Nick's Return Brings Disaster

Nick blinked, the pain running through his body and getting worse as he moved. The scorching sun made Nick's skin sweat. Nick scanned the surroundings, there was a small boat by the river. Judging from the dust that sticks, the hull of the ship which is taller than him is thought to have been stranded for years. Perhaps, it was the ship that made him lose consciousness. Nick looked away to the right, a soft snoring could be heard coming from it. He was relieved to see his baby was fine. The little hero was sleeping soundly on Mehmet's chest in a prone position. Slowly, he picked it up, so he wouldn't wake up, then patted Mehmet's shoulder lightly. The man's eyelids of Arab descent rose and fell. Mehmet took a while to reach full consciousness. Mehmet sat facing the row of houses that looked small to the eye. The house stood along the side of the river.

The two men inspected the ship. It turned out that there was only slight damage to the steering wheel, Nick was able to fix it easily. The ship made of metal was finally able to walk combing the murky river. Mehmet runs the wheel while on patrol. The settlement that was starting to look close… Mehmet seemed to recognize it. The people around him added to his belief that they had managed to get out of the cursed forest.

"Nick, we really are freeing now!" Mehmet smiled brightly.

"You should know, we're not really freeing said Nick, cutting off Mehmet's smile.

"Well! At least we no longer have to deal with the strange creatures over there!"

"You are right. Where are we going now?" asked Nick after descending to the settlement.

"Pucallpa, I have a little unkempt house over there." After traveling a distance that made all bones weak, they finally arrived at Mehmet's residence. Mehmet presses the screen of the fingerprint reader, the black gate opens automatically. The minimalist house with a modern concept looks neat and clean in Nick's view. They would rest and recover mentally here, at least until their strength recovered. Nick glanced at Mehmet who was busy stroking his new face. The face, which is covered with thick beards, looks masculine when combined with a neat shirt. Nick's eyelids then slowly closed.


Nick's body froze, longing isolated in the bitter desert began to shackle the soul. Here he was, sweeping back the memories clinging to the bone white building. There are thorns hiding behind the sternum. His body has returned with a different form. The difficult life in the forest reformed him into a demon human. Devil? Yes! It was a proper name for him at this time because only demons were capable of treason. A girl with two braids filled his eyes. He woke up, almost drowned in some kind of unknown feel.

"I think I know you?" The little girl cast a barely blinking gaze.

"I also like to know you! You look so much like Nick Erhan, are you his daughter?" Nick bent down, looking at the girl with watery eyes.

"You know him?" Nick hugged his daughter, the child he had not seen since birth had grown into a girl as beautiful as a pearl. The little girl's mouth fell open, feeling confused by the situation. She had never seen him before, but the hug Nick gave her warmed her heart.

"Why are you sitting here?" The blond girl haired looked away, staring flatly at the tulips that were on the side of the gate.

"Elf-" Someone's voice caught their attention. For a moment, Nick froze in silence. The woman there froze, part of the word allowed to fly into the air, staring at Nick with a gleam that filled her eyes.

"Jess!" Nick whispered. Together they cut the distance to make sure that they are not trapped in delusions. Clingy, they meet in a touch that is sorely missed.

"Nick!" Jess' pomegranate lips quivered, the tips of her cold fingers gently tracing Nick's firm face.

The man who is now twenty-six years old can spell the various flavors that float on his wife's face. The face that always hides in the deepest corner of his heart. Nick buried her in his arms, letting the shattered glass spill onto his broad chest. Five years is not an easy time for his spoiled wife. He knows very well that longing is a feeling that is no less deadly than the sense of regret that often acts as the oppressor of careless people.

"Nick, you must be hungry, right? I'll prepare your favorite food." Nick stared at the rainbow shining through the pouring rain in Jess' eyes.

"Nick!" Jess held the sailing ships in Nick's palm. The man didn't flinch, wanting to say something that Jess would probably never forgive him for.

"Honey, why are you silent?"

"Elfara!" Now Jess' gaze fell on the little boy. Jess froze to find her daughter playing with a pram, while Nick was speechless. He walked unsteadily behind his wife. Jess was surprised to find out that the silver object contained a baby.

There were no more rainbow arcs in her eyes. The beautiful woman showered Nick with probing eyes.

"Did you bring this baby?" Jess demanded an explanation. Nick nodded hesitantly like a loser.

"Whose baby are you carrying?"

"Dev Sasaka, he…."

"He is my son." Nick said quietly. There was silence for a few moments. No sound, no movement. Only the wind rustled the ends of their hair. Nick knew his confession was painful. Jess stared blankly at the tiny baby who was fast asleep, tears rolling down her cheeks. Jess seemed isolated in a snow-covered desert. The fireball that pierced her skull couldn't even melt the frozen veins. A lump of flesh attached to the chest, torn to pieces until it was intangible, leaving a life that was dying. What kind of reality is Jess facing? Five years without Nick was a tremendous amount of stress for her. In fact, she had sacrificed everything for the husband she loved so much.

Reality does not match expectations. Jess thought that Nick's return would bring happiness and success. However, in reality Jess had to swallow a bitter gourd. Nick read the disappointment that welled up in Jess' eyes, but a smile suddenly curled up in a snap with clear tears running down his cheeks.

"Misca! Misca!" The person Jess was referring to was walking in a hurry.

"Bring Elfara inside!" The woman looked confused.

"Fast!" Jess' voice jolted Misca's consciousness. The hazel-eyed woman immediately pushed Elfara's wheelchair.

"Misca, that man looks a lot like Daddy. I heard Mommy call him Nick." Elfara spoke faintly, but Nick and Jess could still hear her voice. Misca only responded with a smile.

"Jess, I'm sorry!" Jess smiled wryly, the man's face was pitiful.

"I'm the one at fault! I love you too much, I trust you too much, and I expect you too much. I'm too stupid! And… now I won't do it again." Jess turned her back, repeatedly wiping the tears she was desperately holding back.

"Jess!" Nick's hand was floating in the air, refusing to take Jess' hand which was as soft as cotton.


The sound of the trigger broke the silence of the galaxy, Elfara who was daydreaming in the living room suprised. Fear anchored as her two innocent eyes were forced to witness the crunch outside. Several policemen came to intimidate Nick. The men in uniform rained down deadly blows on Nick. Fresh blood escaped from his nostrils, Nick tried to fight back, but fatigue forbade his will. Nick looked for strength by looking at Jess, but his wife looked away. The woman didn't need to say anything, tears had answered everything. Nick's knees bent, blood splattered in his mouth.

"Who told you to, you bastards?" Nick tried to stand up, trying to be strong even though his body staggered occasionally. He rubbed the blood from his mouth roughly.

"Have you lost your sanity?" One of the policemen named Ezhar smiled lopsidedly.

"Hey, dude! Kindness commanded us and it was an honor for us. What a coincidence, I've had enough of your arrogance long ago!" said Ezhar.

"Kindness?" Nick sneered.

"Aren't you ashamed to hide under your uniform in the name of kindness?" One heavy blow landed on Nick's face until the man felt numb. Maybe his nose will break soon.

"Mrs. Jess, you don't mind, do you, if I hit your husband?" asked Ezhar. Silence for a moment, the woman looked sadly at her husband. It would be a lie if she wasn't hurt. The love she has overcomes all, but the wound in her heart, she can't ignore it either.

"If he is guilty, go ahead, punish him according to his guilt." Nick looked at his wife in disappointment.

"Did you hear that Nick Erhan?" Ezhar threw another punch.

"You're the deaf, bastard!" Finally Nick returned the blow repeatedly, until Ezhar's thick liquid smeared Nick's hand. The other members of the police try to stop Nick's anarchic actions, but it turns out that Nick's real power is terrible.

"Shrimp brain! My wife said that you can punish me according to my mistakes!"

"Stop it!" Nick paused in his movements, staring angrily at the man who served as the joint chief of staff of the armed forces.

"Tell me! Why is this country's coward attacking me for no reason?"

"Watch your mouth, Mister Erhan!"

"Why would I embarrass myself by licking that useless shrew ass?"

"You have made a mistake by breaking the rules!"

"What? What kind of mistake are you referring to, dear Mr. Fernando?" Nick laughed crookedly.

"You and your community entered a restricted area without permission." Nick's eyes narrowed.

"Are you kidding? General Alfonso himself sent me there!" Fernando opened his clasped hands behind him, then looked at Nick with pity. He was sure Jess hadn't told Nick yet.

"Come along, you will know the truth!"

"Okay wait a minute!" Nick walked over to his son, then kissed the adorable cheek gently. Something was stabbed in the corner of Jess' heart seeing all that, Nick should have done that to their daughter.

"Jessy, I know what I did to you is unforgivable, but this baby is innocent. Please take care of him. Take care of him like you would take care of our daughter. Tell Elfara, I love her very much." Nick handed Dev to Jessy, the woman's eyes watered again. He must be very hurt. However, the psyche of the little girl behind the glass may have been more shaken, knowing the fact that the man who had hugged her was the father she had been waiting for who was then suddenly taken away in a miserable condition.