Chapter 14: Lizard People!

Order, after looking over the human's heads to the south of the human lands and down towards the lands of swamps and bogs, once there Order saw a small shelter of sorts inside are small bush-like elemental creatures.

Boggling's as they are called, and they are in the middle of munching on small lizards with their sharp stake wood teeth as the blood and flesh enter their bush-like body, shrieking in excitement.

As they finish their meal, the boggling head out of their small shelter and head off into the bog, their twig-like legs slothing in the muck and mud, the occasional critters slithering in the mire.

The Boggling heads off into the distance, a primitive spear in hand, occasionally kneeling to hide by camouflaging as a bush when nearing prey before striking as it gets close.

As the Boggling has his catch of a few small lizards and assorted other small creatures, he stops and quickly hides and starts to observe his surroundings as off in the distance, sloshing could be heard.

Eventually, a large Lizardman can be seen with a trident in hand and a shield that looks like dry driftwood. Its webbed and scaly feet allow it to walk on the muck with ease. Behind it is another Lizardman. This one has a giant net in one hand and a spear in the other.

The first talks to the other lizardmen as they both walk along, " Hey Khuxl, I heard from Zegross that you managed to get your body up to 15. Is it true because I hear that 20 is the highest that's been recorded on the stat stone and is held by Ghrasz?"

The second sticks out his chest more." Haha, so you heard that did you well; indeed, I worked hard to raise it, and I won't stop anytime soon. I want to be the strongest in the tribe one day, and I will pass Ghrasz."

The two Lizardmen stop as they flick the tongues in the air before motioning closer to the boggling hiding as a bush, and as they get closer, the boggling stops hiding and garbles something in a weird dialect. The mud rises and turns into a wave rushing at the lizardmen.

The lead Lizardmen quickly gets swept away by the wave. " Shit Yask you ok, man?" The second quickly throws the net over the boggling before checking on his companion.

Yask quickly stands up, spitting out the muck, and sighs as he looks for his gear, eventually finding them." Don't worry, Khuxl. Its Mana control is good, but its mental power wasn't. With my resilience high too, I bearly felt it."

The two Lizardmen then ready up as the boggling tries escaping the net using its sharp branch-like fingers but finds the net rather sturdy. The two lizardmen glide across the muck, and they rush to the bush-like creature and circle it while stabbing out with their weapons.

After a relatively short fight, the two quickly kill the creature before grabbing its corpse in the net and heading off in the distance. " hey, you think Ghrasz has finally found out how to break through the peak of the body stat?" Yask looked at Khuxl as he asked and sighed. "I doubt it after all; it's not called the peak for no reason."

The two Lizardmen head off into the distance, eventually making it to a small tribe where quite a few others were returning as well with their catches; in the middle of the tribe stood a massive stone with a record of who had the highest in each stat among the tribe.

Standing in front of the stone was a slightly old-looking Lizardwoman draped in skull trinkets and with an impressive staff in hand. She was talking with a very massive Lizardman about something important.

" Ghrasz, I understand your frustration, but it is not easy to surpass the limit. I have never once seen anyone able to bypass the limit of their race, not even the battle junkie orcs to the west."

" But shaman Srusk there must be a way I must be the best. I refuse to believe those stone heads to the north have a better Resilience stat than me. Some even beat me in the body stat."

Srusk sighed before speaking again, " I understand your passion Ghrasz but not even I have beaten some of the humans in terms of mental power or mana control. You just need to learn that there will always be someone stronger than you.


Hey guys just here to remind you that every power stone helps to get this more popular and that as it does I will eventually add incentives like bonus chapters Thanks