A state of confusion

Rafi was admitted to M-15 bed in room number 83 of the hospital. Miss Rafisa is in charge of that room. She is studying nursing. 18 years of age. quite beautiful The eyes are blue. Enrolled in nursing diploma course for about 2 years. Learned a lot. She has everything she needs for this job. Especially in terms of hard work and patience, she is hard to beat. And so she accepted this profession with love. Currently in charge of room 83 as practical training, Sister Miss Rafisa's duty will be ongoing for the next 48 hours

Rafi is on his second day of treatment at the hospital. Nursing shift changed at 7.00 am. Rafi did not know that he would wake up today and see something new. After waking up, when he opened his tired eyes, he saw an incredibly beautiful woman standing in front of him. Saying good morning in a sweet voice. Sick Rafi is half cured after seeing the nurse. He found people to tell his story. But the nurse looked familiar to him. Rafi asked out of curiosity

Rafi - What is your name? Your face looks very familiar to me. I usually forget everything. I don't remember anything but your face looks familiar to me. Moreover, the blue eyes look exactly like mine. Will you listen to my story? My childhood, my youth, my youth, all my misdeeds, these stories.

Rafi does not want to answer any questions. He just wants to say. He does not allow nurse Rafisa to speak. Necessarily, the nurse agreed to listen to Rafi's story.

Rafisa - My name is Rafisa. I will listen to everything you say. I will listen to all the stories but you have to listen to me too. You need to take medicine. Food must be eaten and as I say you must go. Do you agree ?

Rafi - Yes I agree. So let me tell you the story now.

Rafisa - Take breakfast and medicine first. Then we will sit together and talk.

Rafi was given both breakfast and medicine. Nurse Rafisa's first duty today. In the first training of academic life, he has to undergo many tests of endurance. In short, a madman, a mental patient, he has to keep and assist in treatment.

My childhood was very happy for me. Fate rebelled against me when I entered adolescence at the age of thirteen and fourteen. At the age of education, a storm came in my life. I have to earn money to survive. I have to cope with the call of physical change and also wrong company leading me in wrong way. Greed is a great disease in this world. Destruction is the final destination of a patient suffering from this disease. I am one such patient of this disease who was diagnosed at a very young age. I have reached the lowest stage of life. Every lure helps me achieve ultimate success. I got what I wanted. Money, luxurious life, beautiful women, everything. But in my last hour today, the side-effects of all the gains, hit me back in equal measure. I can't find peace in anything anymore.

Shom and all my other friends spent all the admission money in the drug addiction treatment center. Which later my aunt came to know. My cousin Shom has not spoken to me. What happened next was another tragic and cruel story. In ten days our intake had increased to such an extent that all the money we had was gone. Then we got into a very bad situation. And so make a plan. We plan to kidnap the son or daughter of a person who has a lot of money. Our main desire was to collect some money from the child's family. Even if the child's family pays, we will keep him for a few hours, if he does not pay, we will release him. There was such a plan but we couldn't kidnap any children. Shom's friend Ravi changed our plan and made a different plan. It was a very heinous act. We have never done this in reality. I did not agree with their plan. I said it is not right to do this but they did not keep my word. They kidnapped a 21 to 22 year old girl. I told Shom and his friends to release the girl. If needed, I would give them money for heroin but they refused.

Soum's friend Ravi told me "If you have a crush on that girl then you don't need to be involved with us. You better go on your way."

Soum told me "Listen brother Rafi you collect heroin and bring it, we are at home. Today a woman with heroin, we will consume both together Don't come to my house if you don't want to."

I didn't know what to do. I could not inform the police because the police would arrest me first. Because I was a defendant. But I was looking for opportunities. I started looking at that house. None of them came out of the house for four days. Someone was home all the time. An idea popped into my head. The drugs I used for bad deeds, I will use them for good deeds. I can rescue the girl by using Scoplamine but where can I get Scoplamine. Laura is not here. Laura is at the police station. She has been detained. The police arrested her. So what do I do now? My bag may be in shom's rented house, or aunty's house. But I can't go anywhere. Finally, one evening after four days, I saw that the house where Shom and his friends were staying was locked from outside. I made a good use of this opportunity. I tried hard to break the lock on the door but couldn't. Meanwhile, the girl trapped inside the room must also be rescued. I am a locksmith with no help. With the help of that locksmith, I escaped from there by freeing the girl from danger. We reached a place where Shom and his friends would never find or disturb the girl.

I asked the girl "What is your name? Where is your home? What do you do?" She told me only one thing "My name is Nova."

The girl lost consciousness while saying the name. I realized that her body was very weak. Maybe they didn't let her eat or tortured her a lot. The place where we sat was very quiet so we could spend a lot of time. I didn't have to face any questions there. To bring the girl back to consciousness, I splashed water in her eyes and mouth from the water bottle I had with me and tried to feed some water to her mouth. When she regains consciousness after ten minutes, she feels very hungry and wants to eat. I serve her some heavy food. I asked the girl how they tortured her. She started crying again and again while telling me what happened during the four days. Nova was saying the words with a lot of pain in her heart.

Nova - As always, I was returning home that day. There are not many people on the road. I have to work as a home tutor to make ends meet. Stomach doesn't accept these things, due to which I have to go out by force. I have to spend my student life with tuition. Some of the money received from there is sent home. Mother, father use some parts of them for the reading of 2 younger siblings. Ever since my father's accident, he has been staying at home. Mother runs the family by doing small jobs. This is how our poor family is living in poverty. Now the younger sister has demanded that a good pair of shoes should be bought for her. The previous pair of shoes is ruined. And I want a remote control car of my brother. It will be very difficult for me to give these things in these few days, but I told them with a smile, I will give them everything they studied with their heart. They were also very happy. I do this extra tuition to earn this money.

I was a little late to come home after finishing my tuition that day. The bus fare is already high and now if I spend money by car then I will not be able to fulfill their requirement. At first, I thought that I would walk the entire 1-hour route. Everything was normal. Suddenly someone grabbed my nose from behind, I lost consciousness. When I regained consciousness I found myself in a brick wall. My hands, feet and mouth were very tight. There was no light in the room. I realized I was kidnapped! But I don't know who did it. I have no friends or enemies in this city. The whole room was so dark that I could not see myself. I was only afraid that they would not kill me? Are they traffickers? Or kidnap girls and sell their eyes and kidneys? Or making their consumer goods etc. thoughts were running in their heads.

1st day passed. The next night, my last thought came true. 3 boys opened the door of the room and entered. There is some light in the room due to outside. In these 2 days they did not give me even a drop of water and did not let me eat any food. They entered the house and one boy said to the other,

The girl looks pretty.

In response, another person said, open his mouth first. Maybe he got angry. If you don't eat something, it won't be fun.

The other is laughing hearing these words. None of them sounded familiar to me. I realized that they are going to do something bad to me.