Father's retirement party (part two)

"Charles, you are here!" I was in literally tears. Tears of joy. I hugged him tightly.

"I never thought you ever come home again." After the big fight with Dad back in May I thought he was gone for good.

He laughs. "It's Father's big day I guess. I need to show my support even though I hate that bitter old man."

Typical of Charles, downplaying everything. I could hear the hurt in his voice. I'm so convinced Mom forced him to be here tonight.

"I'm so glad to see you," I rustle his blonde hair.

He grins like a little boy. "Same Addy."

I stared at my brother and wished he stayed with us back in May because maybe if he was here I wouldn't have gotten entangled with William. He is the only one I listen to. Even though I'm two years older than him.

"Why are you here by yourself looking like a goddess whilst blushing at your handsome boyfriend?"

I looked at Chris and felt sad.