Adrian secrets and an unexpected team up

I frowned."How?" I asked whilst staring at the boy in the wheel chair

Adrian's face clamps with an intense pang look.

"His name is Ben. He was a quarterback on his high school football team. He had a bad accident that injured both of his legs, and he needed physiotherapy to recover. But his mom couldn't afford his physiotherapy bills. My clinic was recommended to her by a friend. I became Ben's physiotherapist. He was experiencing a lot of pain in his injured legs. As his Physiotherapist I got him to take a drug to reduce the pain. But the drug had a huge side effect. It ended up disrupting his blood-spinal cord barrel, resulting in the structural damage of his spinal cord and he became paralyzed at 17." Adrian's lips quiver. He is holding back tears but his eyes are glossy with little tears.

"Oh," I gaped in shock. I looked at the poor boy. I feel sorry for him. Paralyzed at such a young age.