Things we do for love

I got to find out who that red hair bitch was when the orchestra resumed playing the piece. That bitch is playing the violin, and she's sitting on the second chair meant for the principal violinist which means she is the second in command to the lead violinist who is the concertmaster of the orchestra. This worsens my jealousy. She looks young to have that position in an orchestra. Normally is reserve for older violinist.

How did that bitch manage to secure that position. I play better than her.

I snorted, eying with her with a contemptuous Stare.

The burning rage of jealousy in my eyes that I was shooting at the red hair lady disappeared when I realized William has taken over from the conductor who was conducting the orchestra earlier when I walked in.

My jaw dropped. William is conducting the orchestra.

Whoa, William is an orchestra conductor?

I took a seat in awe as I watched William conduct gracefully leading the orchestra cohesively to play the beautiful music piece.

I didn't realize I was subconsciously clapping when the music ended and caught the attention of everyone.

William was gaze was on me and it made my heart tote a beat

He walked over to me His eyes scrutinized me like a scientist studying a test subject with his face scrunched up.


The sound of my name rolling out of his lips spiraled a fuzzy warm feeling through me.

He remembers my name. My William remembers my name. I thought he wouldn't.

Oh my, there was a jingle tingling in my heart. I am so over joyed he hasn't forgotten my name.

"What are you doing here?" He asked with surprise stricken on his face.

I stood up staring at his gorgeous face dumbfounded.

"I…." Words failed to elope out of my mouth. Fuck I have been busted.

"I saw this music theater and I ….. decided to check it out" I nervously stuttered

"Hope you didn't regret it," He says with a spellbound smile that emanates his gorgeous face making my mind run wild.

"No. I am intimidated by this group of musicians. Especially you. I didn't know you are a conductor. A prodigy as well. I am impressed." I praised him.

He flush me with a boyish smile and the butterflies in my tummy decided to go crazy.

"Is this your late grandmother, Lady Joan's orchestra?" I asked recalling his grandma was a famous violinist who owned one of the best orchestras in New York.

He nods confirming my suspicion.

"Yes, the one and only Lady Joan's orchestra," He said with pride swelling in his eyes.

"Would you like to play a piece with us?" He suddenly aske

"Err, Sure" I shrugged.

"Great" He excitedly said.

I followed him to the stage.

"Everyone this is Adeline a talented violinist " He introduces me with a shower of praise making my heart glow.

"Hi" I wave shyly as the new kid on the block.

They all returned a friendly hello to me making me feel welcome.

"Can you play a piece for us?" The red hair that was flirting with William said politely.

"Sure" I plastered a fake smile on.

She gave me her violin and bow.

I invested my all, my heart my emotions, and played a beautiful difficult piece. When I was done everyone had a look of astonishment and awe written on their faces.

They hailed me with applauds and good remarks. I exceeded their expectations.

I bet I am more talented than the red hair bimbo. I could see the look of bewilderment on her face.

"Told you guys she is talented," William said like a proud parent. He emitted me with a smile of approval. And it meant the most to me than the applauses and praises I received from the iconic composters in this room.

His phone suddenly rang ruining the moment.

He took it out of his pocket. His face lit up when he glared at the screen.

He picked up the call. "Brittany" He walked out of the stage far away from earshot.

I shove a bitter lump down my throat as anger towards Brittany boiled through my veins.

That bitch always had to ruin my moment with William.

He returned shortly. "Guys I got to go, Peter takes over, " William said to the conductor who was conducting the orchestra earlier.

My face dropped with disappointment. I had hopes of spending more time with him but it seems Brittany has to steal him away from him.

God, I am hating her each day.

He got down from the stage and headed to the door.

"Adeline, see you later" He turned and shot at me when he remembered I exist. He didn't wait for my response and dashed out of the theater to my dismay.

My heart was crushed in my chest.

With him gone I got no reason to stick around so I decided to leave.

But then an idea pops into my brain. I ditch bolting out and decided to stay and watch the orchestra rehearse.

I walked out when the orchestra ended their rehearsals to wait outside for the red hair violinist to come out.

She stepped out with her hands gripping her violin case after a few minutes of waiting.

"You played well," I said to her.

She paused and cocked her head in my direction.

"You played well too" She compliment me back with a genuine smile.

"Better than you obviously," I said in a snobbery tone. My lips curved into a smirk.

She frowned with befuddlement.

"How long have you been in this orchestra?" I asked

"Ten years " She replied.

"A decade, longer than I expected" I was taken back.

I swept my eyes over her studying her.

I realized she is older than I presumed she was, when my eyes caught the wrinkles at the corners of her eyes.

Early thirties or middle thirties. I guessed her age. But she can pass off as my age mate.

"Don't you think it time to quit?"

Her frown deepens "Excuse me?" Her voice went high.

"You heard me. You have to quit" I repeated my words.

She scrunched her eyes at me in confusion.

"Why should I quit?"

"Because I need to take your place," I said boldly laying down my intentions.

I have decided to ditch teaching dance and rather be a full-time violinist in this orchestra.

I need to get rid of this red hair bitch to take her position in this famous orchestra to gain the approval of my parent and my main goal, to get closer to William.

She chuckled with disbelief "Why would I quit for you to take my position?"

I smirk. "Because I say so" I arrogantly said with a volume of a newfound superiority.

She laughed. "Are you delusional?"

"Name your price," I said to negotiate.

She blinked her eyes at me. "You think I will end my ten years old career for money?"

"Yes, everything has a price. And I think you do too"

She gave me a strange look like I got two heads instead of one.

"I think I will go use my time to do something important than waste my time listening to you spew nonsense, have a good day" She dismissed me and was ready to walk away.

I grip her arm tightly before she could take a step.

Her eyes flickered with fright. "Let go of me" She yanked her hand free from my grasp.

I catch a breath. I rubbed my finger on my forehead. She leaves me no choice.

"Hope you know Barbara and Richard Pierce the infamous lawyers?"

Recognition flicked in her eyes.

Everyone knows my parents. They become a national wide sensation when they won a high murder case this year.

"Good, " I smiled coldly.

"I just need to make one call to them and your life will be ruined forever "I threatened her calmly.

Fear illuminated her eyes. She knows the weight of my threat. My parents are very popular for their notorious deeds of destroying people's lives.

"So what will it be, you either accept the money and quit with no fuse, Or I will be forced to act heartlessly and ruin your pathetic life."

"Why are you doing this. Why do you want to end my career? If I quit I don't think I will be hired anyway else as a principal violinist. This is my only source of income." Her voice was strained.

"That's why I am offering you money to quit," I said.

"Money can't buy the time and hard work and everything I have sacrificed to reach this height in my career. This is my passion the only thing that keeps me going. Being in this orchestra is my life. Please don't take it away from me." She pleaded with me. Her eyes got blurry with tears but they failed to move me at all.

I could tell she really loves her job. I could see the fierce passion and devotion she has for her career etch in her eyes but sadly I don't care how heartbreaking this is for her.

If I need to be this callous for William so be it.

"I don't fucking care. Just take the money and be gone" I coldly said.

"Ok let's say I quit do you think you are going to be offered my position?" She laughs hysterically like a mad woman.

Symptoms of her going crazy due to this? Probably.

"Yes, come on you saw how excellent I played that difficult piece. They will offer me your position as the principal violinist without any doubt. I am better than you. And you know it" I bite back.

"Your bank account number please?"

She bitterly and reluctantly rolled it out of her mouth.

I wired half a million dollars to her account.

I know it is an outrageous amount. But I just want to prove a point.

"It was nice doing business with you" I beam her a tight smile.

She wipes away the tears from her eyes. She looked at me with hatred filtering in them.

"I know why you are doing this. I know you don't care about being in the orchestra. You are good with the violin but you are not devoted or passionate about it like I am"

She is very right. I love being a violinist and I am freaky talented but I am not passionate about it as I am with dancing.

"You want my position just to be close to William right?"

My eyes flash sharply at her.

"I saw how you look at him. You are in love with him right. Poor you, you will do everything just to be close to him right?" She sniggered.

"I have been there before. In your shoes." She says flaring up my jealousy.

"You know he has a fiancé right?"

"Of course you do" She answered her question when I didn't give her a response.

"I have known William for a decade now and I have never seen him love any woman fiercely as he loves Brittany."

A sharp pain hit my chest spreading quickly like a wildfire crippling my heart.

"I got to know how madly in love he was with her when I tried so hard to get him to notice me. I failed because his eyes will be only enthralled with one woman. And that's Brittany" She said with sadness filled in her voice.

Her words punched my heart and it cracked hurting much like its bleeding.

"You are just going to waste your time and effort. William will never fall in love with you. Hope your heartbreak would be worst than mine, bitch" She smile crookedly at me.

"Nice doing business with you too," She said and bolted out of my presence.

My heart kept pounding in my rib cage in fear of the red hair bitch being right and William will never fall in love with me.

No, he has to. He must fall in love with me. I don't care if I have to draw someone's blood to make him love me.