Chapter 2: Firsts

"Come on man please! Please come out with us tonight." Vincent one of my best friends whines to me as I'm typing away on my work computer. That's me Gage Brooks. I'm twenty-five working my dream job in special security, design and literally anything else this place the 'Dark Rose' needs. There's rumored it is owned by the main mafia who runs the rest of the country but so far I've seen no proof of it. I would know I'm the main hacker they hired to make sure all their finances and everything else that keeps this place up and running everything I've come across is 100% legit legal business and a powerful one at that. It really does do a great job at giving back to the community and helping get people work every time we branch out and build something new it provides work, charity and benefits world wide over. I worked hard to get this position in this company for along time. I remember when I graduated early and told my parents I was only applying here how worried they got still supportive though. I'd be lost without them.

I'm very close to my family. My dad Sean Brooks is a very successful lawyer which was a huge accomplishment since he was an orphan growing up something completely opposite from my mother who came from rich doctors and she became a fashion designer one of the best in the city. My cousin is actually my boss. He got hired a year before I did. He had no idea I got the job until I showed up to clock in the smile on his face was amazing. My cousin Axel Brooks is my best friend as well he is my ride or die brother. Both our fathers were in the orphanage however his dad died of cancer when he was about fourteen. We've been through a lot together. He is the smoldering hot bad ass apparently to everyone all of our lives. However I am just the other dark skinned, taller than fuck mountain who apparently is a brain. I've always been the smart sweet nerdy guy in school. You know the type people liked but never liked. The one girls would always say they wanted to find a man just like you just not you.

People mainly women would befriend me or flirt with me just so they could get to my cousin or my other two dip nut best friends Vincent and Ace. Back then I wasn't as well built as I am now. In fact I got this way because of a situation at school. High school senior year my all time crush finally noticed me and started talking to me turns out she just wanted to sleep with Axel. When he found out he was so heart broken for me he called her out as a huge slut in front of the whole school for hurting me that way. That pist her off to the point where she took the love confession letter I wrote for her edited it and gave it to the other huge jock guy she was sleeping with at the time and told him it was from me and I was gay. She called me invited me to prom against my better judgement I went to meet her there. I wanted to enjoy the right of passage as prom on my senior year I worked hard to be valedictorian and everything and maybe thought we could salvage something the way she said. She called me in a special room and I went and half the football team beat the fuck out of me where I was hospitalized for a week jaw wired shut and everything. I couldn't tell which hurt more pride or more body I healed just in time to speak at graduation where I basically told everyone to kiss my big ass because I got there on my own, with only the love and support of family.

The jocks all lost their scholarship because my father pushed charges on all involved of my beating and of course he won. My mother is very influential woman in town she is one of the famous people who always had life handed to her. Although she did work hard for her business. After that I worked hard sculpting my body to be this way so no one could ever do that to me again. I was never going to be a victim again in my life. Right now Vince is trying to get me to go out to another club tonight to get me out of my boring ass rut I'm in. I made the biggest mistake of telling the guys I wanted to do more with my life and try to I don't know get myself out there. I refuse to do online dating so far it's kind of scary to be honest but then again so is hooking up with random girls and a bar with who knows what STD. I just want to move to the point in my life where I can start sharing everything I've worked hard for with someone special. I'm a hopeless romantic which I get mocked for. Being a virgin doesn't help either. It's not that I haven't had the opportunity it's just nobody ever got my dick hard if I put it as elegantly as Ace does.

I always meet these girls who think I'm some kind of under ground fighter maybe full of tattoos, when they find out I'm just a boring guy with a boring job it all changes. Of course when they find out who my parents are or what my job title is then I look like the stud again. Cue the eye roll. I don't know why it's so hard to find a woman who can love me for me, but I know she's out there and when I find her I'm never letting go. My mother never thinks anyone is good enough for me. That will be a battle all on it's own, my father is another one of my best friends and just wants me to be happy. No matter if its doing what I'm doing or being a janitor as long as I am myself and happy. I'm thankful for him because he always reminds of what pure love is especially around my mother. It's like their still horny teenagers, which is gross but at the same time they lucky to have that. Rolling my eyes at Vince one more time.

"FINE! I'm in. Hell I'm done I'll go home and change and you come get me." "What why I gotta come get you?" "If I got to go out against my will tonight just to watch your three hook up with random ass loose women then no way in hell I'm not drinking and someone got to be sober." I shrugged to him. "Fuck that we going to Uber." Vince said laughing. 'Heard you coming out tonight awesome man. For fuck sake please where the clothes I got you nothing else.' Fucking Ace aint nothing get passed him. You wear one star wars shirt to a club one time and they freak out. "Gage." Turning around to look at my cousin chasing after me in his suit holding him a little too tightly as he did.

"Sup' man." Axel told him trying to catch his breath. "I'm good bro are you? Need an inhaler jogging that few feet?" Laughing hard at him as we got in the elevator. "Fuck you man. I'm just tired. Long day in paper work so glad it's Friday. Ready to cut loose tonight. Glad to know my wing man coming." "Good word travels fast round here huh?" I told him laughing. "I'm coming home with you to change." "Sure for you to change right like I believe that. How fast Ace call you bro?" "Like within seconds but no for real your place closer and I don't' want to go all the way home." Gage had a lovely four-bedroom home and of course one was an office, one master bedroom, one guest room and a special room Axel made and decorated for himself. It was huge and nice in the spacious part of the nice area in town. It's all he ever really known.

After just letting Axel pick his clothes as he took a shower to make sure Ace wouldn't call his mama and tell him what kind of jail offense I need for my lack of style. Yup Ace way to close to my mama. I always find hard to know he's straight some wasted talent right there on the straight man. Walking up to outside the club I was the quiet friend always with the crew but the thing about is we all go way back to diaper days and would do anything for each other you mess with one you mess with all. I didn't even think I had friends just my parents and three great brothers. Axel hugged the bouncer in a bro hug and big Tino just let us walk in he's my workout partner sometimes. Giving him a hug too while the rest of the line complains about us getting quickly shut up when he gave that look. Little Tino was apart of the great Don Angelo's Familia and won' hesitate to fuck you up. I always make sure to be real cool with that one, he crazy as hell.

Walking in we get a special V.I.P table Ace and his magic I swear sitting down we catch up with some drinks. After a good hour or so they start scoping around looking at whatever is around that looks appealing I guess or however they minds work. I wouldn't want to know the answer to any of that noise, because I know deep down it's stupid, but if it works for them more power to them. I started looking around too. Now the secret to me is I'm a great dancer. So once we hit the floor we all let loose we always bring about that attention. It's the what happens after that leaves me alone. These females open their mouth and more into the conversation the more I realize damn generation is dumb. The ones that do get my attention don't want it they want the Axels, Ace's and Vince's the guys who out going and badass and living in the moment.

After a good thirty minutes dancing with guys I cut back to the normal bar while they broke off for their prey I'll call it. It's this time of the night where I get to feeling pretty lonely. Even if I was home I'd just probably either read or watch a movie, feeling alone on the couch wishing I was out trying to make a difference in my life. Now I'm here surrounded by half drunk people wishing I was home. Next time I'm hitting up a bookstore. Hell even target would be a better option than a bunch of drunk people, hell woman already there looking for shit they don't really want or need anyway so least I stand a chance. It wasn't until I was laughing at my very own thought when I realized I bumped into something. No not something someone. Someone small. Looking up her eyes met mine. Small and beautiful holy hell what is she saying. She's talking to me.

"SIR!" She hollered to me one last time before I knew it her other friend came up yelling at me pist off most be her man of course she would have one. "The hell man?" "Dre'!" She yelled at him quickly scolding him. "There's a busty blonde over there who eyeing you like an ice-cream in the corner go have fun." She snapped to him. Alright so that wasn't her man. Apologize you idiot.' "I'm Sorry." I rushed out faster then I meant to. "Why are you sorry?" She asked looking at me confused. "I bumped into and got your drink everywhere." "No you didn't I was clumsy and not paying attention it was my fault. I'm sorry. How about we have a drink together." "Really?" "Yeah I'm celebrating tonight plus all of my friends are busy so to speak." She said waving it off. Looking at his name tag she hollered to the bartender calling him out by his name. "Lenny I would like Long Island Iced Tea and a…" She trailed off waiting for my response. 'fuck I don't know what to say I never bought any one a drink, or got one that wasn't from one of the guys.' "Same thing." I answered as he looked at me kind of scared of what I wasn't sure.

"I'm Tessenia." She told me holding her hand out. "Please call me Tess or Tessa." Her smile was crippling me in amazement. She was dressed in dark wash jeans like me that held her curves in all the right places. She was bust for someone so short, she wasn't fat and she wasn't thin fuck she was perfect and those eyes I've never seen color like that that halter top was like out of something from a wet dream in a classy way though. Reaching her hand in mine. "Gage. Gage Brooks." Smiling to her. "It's nice to meet you." "What are celebrating?" I asked her as we both reached for our drinks. "I am getting promoted at something I worked my ass for." She said smiling widely. Lifting up my glass to meet hers. "To Tessa way to go. Congratulations." "Thank you Gage." Her smile was genuine something I don't get to see to much on women anymore. I paid the bartender. "I would have got it." She told me looking confused. "My treat, hopefully one of many of the new gifts coming your way." I told her.

We sat there at that bar until midnight. I can't believe I came here at eight, and stayed talking to a beautiful woman laughing with smart and funny until midnight. I must be so lame to her. I told her my target thought compared to these types of places and she laugh so hard she snorted her soda out of her nose. The best part is we only had one real hard drink we been tossing back juices and sodas and still having a great time. The bartenders, and other random people looked scared and some were looking like they were ready to shoot me out back, others were just jealous. I cant believe how many men she turned down tonight.

"You know I won't be offended if you wanted to dance with one of the poor guys who are begging with tongue hanging out." I told her so she wouldn't have to worry about the letting me down easy talk. "I would mind. I think maybe I'm reading this situation wrong. I'm having a great time being with you right now Gage and I thought we was really hitting it off there. Are you bored with me already?" She asked me a little insulted. "No. I'm not bored at all I'm having the best time here with you. I just…wait. Are you flirting with me?" "I have been all night. I mean I don't normally have good talks or times in places with sexy guy like you." "I'm sorry what guys like me? You sure you not tipsy or drunk. Alright we cutting her off now she go saying shit like my ass is sexy and she flirting with me in a room full of men. Nope sir take this back." Gage said in a certain way that made Tessa laugh thinking he was being silly, not understanding how serious he was.

"You want to get out of here, It's too loud and it's kind of annoying." She gestured to all the people around. "Sure my friends are gone anyway. I told her looking round the room. "Mine are still here I'm going to text them I'm leaving." "I ugh didn't bring a car with me I can get us an Uber if you tell me where it is we're going?" I asked Tess scratching the back of my head. "Don't worry about that Gage. I'm parked over here and I am sober. Go ahead hop in." She told me pushing the unlock button of the smoothest black navigator I ever seen. "Nice ride." "Thanks. So are you hungry there's a nice diner open all night." "That sounds really good actually." She had old R&B playing not ashamed to say that's my guilty pleasure lazy at home. Driving to the middle of town made me a little nervous though. I mean it's really late and most the people out around this side and even further to the other side of town is mainly gang or mafia business. It was actually kind of nice down this way in he evenings though.

Pulling into the diner was very old and out dated I haven't been to a place like this since I was a kid with my dad when mom would go out of town and he didn't want to cook. I miss the little adventures he would take me on behind moms back. She wouldn't approve you know being beneath her and all she's very posh. My dad says it's mostly for show. God what show it is, annoying it is really. Walking in the door it smelt amazing. There was hardly anyone here which made my anxiety around big groups of people mellow. "Well there's my special girl. I heard congratulations dear you have well earned your mark." The older grandma type woman said hugging her closely. "Gage this is mama Ellie. She's a very wonderful family friend. Mama Ellie this is my very handsome friend Gage Brooks." "Handsome indeed. Now son you better be counting your lucky stars you younger then me. I would be mounting you like a stallion." "Mama Ellie." Tessa whined always the dirty ol minded woman she was.

Gage was just shocked looking at her laughing hard. This woman was great. Tessa was beat red in embarrassment. "Well you know if you ever tire of this one and feeling adventurous you could always call me up and." "Ok we're just going to take the one menu and sit down now thanks ma." Tessa said wrapping an arm in Gage's and taking him to a booth. "She was lovely." He tried to say with a straight even though he really meant it. "I'm so sorry. She's always like that though so you know you get used to it." She waved off giving me the menu. "Don't you need one too?" "No. I come here all the time or when I get time this is normally the time I would sneak in here or at least a few hours ago. I'm not big on people." "Me either." Gage responded quietly but she heard him.

"Well what's it going to be?" Ellie asked. "I would like the double cheeseburger with fries no tomato, no mayo, no onion and can you please add bacon, and avocado. Also a coke no ice please my sweet Ellie." "Of course my gorgeous dear. How about you Stud?" "I would like the same except I want all off it plus the extras in there please. Otherwise drink side all the same. Please mama Ellie." He tried the name out. "Sure thing sugar." She winked to him man that lady was truly something else. I got to bring dad here he'd love this place she's old enough to be his mother. "Tell me about yourself Gage." "What would you like to know?" "Everything." "OK." I laughed out to her and her beautiful smile. "Alright. Well honestly. I." A million things ran through my head I never been like this sitting like this with a girl like her and wanting to get to know me calling me sexy. She's going to find out the truth about me and walk out. I could just make some shit up and for once let myself be happy live in the moment.

"Honestly. I'm boring. I'm just a big ass nerd. I enjoy reading and working out. I hang with my boys more often then I care to admit and I like sports like hockey and football. If I go watch a baseball game I will enjoy it but I don't like watching it on T.V. I like movies like horror, action sci-fi, paranormal. I go to work, come home and work out sometimes. I really don't know what to say." I was so nervous and blushing hard completely embarrassed scratching the back of my head. Not looking up to her until the food came. "I love horror movies. Comedies, paranormal, and sci-fi movies and stories. Reading is my guilty pleasure. There something about being able to escape my world and get lost in another even if its just for awhile. I love hockey I'm a sharks fan. Football I'm a Broncos fan. Baseball I'm an A's fan. I work out more then I care to admit it's a great way to release stress. I don't think you're a boring man Gage in fact I think you're refreshingly honestly and intriguing. You catch my very special interest Gage." She told him taking a big bite of her burger.

"I've never seen a woman eat like you. It's so normal." He laughed to her. "Yeah I'm not that graceful but when food is this good it deserves to be worshipped." She teased. "I agree with you there." We spent another hour there in the diner laughing and getting to know each other apparently she is an only child too. With a semi big family friends like family like me even though their mostly males. She was right when she informed woman were to crazy and that she is also a work-o-holic. I avoided my job just letting her know I work with computers. Not telling her who my parents are just yet. It was amazing because she didn't push or ask in fact she tried to dodge the questions too. Maybe we more alike then I thought. "Come on I'll drive you home." She told me as she slid out of the booth.

"We need to pay." "I already slid the bill back to Ellie when you went to the bathroom." "You shouldn't have I can pay you back." I told her before I could reach for my wallet. She stopped. "How about you get the next date?" She looked at me with a look in her eye I've never seen before if I was a smart man I would think it was lust. "Next date? When was the first one?" She looked a bit shocked. "Well I was trying to be cute and that was a way of asking you out. I mean what do you think this was?" She was actually looking as confused as I felt. "I don't know this has never happened to me before." "You never been out with a girl before?" "No." "I picked you up at the bar though I mean Gage your smart guy what did you think was happening here?"

"I thought you were being friendly. I don't know I never done anything like this. NO ONE has ever paid as much attention to me without wanting something and they would have bounced out a while back. I just know whatever this was Tessa I just I really had a great time." I told her honestly opening the door to her car for her to drive me home. "Well Gage, let me spell it out for you from my point of view. I bumped into a sexy handsome guy at a bar. I had laughed and had conversation with him all evening and took him on a date to the diner, now I'm trying to drive him home where hopefully at least I can score a hug since you seem very new to all this." She told me patiently.

Holy shit what do I do. What do I say. Fuck man I'm sweating and I'm getting a semi oh for the love of God please don't let her see it. Shit she's waiting for me to say something. Open your mouth you idiot say words!! Fuck you are dumbest smart person I know!! After eternal argument he had within himself he finally spoke up. "I'm sorry if anything I've said or done tonight has offended you. I just really am out of my element and not sure what to do. Thank you for being so patient with me. Trust me a lot of people would not have been as cool as you being right now." I couldn't meet her eyes. Lifting my chin with her finger. "Get in Gage it's late and we should be heading home. Nothing but trouble and psychos out around this time of hour." After getting in her car it was a comfortable quiet for her and full of anxiety for him.

"Gage." "Yeah, huh what?" Bringing him to reality. "I would like to see you again. If that's ok. You know go on a real date properly this time. If you're ok with that?" "Seriously? I uh I would like that." I told her as we stopped in front of my place. "Nice house." "Thanks I feel weird like I should walk you to your door but." Do you want me to walk you to your door Gage?" She laughed teasing him. "NO! It's late I'd like for you to hurry home and get there safely. If you are free can I-I take you to dinner t-tomorrow night?" Did I really just stutter like a fucking spaz? "Here put your number in my phone. You text me tomorrow the details." Handing him her phone. "Alright." Texting himself. Leaning in to hug him tightly kissing his cheek. "Thank you for making this night so much better Gage." "Same I'll hit you up tomorrow." Releasing her from his hold. "Will you let me know you get home ok?" "You really sweet Gage. Yeah I'll do that." Driving away he was so excited locking his door. For once he not only go ta number from a real down to Earth girl who like him for him but she wanted to see him and for once making damn sure he knew it wasn't just as a friend. FUCK! She is expecting me to text her tomorrow about a date. What the hell am I supposed to do? Where am I supposed to take her? Taking a deep breath he looks down to see a text that read 'safe and sound Good night Gage.' 'Night Tess.' After calming down a minute looking at her text he felt an odd calm when thinking or being around her or he thought of her. Knowing Axel will help him in the morning he feel asleep for the first time excited and hopeful.

Meanwhile across town.

After walking out of the warehouse all covered in a little bit of blood. "That little fuck got blood on my favorite halter top." Tess said in a heavy sigh. "I'll get you a new on as a present." Hunter told her with a smile. "Thank you. Hunt." "Who was the mountain you left with?" Jaxon asked her with a smirk. "He was actually a nice guy. We went to the Dinner." She told Jaxon as they were washing up. "Then?" Dre' Asked her. "I drove him home." "Seriously?" Jaxon asked looking confused. "Yup we got a date tomorrow. Hunter do you think you can pull everything you can about this by morning. I really don't want to be blind sided by anything right now." "Got it boss." OK let's get to bed I'm wiped. Make sure you send his body parts back to the smart cookie who thought they could dip in our supply for free." Jaxon told them stretching. "Text group chat when you all home." "Yeah. Yeah." Sure." "Alright." Once she was home she looked up the text message she sent earlier. For the first time she felt something tug at her heart strings when she thought of Gages smile making her feel like she needs to change her panties no way a man his age can be so innocent. Hoping everything goes great tomorrow she was more hoping Dimitri and Antonio never find out.