Shopping spree

Today is shopping spree day with my Shopaholic best friend Harper. And we are getting ready to hit all the expensive clothing, shoes, jewelry, and accessories stores in the city with my credit card of course.

I have been impatiently fussing whilst Harper does her job as my stylist for the day.

"Look at yourself in the mirror, don't you look elegant?" Harper lauds me with praises after she was done with my hair.

I look in the mirror like she said. I won't lie Harper did a good job on me. She made me wear a sleeveless crop top and high-waisted pants, matched with some heels she found in my closet.

And oh, my, she styled my boring brown hair into a ponytail. And did a little natural makeup on my face. My face looks fresher, brighter than it normally is.

Fuck, I look pretty and younger than 24, I know I am perceived to be younger than my age by other people but the ponytail has made my face look way younger. I could pass for a teenager.