letting go

Naomi lives in an apartment in fifth Avenue. A luxurious apartment to my surprise. Either she's well off or she used the money I gave her to turn her life around.

I stood behind her door waiting for her to make an appearance after ringing her doorbell four conservative times.

Brittany texted her to confirm if she was home. And it was positive. She is home.

The door barges open, and Naomi pops out of the door with her cherry blossom red hair.

She pulled her lips into a snickering smirk. "Wow, the infamous Adeline Pierce has graced me with her presence."

I rolled my eyes. I still despites her.

"So what now. Do you want me to evict my apartment so you could take it? Another way to get close to William since he lives close by. Just two apartments buildings away."

Huh, William lives in fifth Avenue? Never knew. It's amusing I was so obsessed with him but never tried to find out where he lives.

I click my chin up straight. I creased a snobbish look on my face.