Guilty as sin

Aftermath of our sinful deed, William and I couldn't look into each other eyes.

I wanted to cry. I felt dirty. What did I just do? Did I make another man pleasure me whilst I have the sweetest boyfriend ever?

Did I just cheat on my boyfriend with my sister's fiancé?

Was this cheating? It was just touching, and we didn't have sex so it not cheating right? I'm trying to convince myself.

As I combed through my thoughts in my messy mind I didn't notice William had left me all alone in here. That's when I allowed myself to cry.

Why am I so messy? I just got my shit together. I found a good job at the orchestra doing what I love, and a part-time gig at Adrian's physiotherapy clinic. I have a perfect man as a boyfriend. Just mended my broken relationship with my sister. And here I was ruining these good things I had going in my life because I didn't have self-control.