Not so like the other girls

Adrian stares at me acutely. "Do you know why you are not my type?"

I tug strands of my hair behind my ear. "Why?"

"You are like sparkles of burning fire. Full of life," he deeply says.

I frown. "I am not what you are describing."

I am the most boring person on planet earth. I am too unsociable and distant to be full of life. He might be referring to another girl called Adeline not me.

I use to feel awkward interacting with people. And I struggled to have a serious lasting relationship with almost all the guys I have been with. Until I met William and everything changed. I became different. I wasn't the girl I was before going to Valencia.

"You are Adeline. You are a girl anyone can easily fall in love with.," He smiled.

His intense smile goes away welcoming his boyish mischievous look always planted in his green eyes. "That's why you are not my Type. I have a war with Love. I can't be with a girl like you."