Romantic love story tropes

"Cheers to our dating era," Harper beams, lifting her glass of tequila and clicking it to mine.

"Cheers, " I say. We are hanging out in our favorite bar in the city as we use to do before I knew of William's existence and I forgot to live.

William has been a curse, a bad omen in my life.

I took a deep breath and gulped the tequila to the last drop.

"Damn," I exclaimed. My throat feels like it's on fire.

Harper laughs at my misfortune. "Whoa, sorry, Addy. Hey, sexy can you make something sweet to ease her burn?" Harper batted her eyelashes at the handsome bartender.

"Alright, anything for you girls," He winks at us. Harper draws back and placed her hand on her chest dramatically.

I rolled my eyes. She is getting laid this night.

"You said our dating era, you've found someone new?" I quirk up a brow.

"Not really, working on that."