incredible power but now he is not alive to stop him. Even when he decided to go to a fight with Francis, he did not win and at the same time he lost his life in the battle.

"Mr director" someone called out. Gideon had been on top of one of the watch towels thinking about all this.

"sir are you free I have an information for you about 5ig operation" the officer said. Gideon turned immediately. 5ig operation is the name for Francis watching and others. What is happening again. Is Francis back?. Questions keeping coming to his mind but he has no answer for them. Not now. Let me here this young officer out.

"yes report immediately" Gideon said

"sir we have a full evidence that someone is working for the 5ig operation" the young officer said. Yes that is how it usually goes when we are on the road of intelligence. Gideon is a prof but he is seeing another person who is also a better person than him.

"I know about that they are in the ministry and-"

"no sir not that area we have someone working with him from the inside"

Gideon gut tighten. Good God. Why is this happening. He had ensure that all secret agencies in Denmark are not supporting Francis. He was sure about that and he played his cards so well in acquiring the intelligence service to himself. He is not the director of any of the services but he had to make sure there is no err in them. When you want to take over a place, you do a great surveillance to capture the place, this Gideon knew. He had been a great director of Denmark secret service and he understood the effect of a leakage in information to the target. "Come out straight " Gideon said

"the guy is in our base sir and so far he had send so many information about most of our moves that are been made public to all members of the base" the officer said. The information is, staggering and Gideon is having hard time to digest it. How did the guy came into the base and how was he able to do all this without him not knowing. His intercept never caught the guy on time.

"alright keep an eye on him and form another team to trail the guy, I want to know is every move understood" Gideon said

"yes sir " the officer said and satulated then left. God, good God why are a this happening. He had tried his best to sieve Francis men out of all intelligence services but now they are not lobbying for another of that anymore. They are coming for him. They want to know where the real plan are coming from. Gideon smiled. Francis can't be too smart to be an agent. He is a business man that want to buy his way up to the top with money and supernatural powers. Gideon will never allow that again. Shan was a easy target for Francis but not him. He will see the end of Francis, he told himself.

Francis got to India a little bit late but he had already adt informed the witch that he would be coming. The witch place is truly a scene to behold. Human skull, bones and animal skins are hanged all over the place. They are image of stature of animals ranging from snakes, to lions and to octopus and other scary images. The woman is a very feared person all over India and as expected of her, her place of abode can instill fear into to anyone. Francis was announced and the woman ordered that she should come in. The woman is a person in a sixties and had a good and strong status. Francis thought that the stature came from the evil practice that she is into. With her keep continuing the practice she will forever remain young.

"good evening Ridhi" Francis said pleasantly

"evening chairman " she replied

"how are you doing and how is the practice going" Francis asked

"smoothly and thanks for the support you offered" she said. Francis had made it a point of duty to send some money to the witch every month end so as to show his gratitude to her for always, supporting him. He did that because she had saved his ass a long time ago and this is when him and Shan are still business partners.

"no mention Ridhi" Francis said

"ahh that's good of you, so what can I do for you"Ridhi asked

Francis took some fews moment to answer.

" I want to invoke the spirit of the dead to fight against some people"

"who are them"


"but that is your country"

"I don't care I want to cause a situation that will make them be in a state of uncertainty "

"then you have come to the right place" she said. Francis smiled and knew instantly that Denmark would soon be in a state of uncertainty very soon. The great witch of India never give false assurance to people. Francis could not wait for Shale to give him the news. The news of the attack of the dead.

The witch did just well because hell break loose in Denmark some few weeks later. Many people were killed by some horror looking people. The prime Minister ordered a state of emergency and the head of state called the director of the fighters.

"good evening your magesty" Gideon said on the phone when the line was secured

"evening director I hope you are fine" the king said

"yes sir I am" Gideon replied

"so what are you doing on the current situation"the king asked

" we are awaiting our orders sir, we can't do anything without your orders" Gideon said

"I understand but what about the council have you taken this up to them " the king asked

"the prime Minister took the matter up to them yesterday and he is doing everything in his power to stabilize the situation" Gideon said

"okay then you have my permission, I can't have my people die like chickens out there " the king said

"I will order my ma out now sir" Gideon said

"good of you director and make sure you stay safe" the king said with a tone of concern

"will do sir" Gideon said noting the tone of concern and the line was broken.