Chapter1: Little Flower, Dark Angel

Violence. Blood. Life or death. Darkness, abandonment, alone. Stray. I grew up knowing nothing but these things and emotions. Always fighting for the things I need to survive. Seeing nothing but the rue corruption of this 'City of Kings', yup that's Bell Brook. The biggest city in the country depending on which side you're on of course would be the way you can view and understand it. Take me for example. I'm Tessenia and I was raised in the orphanage of the poorest side of the wrong side of Bell Brook. Where crime was everywhere, and hope was a fairy tale told to children. Not the your prince will come save you kind of fairy tales, oh no. The kind where if you get book smart, street smart or groom yourself or children right you can make it out of the shit hole. Yeah that's how it pretty much was.

When you live and come from where I do your options of living are very limited. Most people are homeless of course for the various reasons bad economy, substance problems, loss of family or homes do to the violence or actions of someone. Of course there were lots of ways to get you off the streets quickly. You join the mafias. "The mafia ran this whole country, and it ran it tight. Now I don't want you thinking anything like the way it is portrayed in the movies or books, oh no it's very different than that. The only thing any of them value is Family, honor, pride. You were only as good as your word was and if you failed on it, well than the consequences were worse than death. The higher ups dressed as real men should.

The higher ups did not play with men or woman if they were in a relationship. If one was married they didn't stray, they kept it home. The boyfriend girlfriends were the same you didn't cheat on each other. Now it did occasionally happen and when caught the partner would get a say in the outcome of the consequence most of the time Angelo had them killed, or in some cases took the partners request into action most times they wanted a divorce and for the other to be degraded of their title so they can marry another and in those cases both would be dethroned from the mafia family claim. The question when this occurred was 'If they couldn't be faithful to someone they loved enough to give their lives and names to how can they be faithful to Angelo?' Although most families tried to get their heirs o marry into another family I wasn't always the case but it would still happen. You as an heir should prove your partner is strong and or as smart as you are in our world. Woman were also still seen as trophy wives for their husbands to spoil so bitches will still be bitches I guess.

The whole world was in finical trouble and all raging war with each other when the mafia took over. Honestly although it pains me to admit it, it has been loads better. The low-income families no longer were living paycheck to checks. Homeless numbers dropped; employment went up. Our country started making more things from here as not to waste on being imported on basic things needed in everyday homes. Angelo Alderman was the head of the South American mafia; he's mother father ran. When his father was head of the American mafia, at the age of eighteen he took over he was the most viscous, ruthless man in this world he was the boogie man you told your children about. He was the grim reaper and the devil in one.

No other mafia could take him down he destroyed and conquered everything in his way. One day he called all of the mafia families over the world for peace meeting since they all bowed to him now anyway he came up with a plan. Once he dominated the under-ground worlds he wanted to take the rest of it. He showed them all financial plans, housing developments and a vision Mother Teresa' would have been proud of, if he was using material things that is. Angelo wanted the families to take back being the Dons as they were and follow him under his rules. He would be the Dons of Dons. The King. It took no other negotiating for them all to agree and once it was done they stormed the white house in meetings and with so much evidence against the whole congress they were forced to bow down as well. Especially since they couldn't afford to go against and they knew they would never have not only the weaponry but the man power.

Angelo never married, he had never came across someone who he could trust who would warm his heart and be apart of him. Until one day he came across the orphanage where he would get most young men out in their teens and start to train them in a special school where they would have to be trained and given to the programs that trained as his special army. Looking around he was mesmerized by the way she moved. A beautiful brown haired, a mixture of blue and green eyes he's never seen. Either she was short or she was seven. A group of five boys of various ages were trying to attack her, trying was the key word. The way she fought back he was lost in the movements as if it were a special dance for only him to see. The boys were on the ground as unconscious. The little girl sad looking down at her whatever food was left that was ruined along with the sleeve to her sweater taking it off and cleaning herself she looked up to see the man with a big soft smile looking down to her.

"Are you alright little one?" Looing blankly back not showing any emotion she nodded. This was the first person in his whole life he could not read on. It took him by surprise that anyone even a child could leave him feeling curious, a mysterious person indeed. "Why did those boys attack you little one." "They were hungry. They think I'm small and can take what the want from me and it would be ok, because I am small. No very smart to walk to someone you don't know and assume things." She told him flatly as if in a warning, as if she felt he was doing the same. "That is very true now, little flower isn't it. You handled yourself very well I am very proud of you. How old are you little flower?" "I don't talk to strangers." "Smart child. Well pointed. I am Angelo Alderman and it is very nice to meet you…" He trailed off waiting for her to finish. "I don't have a name." She looked down sadly. "No one ever gave me one, I was dropped off here three days after I was born nine years ago. They just call me the little bastard." She shrugged like the hurt meant nothing to her.

"You know if you had the right person around training you, you could be and do so much more than you did just now. You could have an education, go to school. Never have to share your personal things." "You mean like when someone adopts you and you get a family?" She was confused at first. "Exactly like that." "That doesn't really happen around here. I know you sir; you come and get the boys and send them off to fight. No one really wants us girls unless they are selling us." "No one is allowed to sell anyone anymore my little flower. You have to be eighteen and sign a paper agreeing to anything like that now." He told her clenching his hand tightly. Human/child/sex traffic was a huge trigger for Angelo it was the first thing he shut down. The only way to gain power over a person now was if they gave themselves freely in a contract in awareness of every and anything that may happen to them, and only if they were eighteen.

He didn't believe any child so young should be paying off a grown adult's bad life choices for a while people would be making babies like crazy just to sign them over for power and money and collateral this was not ok. Kids are barely understanding how to be themselves and basic world knowledge they shouldn't be worried about getting sold doing labor that will kill them before they hit puberty. "Still people would only come to adopt the babies. I'm ok with that though they need more help than I do. They can't defend themselves yet." She told him proudly. "Well would you be ok if I adopted you?" Something about this child made him not want to leave without her. Something so special about this beautiful young girl cried out to his soul.

"Are you sure you wouldn't want a stronger boy? Are you going to give me away to fight too?" She asked him with no fear in her voice. "No. No little flower I will keep you with me. Train you myself. Raise you myself. We could be our little family." He suggested shrugging slightly to her tilting his head. Her little hands came up lifted his face to see in his eyes. It was silent for a few moments while her let her search for whatever it is she was looking for. "Ok." She nodded to him. Taking her by the hand he walked passed his men who gave him a weird look as they made their way into the office. "Mr. Alderman what can I help you with she asked giving a hard look to the little girl on his hand.

"Are you the head of this place?" "I am the Madam sir." "Why is she the only child who is nameless?" He asked her like she was the five year old in trouble. "I guess no one ever thought or had time you know the paper work and everything. It must be a simple mistake maybe it was just over looked." "One thing you should know by now is how much I hate liars, Madam. I've been here multiple times and she has either been hidden or punished. I want her." "Well she can pack her bag quickly and I ill put her on the truck with the others." "No Madam I want her. I'm adopting this girl as my daughter." Everyone around them mouth dropped open in shock. "Sir are you sure?" "Yes. Get me the paper work now. Don't waste my time it's very precious and we have other things we need to get done today." Angelo snapped o her.

"OK that is everything oh wait, ugh. I need the name of the child she said lowly looking fearfully at him. Tessenia. Tessenia Angel Alderman." Angelo never once broke eye contact with the little girl eyes as he said the name that jus rolled off his tongue. "Is that ok with you my little flower?" "It's pretty." "The name should be as pretty as the owner don't you think?" Making Tessa smile for the first time ever. Walking to the car his men congratulated him on becoming a father. Family was the biggest blessing especially the expansion of it. As they got in the car she was a little nervous looking out the window. "Mr. Alderman, where are we going?" Angelo head snapped to her as he hated that coming from her mouth. "We are going shopping to buy you everything you will need for your room. Also don't call me Mr. Alderman." "What do I call you sir?" "You can call me papa, or dad. I'm your father now. There will be some rules you will need to follow and you will have to work very hard, but I promise you I'll be here the whole time. We won't have to be alone anymore my little flower." He kissed the top of her head and let all of that settle in her head for the rest of the car ride over.

That was me, Tessenia. Angelo wasted no time in raising me to be the splitting image of him only in female form. I was the smartest of my classes, even college graduated few years early. I grew up with other mafia family heirs, only difference was I was the strongest, the smartest, and the only female. It was a little hard to make much friends except the other three stooges who grew up with me as their fathers were working with mine. I did make two good friends with two heirs. The Italian mafia, and the Russian mafia we had no choice in growing close together. As we got older it became apparent that maybe friendship was not the only type of relationship they were after. Neither one of them was power hungry enough to want me for my title as Donna of Dons as I like to call it. I was made and groomed to be the head of everything not even marriage can take that title from me we all have our place and every one rolls just fine with that.

There are still some territorial rules that have to be followed and sometimes some families or gangs over step their way and have to be dealt with but other than that we all play the part we born into or made into in most cases. The world is Bell Brook is still divided the rich side and underground side. Which I got introduce to very soon after Angelo adopted me. He threw me into his world and society and everything as quick as he could. Said he had a whole lot of catching up to do, over nines years. He surprised everyone when he brought me home. Everyday I am thankful for him. He is the best father I could have ever known he gave me everything until he made me take everything. If I wanted my place I would have to earn and take it and he grinding me every way possible to make sure I could succeed on my own no help after sixteen. He made me into him. People hear my name and basically can piss themselves. Yet only the higher ups know my face, and only stay living if they mouth stays shut. Angelo is running this world with me right now for time period before full reins are given to me. Me. His little flower, his little Angel. The Queen of Kings.

Present Day

"Alright. ALRIGHT! I know where he's at just please stop." The man asked both eyes blackened, swollen. Face bloody, body tied down in a T shape as Hunter just finished cutting off two of his fingers. Ace had just finished carving on his chest. "Awe come on now Kenny it was just about to get good." Dre' teased with his knife coming up to boop him on the nose. "Speak bitch before I change my mind and let them keep going. Jaxon barked. "Making the other prisoner a poor woman in the back also chained on her jump a little. Standing in a corner holding a bucket and a ice cooler on the other side. "Where and who is the little weasel who stole the shipment to Greece?" Jaxon asked one last time. "It was the Greeks themselves. They have been having problems with the Turkish and Polish family and they want you to think that the other two family are going against you. So they steal their own shipment and call you tell you it not there and then you help them by degrade the family. Greek win with no war, no loss, and double order on the guns." Kenny told him crying in pain.

Hunter, Ace, and Jaxon look at each other. "Well guess we have some security videos to watch then." Jaxon snorted the plan made sense but there was so much he let was missing from the story. Jaxon was the second in command for Tessenia, Hunter was the third, and Andrea or Dre' was fourth. "You clean him up and get back to the room, hurry up we aint got all day." Jaxon barked at her making her jump a little bit. Coming up to the man he looked at her with tears filled eyes. He saw how beautiful she was under all that dirt and torn rags she was wearing obvious cleaning for days. Looking up to the Russian man. "A-are you hu-urt too bad?" "What do you think?" "I can help you?" "How can you, help me?" " I have the fingers in the cooler I can attach for you." "Not going to do me much good being here to just die does it?" He snarked to her.

"It doesn't have to be. I know a way out but I can't do it alone I'm not strong enough to do it alone. I can give you're fingers and you help me get out." She told him with a begging look in her eyes. "How do you know a way out." "You know as well as I do you have to do what you can to survive. No matter how vile or degraded." She choked out. "It is. I got with a guard and when he wasn't looking I stole the key to my chain lock, and his master key it opens the doors and gates outside all we have to do is push that old window out and go down the dog trails. They are all in kennels right now and no one goes back there. There is many of the servant cars we can get to and the cameras have a blind so it would buy us some time. You have to be quick though because we only have a certain amount of time before they come back. Also I can't drive you have to and you can just drop me off at the lake down the road." She told him carefully and calmly. "Fine get my fingers on." He told her.

"This will hurt she told him but gave him a long needle to numb the hand. "WHAT the fuck are doing?" "I'm numbing your hand so I can repair the nerves. They make us learn a lot down here. Only your hand will be effected and only for about an hour calm down." She whispered to him looking back at he door as the guards did not move. Going back to work she started her task of getting back to attaching the mans fingers. "How did someone like you get into this place?" He looked at her wearily. "My father. My father did this to me." She told him honestly. "How? Trafficking is not done so easily anymore. "Well he is a powerful man, and with great power comes responsibilities that have a high demand and I guess I did not meet them all yet so he… so i'm here just making the best to have any type of life I guess." She told him sadly.

"You know you tale great stories like the one you just told them." She whispered to him making his head snap to her with a smirk. "You calling me a liar? Little one?" "No. Not completely anyone. You said you from Russia but you have Polish accent mixed in to it. I believe you are telling the truth in the battling Greek/Turk/Polish fights but I don't think it is as you said something is off missing." She told him as she finished her job. "You are smarter then you look little one. Help me up." Cutting him down quickly and helping him stand as they walked over and started working on the window. "OK I got to ask who really stole the shipment in Greece?" Kenny started to laugh hard. "That is easy enough if you really think about it love." "It was the Polish wasn't it? They have been getting greedy, keep crossing over the borders lately." She told him as he nodded.

"Yup it was. My family help the shipment get hidden although it really is still hidden in Greece. We must have evidence that Greeks steal from Don Angelo himself so The Polish Don can get his fiancé family in as he new mafia then they have both Greece and Poland under one fist. Then the Turks will have to bend to Poland way or get wiped out. With the hidden order of guns it would be able to destroy Turks off fast before Don Angelo armies come aide them and then we would have all three under the same rule of Poland as next in line would be cousin of the Greek fiancé. Smart no?" "That is actually really thought out and brilliant." She told him smiling at him. "OK I got it move back little one." He told her as he opened it and got out giving her a hand out as the sounds of guns clicking and point at them. Shock on his face.

"You really do have a way of telling stories Kenny." Angelo told him hands crossed in front of him with a smirk. "YOU LITTLE BITCH! YOU SET ME UP!" "A gun went to his face in between his eyes so quick he couldn't blink as one went to the back of his head at the same time. "I got you bitch, you rat." She told him with a whole new voice and accent. "That is no way to speak to your princess now is it Kenny, or any woman for that matter." They maybe all killers but Angelo and every real man knew how to speak in front of a woman, except they all swore in front of her no other woman has ever been in her position. "It's ok he's not a real man anyway let him talk like the boys." Jaxon told him with a smirk. "Hey now she's more of a sailor then anyone here." Dre' argued earning him a glare by everyone there. "Sorry." Putting his hands up.

"You really though you could fuck with me Kenny?" Angelo asked him in a clam voice. "SPEAK you dog." He snapped. "No, sir." "Awe you aren't going to lie to my face now Kenny are you, is there anything else you want to tell me Kenny?" "No, Don Angelo." "You really thought you had me going for a minute didn't you? You are a very stupid and sloppy man Kenny. We already knew everything you told her we just need you to confirm it. See I am a man of logic and proof, and when my little angel here came to me with this crazy theory I told her bring me your proof and show your work. I'll be damned if she wasn't right as she always is." "You little cunt." "I won't warn you again Kenny to watch the way you speak to your princess now." Angelo snapped.

"It's ok dad. He is just a little emotional right now." Tessa told him with a smirk. Turning his head back to look at her better. She went by two nick names The Beast, and or The Dark Angel. For she would always be Angelo's little angel. A part of him groomed so much in her, which is why she bares his name in hers. Tessenia Angel Alderman. "You're the Dark Angel. What are you going to do with me?" Well you'll have to look at he screen first. Hunter held up a ablet with a smile. "You see all those screens they are all the people involved with your plan. Jaxon would you please let the drivers know its time. After the drivers looked down at the cell phones they nodded to the body guards and open fire on the people in the car. Kenny face was one of pure horror. Dre' send that to their families and all the other Dons and let them know the Polish family is being degraded and a new one will assigned by the weekend. Let everyone know what happens when you fuck with us. Let their crimes be known and invite in the punishment. It's only fair I mean they were the ones being targeted." Everyone looked at Don Angelo. Who stared at her proudly for a moment. "You heard your Donna get on it." The gun shot went off right behind the head, Kenny body dropped to the floor. "Greg get this cleaned up." She added.

"Well done my little flower." "Agreed, no matter how much and long you had to argue with his old asshole you stuck to your guns knowing you were right and you did it." Eddie told her. "Thank you Tio Eddie." Tessa said kissing his cheek. "You know Hunter did a huge part." "Yeah he better." Eddie added in a mumble. "Thanks dad." Hunter told him sarcastically. Dre' and Jaxon laughing hard. "Alright men gather around I got something I want to say." Angelo hollered across the huge home. About fifty men popped up. "Eddie is this live with the families?" "Sure is boss." Eddie said smiling brightly to him. "Alright you all I got things to do so I will make this quick. I have an announcement to make. After much trails and dedication and many other amazing things that have come so far. I have come to the fact and conclusion that My heir is ready to take her rightful place as you Queen. In a few months you will be invited to witness this historic event. Thank you." Everyone's jaw dropped no more then Tessenia.

"Papa what did you just do?" "I did what I need to. It's time my angel. It's time for you to take your place. You earned it and I could not be prouder of you. Just think soon enough you will be having your heir to pass this on to and you will be standing as tall and proud as I am." "Slow your roll their dad you got a long way to go before you get grandpa title." "Yeah thanks o that announcement all that damn vultures are going to rolling in." "Don't remind me." "Anyway his has been a long time coming Tess. You know that. Don't worry I'll still be running some of the business from the office and home." Looking at how nervous she got he stood up and hugged her tightly. "Remember I'll always be right here when you need it. What's the rule my little flower. Come on what is it?" "Family above all else." "That's right." Hugging him tightly she was lost in the thought of all the things she planned to do everything she's every worked for was finally hers.