Chapter 15: Dangerous Duel

As Order is looking for the anomaly after leaving the Lizardfolk alone, Miku finds herself in a very rough situation. Having been hunting for hours most of the prey she has killed had been done rather quickly as they were creatures she has fought before but as she was munching on her latest prey her Instincts and senses screamed at her to dodge.

Her form nimbly ducking then leaping to the left Miku then turns around and as she does, she was shocked by what she saw. Rather than the boar or rabbit, she was expecting the beast in front of her was not something she had expected.

Standing before her with its large talons on the ground was a harpy but something had seemed off about it like the harpy had just gone through a battle of some sort as its feathers definitely looked ruffled.

Miku then hisses at the Harpy hoping to scare it away as she really didn't want this fight as trying to hide from those eagle eyes would be impossible without effectively blinding the thing and that was easier said than done.

The Harpy after getting hissed at screeches back as it flaps its wings and kicked up a dust cloud as it takes off into the sky the leaves slowly float back down as the Harpy starts glaring at Miku from above.

Miku groans out " Dammit it just had to be a flying thing huh and don't you have any shame cover-up pervert " Miku watched carefully as the harpy circled above.

Suddenly in a burst of speed, the harpy dives down towards Miku its claws ready to tear her apart, and although Miku had dodged the sudden attack caused her side to get cut slightly.

Miku hisses in slight pain as the cut bleeds. the blood was slowly melting the things it dripped on taking a rather long time to dissolve it. The harpy's claw was also slowly corroding becoming dull in a few minutes as the harpy keeps trying to claw Miku.

Miku keeps dodging trying to fight back but having a hard time as it keeps flying away. Miku eventually gets lucky by getting the Harpy's claws stuck into a tree and manages to capitalize off of it and claws one of the Harpy's wings

Screeching in pain the Harpy flies up wobbly to get away from Miku. Miku pants as the blood loss is slowly starting to make her feel dizzy the ground around her has small areas with melted holes.

" Shit I need to end this fight quick but how im at a disadvantage here I got lucky injuring the wing I doubt it will get that close again but I don't think it will let me rest or run."

Just then something shocking happened as the Harpy screeches loudly before its wings begin to glow faintly then the glow spreads to the feathers and sensing something really bad Miku dashes behind a tree nearby just and loud thuds ring throughout the forest.


Hey guys don't forget every power stone helps me out by letting others know about the book if we can reach the goal of 50 ill drop an extra chapter thanks again everyone for enjoying my FF