Laura entangled herself in the fraud ring she engaged in as an accomplice or direct participant in a variety of nefarious acts along with deception.
At night we slept in the same room. After falling asleep, Laura suddenly approached me, trying to wake me up.
What happened, tell me quickly, why did you call at such a late night?
Laura - so late? now? I mean seriously?
Yes, it may not sound like a long night to you, but 12 am means a long night to me.
Laura - Well! I understand that this is the first time someone woke you up at 12 o'clock at night?
Oh please! Trust me, I don't have time to count the first time or the second time. Say what you want to say, you have to sleep.
Laura - Looks like you'll be sleeping alone, and I'll be meowing like an orphaned kitten.
I said no, what you will do or not, I have no interest in that at night.
Laura - Well! Pretty good.
It would be helpful if you told me the real reason for calling so late now.
Laura held my hand and said, please don't be so angry. How am I supposed to do the rest if you are so angry. You try to understand. Put yourself in my place, you too will feel bad and suffer. Besides, if you want to get something, you have to give something. Everyone knows why it's just me and you. So in that case you have to make some arrangements and so do I.
Okay, say whatever you want. what do i do What arrangement? Say it first.
LAURA - Look, you have to keep what I say.
Tell me what to do.
Laura breaks her shyness and says I need you now.
Thinking I must have heard something wrong, I rolled my eyes and looked at Laura and fell silent. I was speechless.
Laura - What happened, keep what I say. What happened now?
No, I don't really understand what you're saying.
Laura - Look, there's no use trying to spin the story. You got everything right. Nothing will happen to you.
Laura said, sinking her lips into mine without a moment's delay. I could not respond to her call. The pain of the last few weeks seems to have absorbed all of them at this moment and tied them together. The dim light of the room was the witness of this moment. I thought in my teenage years, my addiction to women might ruin my life.
However the night ends and the morning sun rises in the sky. I spent the night wondering what I had done. Laura on the other hand was still sleeping. She was up before I could freshen up and wake her up. Laura is used to basically everything. She is addicted to various drugs. After breaking up with her husband, I don't know how she fulfills her physical needs. But I think she is ready to make anyone her husband at any time in her secret business. I could not look her straight in the eye.
Laura - Good morning. What's the matter, what about you? What happened? How do you feel, did not sleep at night?
How will it happen if you don't let anyone sleep?
Laura - I think I ate a little too much last night.
I mean, what did you eat? Do you eat something addictive or not?
Laura - That is my daily companion. I am used to pretty much all kinds of addictions. But now I have a new experience so I gave it a trial last night.
what is that Can you give me some idea?
Laura - Scoplamine. It is also known as devil's breath. Its use causes the user to act as directed. But for this, it needs to be consumed in a certain amount. Overdose can cause death. By using this drug, we will be able to take control of the common man's mental state. It makes people almost hypnotized. Anyone will come under us then. That is, the user will not be conscious and will come under our control. We can apply it in many different ways. It can be mixed with food, mixed with paper, read, mixed with water. Scoplamine is available in both liquid and dry form. It will also try to enter the human body through inhalation from a distance of 6 to 12 inches. Which will have a response of twenty to sixty minutes. If mixed with food, its reaction will remain for two to three days. Scoplamine looks exactly like cocaine powder. Its damage level is many times higher. It enters the brain through the neurons and mixes with the blood and enters the neurotransmitters, where it blocks the neurotransmitters. As a result, the rate of impulse transmission decreases. Due to its influence aquatic people behave like robots. After the addiction wears off, the affected person often does not remember anything. After taking scopolamine, many people experience blurred vision, dilated pupils, drowsiness, and deep sleep. The condition of not being able to close the eyes due to enlarged pupils and weakness of the eye muscles is called twilight sleep.
So what happened last night was the effect of the scopolamine or something else Laura?
Laura - Actually I can't remember anything. But I do remember that a mild amount got on my hands and clothes while unpacking the scopolamine yesterday. Maybe that's why I slept a lot. Why did I treat you badly?
I felt that Laura could not be told anything about this. If she finds out about the events of the night, her relationship with me may deteriorate drastically. And this is not something to share. So I continued, I told her you do one thing. By doing this, the mind will be good and the head will also work.
LAURA - Okay. you wait i'm coming.
My sense of humanity is slowly diminishing. An unknown force tempts me with various gestures, strange thoughts. I was tempted to abuse scopolamine. I keep trying to learn more about it.
The first person I spoke to after arriving in this town was an attempt to introduce myself but I largely avoided him. He told me "If you have any need you can come to me, I will try to help youBut you will find me every day at the tea shop next to the slum from 8 to 10 pm. I hope I can help you. "
I remembered the man I didn't know but a tension was working inside me. Can I take his help? No it can be harmful for me But my mind is just dying to know about scopolamine. Finally I decided to approach him. The next day I arrived at the right place to meet him. After a long wait, Mr. Bully was seen. I exchanged greetings with him. He offered me coffee. I also agreed. By the way, I once asked about scopolamine. I was quite surprised by the information he gave me. he told me
Mr. Bully - The drug scopolamine called devil's breath. Which are generally applied in different countries of the world to uncover the truth. Devil's Breath originated in Colombia. In the 1880s, the German scientist Albert Laden first began researching the use of the Latin satya shriram, meaning the search for truth. In 1912 it was applied to prisoners. In finding information on a man named Dr. Robert House. Currently it is widely used as a drug. Criminals use the drug to coerce girls of various ages into having sex. It is used to take nude photos again to create pornography videos.
This drug destroys the central nervous system very quickly. This drug is very toxic. Some have modified it and turned it into an addictive substance.
We plan to go to our first operation. I ended all discussions with Laura. In that operation, Laura explained my responsibilities to me. Accordingly I went to Mrs. Lucy's house. She is a home owner. I went there alone to rent a fifth floor flat. I rang the calling bell and waited. Mrs. Lucy opened the door.
Mrs. Lucy - Hello. Who do you want?
I saw an advertisement. Are you looking to rent a fifth floor flat?
Mrs. Lucy - Yes!
Can you show me your house ie the fifth floor flat?
Mrs. Lucy - Of course. why not
She turned me around and showed me everything. Saw flats and behaved like I liked. I told Mrs. Lucy I must bring my wife. If she likes the house, we will rent your house in a few days.
The next day I brought Laura back to that house as my wife. We were talking in the drawing room with Mrs. Lucy. Once upon a time Mrs. Lucy took Laura, my fake wife, into her bedroom. She handed them to Laura one by one her own bracelet, a diamond necklace with earrings, a ring and five thousand dollars in cash. After a while we came out of the house and Mrs. Lucy led us to the gate. The whole affair has been conducted with such a calmness that I am amazed at myself. I asked Laura what you did that gave you everything.
Laura- While we were talking I dropped the handkerchief I had in my hand at Mrs. Lucy's feet. The handkerchief contained scopolamine powder. Mrs. Lucy picked it up and gave it to me, and in no time the scopolamine began working on Madam Lucy's brain.
Both of us were returning home after the operation at Mrs. Lucy's house by walking along the lake shore. When we reached in front of the sweet shop at the head of No. 3 street, a woman showed me an address and asked for help. I was new in town so didn't recognize the address. I ask Laura for help. Laura took the piece of paper. She said to the woman "Come with me and I will go there too." Then she put the paper with the address on the handkerchief that was with Laura. After a while, she took it out and gave it to the woman. At one point, the woman handed over her gold chain, earrings, an expensive mobile phone and a vanity bag containing 400 dollars to Laura without any questions. I was surprised. The effectiveness of scopolamine is more than magic. I was enjoying the events from outside.
I didn't know whether to praise or criticize Laura. Thus our wrongdoings continue one after the other.