My heart belongs to someone else

I gawk at the last two dresses I am yet to pack into my suitcase

I scratched my head. "Red or blue?" I brought the dresses closer to my iPad screen to show them to Harper. We are having a FaceTime

"Blue is boring, red is temptation, and you are on a mission to seduce that handsome specimen. That red dress is your weapon ." Harper said. She sounded like a brothel's pimp.

My face heated up. "Fuck off, Harper,"

She rolled her eyes. "Hope you are not going to act like a prude."

I ignored her and decided to fold the dresses into my suitcase.

"I am done," I breathe out a sigh and crouch down on the bed, facing the iPad. It was leaning on the bed's headboard.

"What time is Chris coming to pick you up?"

"He will be here by 12, it's 10 am now. Two hours more." I tell Harper.

"So I am doing this? Going on a Vacation with Chris." A funk runs through my veins resulting in a cold shiver spiraling down my spine.