love is gone?

"Adeline," My sister hugs me delightfully as if we are seeing each other after a decade apart.

Brittany wasn't ready to let me go as her arms were tightly draped around me. She might suffocate me to death.

"Come on, let go, we just saw each other in the morning " I bulge her to end the hug.

She did but didn't spare me the disappointed look on her face making me feel guilty for being the bad sister as usual.

"Hey, Adeline, good to see you." Naomi decided to let me know she is present.

"Hello," My eyes roam over her up and down in a displeasing way to let her know how much I despise her.

"Good to see you, Adeline." She stared back at me with the same indifference and displeasure.

The feeling is mutual.

God, I hate this woman. I thought it's because of William but I think it's more than that. I just hate her with every fiber.

I think apart from my sister she is meant to be my nemesis. Just seeing her is ruining my day.