therapy session

My first day of therapy came quicker than I expected and I was soon at reception Desk, greeting Dr. Owens's receptionist, the sweet elderly woman.

"Hello Violet," I greeted her with a smile

"Dearie, you are looking great," She glanced at my outfit. I am wearing a pretty dark blue dress with plums. This is from my closet. No more stealing from Brittany's Closet.

I smiled. "Thank you."

"It's Sunday shouldn't today be an off day for you?" I asked, surprised she is here.

"I am 70 dear and Working keeps me stronger. I don't want to end up weak and sick so my hothead kids will dump me off in an elderly home!"

I gaped. I thought she is in her mid or early sixties not 70!

"He is at the rooftop. He is expecting you," She tells me.

"Okay, I will go see him."

I climbed a long staircase descending to the rooftop.

I am amazed seeing an aluminum glass of the greenhouse.

I stare at it in awe, craning my head to look inside.