He is also forbidden

"Whoa, I wasn't expecting that to happen," Chris said after we broke the kiss.

I gasped, the kiss has stolen all the air from my lungs. "Yeah, so unexpected" I grin, feeling so awkward to meet his gaze.

"The kiss was so….."

"It shouldn't have happened," Chris says draining the grin that was on my face.

Great, another rejection.

"Sorry, I kiss you. Sorry, I made you kiss me." I look down at my feet, not wanting him to see the disappointment that is etched on my face.

"No, Adeline, don't be like that. Please."

I kept my eyes on my feet. I don't want him to see the tears already in my eyes.

"Please look at me." He pleads. I couldn't resist his soothing voice so I did.

"You are crying" A shaky breath left me as I felt his fingers on my face as he wipes my tears away for the second time.

"Come," He hooked his fingers into mine and led me to sit at the edge of my bed. He sat beside me.