Age gap reveal and Meeting with the father in law

"Hi," Mariana waves shyly at me ."I am sorry I had to be the third wheel here. You know how persuasive Mrs. Lawson is. " She touched her long shiny luxurious black hair awkwardly.

"It's fine, we don't mind," Harper chirps in. Never seen her this much excited about someone. And I can't help but feel a sharp twinge of jealousy.

"What do you like to drink?" Harper asked and guide Mariana to sit, sandwiched between us on the couch.

Mariana stared at my unfinished cocktail. Her face gleams. "I will have this one" Her amateurish manner makes me wonder how old she is.

"How old are you Mariana?" I blurted.

Her eyes glide on me. "19." She fidgets with her purse.

"Wow," Harper exclaimed.

I studied her face and realized it. Her youthfulness is quite evident on her face. I didn't notice it because I was blinded by her beauty.