Statement of deeds

It was time for Rafi to take his medicine while telling the story to the nurse Rafisa. When Rafi refused to take medicine, the nurse said "If you don't take medicine, I won't listen to your story." Then Rafi decided to take medicine under compulsion. After eating, he resumed Nova's words.

Nova - Opening my mouth I screamed fervently. But my scream echoed in the four walls and came back to my ears. When I shouted mine, the three of them laughed at my shout. That horrible smile hurts my insides. I can't even imagine how horrible they will look. I am only calling upon the living creator.

One came forward and poured water on my face. I drank it like a thirsty crow. My soul is almost voracious, having nothing to eat. Now I feel like I got my life back. Then one said to the others

"Do you want to do something now?"

In response, another said, "Yes, I gave him a rest tomorrow, not today."

After listening to them, I could not understand what was going to happen to me. I begged them, "Please let me go, let me go."

They hear me laughing loudly and saying, "Did I bring you to dress up?" They started coming towards me one by one.

The door inside the house is closed. No light, I can't see anything. Still, to save myself, I kicked one of them hard with my bound leg. In great pain he moved a little and

He said, "You are quite hurt. You must tie it tightly. Also tie your eyes so that nothing can be seen. Even though the room is dark, be careful.

The three of them started moving towards me, I shouted again, "Is there anyone? Please save me." They laughed at my screams and said, "Scream as much as you can, no one will come here to save you."

2 people held me and tied my face and eyes tightly and I became unconscious. They started abusing me physically. I could not protest.

When they left, I was untied, leaving some food and a little water by the side. Maybe they needed me as a commodity, so they kept me alive. I was completely devastated. There was no desire to survive. Once I thought of committing suicide, but thinking about my family, I did not do it again. I don't know if there is any point in my life? Mom and dad will die if they find out. What will I answer to society? Society will blame me for this, they will say that you are a rapist. You weren't well dressed so you were raped" But they wouldn't believe me for once. I fell limp on the floor.

The next day they came again. Physical abuse on me again. I couldn't resist again. They took everything from me and tied my hands, feet, eyes and face. I could not see any of their faces this time either. They wouldn't kill me so easily, I could quite understand that they would keep me as their commodity until they satisfied their taste. The second time I was tortured so much that I had no will to live. I didn't have any energy in my body due to not eating anything except water for 3 days. I could not find any way to commit suicide. I scolded myself and started crying. I fell asleep crying.

When I woke up, I started crying again and thought that my mother and father must be searching like crazy without finding me on the phone. They also took away my purse. Mom, dad might come home to look for me. Will I see the last of them? Can I fulfill the obligation of my younger brother and sister? Well, will they leave me alive? Or will they kill me when they need it? No, I want to live! If not, who will see my family? But will I be able to show my face alive in front of them? Thinking of these, I began to cry more!

Then I heard a sound on the wall. I heard the sound almost in the middle of the night. I woke up to the sound of something rubbing on the wall. It sounds as if someone is rubbing a brick or stone very loudly against the wall or door. Sometimes I dismissed it as a mistake of my mind. That word again, but this time the word is louder! I got a little scared. No, I was not afraid of being killed, I was afraid that I might be tortured again. I somehow picked myself up and rolled myself up with my back against the wall. The sound stopped. It seemed as if someone was rubbing something on the wall with intense anger. The sound suddenly stopped. Now I heard someone knocking on the door. Now I was afraid, maybe they are coming again. But no, you came to save me.

I could not protest. I had no choice but to protest through the screams and tears that only filled my chest. I don't know when I will get rid of this hellish pain. These four walls seemed very scary to me. Better to die than live like this. But I couldn't even do that, I don't have the courage to die. It takes a lot of courage to commit suicide which I don't have. I'm just thinking about the faces of my 4 loved ones, what will happen to them if I die? If they find out about this, they will die even if they live. It would have been better if they had killed me. It was the darkest day of my life, when they locked me inside the four walls.

Rafi told the nurse, I was speechless listening to the girl's words. I was crying with her. Later I consoled her and took her home. Was the girl able to keep herself safe? I don't know if society forced her to commit suicide.

As far as I know, I think I did a good job of this. Besides, all the rest was my bad work and bad timing.

When Laura and I worked together, we overstepped our bounds, engaging in many evil deeds. Still I was not in any great danger.

By using scopolamine, we have implicated ourselves in many criminal activities. In the last two cases I worked on, two people overdosed on scopolamine. Both were dying as a result. We could not benefit much from them. One was our operation number eighteen and the other was operation number twenty three. I entered the market around 5 pm in the railway gate area of ​​a busy city. When I reached Railgate No. 1 area, I saw a 25-year-old young woman walking very fast. I told the girl about my mother's illness and asked for financial help. She didn't care about me. Meanwhile, Laura arrived there. Laura said to the young woman

Laura- Sister, this boy is very helpless. His mother is very sick, let us both help him. It will benefit him a lot.

Young woman - No I will go home now. I can't be of any help.

Saying this, I held a cloth containing medicine in front of the young lady's face as she came away. None of his senses were working then. She was dumbfounded. She could see everything, hear everything, but could not speak. She had no sense of helping anyone. We ask her to go with us. Then he continued walking with us.

After reaching a hotel, the girl regained some sense. She tells us,

Young woman - why are you calling me?

Then we again held the medicated cloth to her face. I could tell she had regained her senses. Then she lost consciousness again. Then I took the bag from her hand. I took mobile phone, three thousand dollars and gold ring from hand and gold chain from neck. She had knowledge then but no sense to speak of.

The young lady gave us everything as promised. Laura told her after taking everything

Laura- You go straight ahead. Go straight in front of the sweet shop.

Then the girl walked straight in front of the sweet shop as Laura said. I did not look back even once. I noticed that after walking in front of the sweet shop, some of her senses started to work. She was looking for the bag. We left that area by then. Later, the young woman could not return to her home. She looked for her bag for the last time. Shortly after that, when the girl was admitted to the hospital, she passed away.

We used the dreaded drug scopolamine to perpetuate such crimes. We became a regular criminal gang. As a result of the use of this drug in the breath, the ability of the human brain to make decisions is lost immediately. Then the affected person loses his thinking power and just follows our every command, like a robot.

After the twenty-third operation, I did not use scopolamine in any other operation. At 10.20am Laura and I attended the last operation at YT Station Bazaar. A man was returning home after measuring blood pressure and buying medicine from a doctor's shop. He had a six-year-old daughter with him. Laura then follows the man and uses scopolamine. No one knew what happened to the man. Laura told the man

Laura - You have to go with me to that side of the road.

The man walked to the side of the road with Laura without question. I was waiting there in a private car. Then Laura introduces the man to me

Laura- We are policemen, here to investigate. Do you have any money?

Without saying a word, the man handed me his mobile phone and wallet and said, "You can keep these things of mine. Besides, I have a very expensive watch. If you want, you can also take it. If I have anything else, I would give it to you." We don't know what happened after that. The man was not found alive later.

After a few days, Laura was caught by the police, and I ran away to save myself. Laura is still in jail. She gave birth to my child in jail while in police custody. I don't know how it is now. I heard that my child was born with disabilities.