crime on crime

I felt an enigmatic excitement bursting through my chest on the way home. I can't explain. Maybe I was excited about working on a big Hollywood film as a composter or the latter.

Maybe It's him. William. Oh Lord save me.

It seems my mom is preoccupied with a case she hasn't pestered me about the engagement.

What a relief. I can't deal with that. I need to find a solution with Adrian's aid when I see him on Tuesday. Due to my being back at the orchestra, I had to reschedule my weekly little concert at the physiotherapy clinic to Tuesdays.

The house was quiet when I walked in, my hands were full with a brown paper bag containing bottles of beer. Since my family is too pretentious and rich assholes to drink beer, and I don't know how to buy groceries, I have to rely on Harper to supply me bottles of beer every week.

I met with Harper in her apartment to get them.

"Miss Pierce" A maid gestured to take the bottles of beer from my grasp